Darlene Bottomley

Darlene Bottomley

One of my prayers,was for me to find joy & purpose in my life since my husband’s passing. Thank you my Lord God for you are good! I am finding both. I will miss the beautiful messages (21 days of prayer with Michelle’s wonderful messages). I downloaded the Bible app as per Sunday’s service & I have started the daily verses and prayers as I was already missing my morning rituals. Thank you all for your wonderful services you provide. Sincerely, Darlene

Michelle Collins

My mom was on my prayer list to get an early appt for her knee replacement, as you know these can take months or sometimes years to come through. She heard on Tuesday that her knee replacement is scheduled for February 27th, this month!! Thank you Lord.

Wendy Delcourt

We’ve been praying for so many people whom are struggling with addiction and abuse and 5 have chosen to give their lives to Christ and want to continue in small groups and to learn. Many others are open to God …. We’ve also prayed for a family that was instrumental in our faith journey over 25 years ago and they are healing and doing the work needed to move forward. We prayed for 3 specific young men, one to get his Visa - another to recovery from addiction and another who is seeking. One got the Visa. The other is committed to working his recovery in a committed program and the other is asking lots of questions. God is so faithful and to see Christ-redeemed in these lives is a real wonder and a gift.

Beth Paetz

We prayed specifically for 10 new hair stylists for my husbands’ business, as it’s been failing due to a huge shortage of skilled workers . God answered with six! We are so grateful!

Teena Gowdy

At the top of the 22 days of prayer, I asked for a word for the year starting 2023, and God answered with the word," Continue".. and I found it interesting as pasta Phil spoke on persevering.. So I thank God for that word to keep going on my talent, training I am venturing into,. Another answer was with lady friendships, God showed me 3 new ladies that reached out to me! for walks, going for coffee and come sometime for a visit! The balls in my court to follow through...The last answer was for my counsellor I have..God to speak through So far she has asked questions that have never been asked of me before! God is good.May seem simple but huge and specific to me.