Would you like to give a shoutout about the CinderElla No More Program?

Sharing your experience in CNM can give others much hope they can experience positive transformation too.

A short video testimonial (2 mins or less) is especially powerful, but even a text message about your experience can be helpful to others.

Optional but really helpful - Adding your pic to your text shows that you're a real person sharing your real experience, not something made up.

Below are a few questions that may be helpful prompts for you. Feel free to the ones you'd like to speak to.


  • Who are you? / Why did you participate in CNM?
  • What concepts or experiences impacted you the most?
  • How are you different now? / How is CNM helping you move forward?
  • What surprised you in a good way about participating in CNM?
  • What encouragement would you give to someone considering participating in CNM?

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