Share How Career Development Changes Everything!

Amplify careers across North America using the prompts from the North America Career Week site. Let everyone know that career development changes everything! You can choose one, or more of the prompting questions are available to you below.

After sharing, your video will be approved and shared with everyone!


Amplifier le développement de carrière à travers l'Amérique du Nord. Utilisez les idées du site de la Semaine nord-américaine de la carrière. Faites savoir à tout le monde que le développement de carrière change tout ! Certaines des questions incitatives sont disponibles ci-dessous.

Après le partage, votre vidéo sera approuvée et accessible à tous !


  • Share your career development journey! How has it changed the way you approach learning/work?
  • Imagine a North America where everyone has access to career development. What would it look like?
  • What career development achievements have you or your organization made in the last year?

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Heather Powell
Heather Powell

Community Engagement Manager CDPC/CEDC

The question for day from "Career Week" ask what are we as career development professionals are doing to keep ourselves to our ever changing world. This is a BIG question, cause these changes can feel overwhelming. From fax machines being the accepted form of document transfer to the use of AI in everyday life is a whirlwind to get behind on the best of days! I do my best to keep myself up-to-date by engaging in little steps each day. Some days, I listen to a podcast while walking my dog to better understand the concept of power and privelege, how I can incorporate better EDI in my advising. I attend webinars on AI to strenghten my understanding of the different roles that AI will have in careers and the labour market. I read article summaries that have been posted in the CDPC/CEDC online community to strenghten and expand my knowledge about the variety of research that is occuring in the career development field. These are just some of the ways that I keep myself involved in my own career development, which includes understanding how the world is changing and what this means for future careers. #Amplifier2023

Nov 7, 2023


Ashley Christopher

Career Coach, YMCA of Western NL

Am I where I thought I would be after 15 years working in Community Engagement? Maybe not, But have I found a home in Career Development? Yes. No matter where the journey of my career takes me next, Career development will always have a part in what I do. Walking alongside the people we serve as they find their footing and carve out their paths, feeling supported, trusted and worthy has shown me just how important Career Development is to the development of us as people. The impacts of support and networking and sustainable employment in meaningful capacities are immeasurable. I've grown so much watching the people we serve grow themselves. It's allowed me to be braver, stand taller and has shown me just how fulfilling working in this sector is. In a North America where everyone has access to career development services, all jobs would be accepted and considered meaningful. Everyone would have a place and a role and would feel worthwhile. Early intervention strategies would be utilized within school systems, with a focus on overall health and well being instead of a grade point average. Alternative Education streams providing strengths based programs would be widely available and accepted education options. People would not have to feel like the systems are failing them because traditional learning methods were not a best fit for their needs. For our organization,this year marks the close of a multi-year research project identifiying barriers to employment in our small region of NL. Through the identification of these barriers, we have developed best practices for service delivery with a focus on client-led service that is strengths-based and takes into account that as a person you cannot find and keep a job if you have unstable housing, food insecurity or need access to wrap around supports. We've worked hard to ensure that the needs of our people are met and we will continue to do so.

Nov 3, 2023

Emily Worthen
Emily Worthen

Project Associate, Canadian Career Development Foundation

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So many incredible prompts to pull from. I'm going with: Career development work results in all kinds of positive changes. What is the most surprising, meaningful or exciting impact you’ve seen resulting from your work? The most meaningful and exciting impact I've seen is watching people change their self-perspective. We live in a society that focuses on our faults and problems. As a result, we all tend to be very critical of ourselves. When career development is done through a strengths-based lens it changes the way people view themselves and over time can even change their inner dialogue. I've watched people start to see themselves in a whole new positive light when they are able to take time to identify, celebrate and really own their countless strengths. Something none of us do enough. How lucky are we to work in a field that allows us to help people do this?! That shift in self-perspective not only allows meaningful career development to happen, but helps people gain momentum and confidence in almost every other area of their life as well. It transfers. I've watched people shift their own life and self-perspectives and then share how they are passing on these changes to their family, friends and communities. The ripple effects are vast. It's mind-blowing, in the best possible way!

Nov 2, 2023

Sareena Hopkins
Sareena Hopkins

Canadian Career Development Foundation

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Career Development Professionals support thriving workplaces, helping work seekers, workers and employers to connect and succeed together. Imagine if all individuals - whether employed, unemployed, or underemployed - and all employers were supported to be happy, healthy, and productive in their learning, working and community lives. CDPs can help to make that a reality! #Amplifier2023 #NorthAmericaCareerWeek

Oct 21, 2023



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A North America where everyone has access to career development services would change everything! People would know themselves, their preferred future, and the opportunities available to them long before they made a career decision! Imagine how career development skills would impact people's confidence, self-efficacy, and happiness. That's amazing!

Oct 19, 2023