Zakaria Ettaki

Zakaria Ettaki

I had to share some important feedback with you, Rob. 

What inspired me to even consider Copy Chief was another frustrating experience in landing a potential client. I had enough of knowing I had the skills, but feeling they were going to waste without a better way of landing more opportunities for using them. 

There was no question the all the copywriting frameworks, training, and skillset I was getting wasn't the problem because it came from some of the best in the industry. I just knew there was something missing that I couldn't quite put my finger on.

So just over 15 days ago, when I reached out to see if Copy Chief could meet my demanding needs for advancing my copywriting career, you replied with some bold claims of how you all were different. 

Honestly, I didn't trust all of them - but, I did trust myself in being determined enough to put in the work of proving whether you were telling the truth or full of it. 

Well - in only 2 weeks - you, your team, and all the fantastic pro's in the community (special shout out to Joshua Lee Henry) have not only proven expertise in my specialty niche of financial copywriting; I'm uncovering those missing lessons and advice that was never shared in over 2 years of studying the craft from others. 

My vision for how much better I'll be at landing and supporting my clients has never been clearer. And I've never felt more confident that I finally have the tools, resources, training, and access to experts needed. 

So, I'll forever be grateful and appreciate everything you've done for putting me on this path.

Rob Wilson

Rob Wilson

Off the Hook Copywriting Ltd

"What is your biggest takeaway from Copy Lab? It's hard to pinpoint just one. The funnel walkthrough was amazing - especially for someone like me who has never seen that side of things before. Yes, some of the acronyms I was familiar with, but to really get a deep dive into what, how and why - that was priceless. 

Everything means so much more when it has context - and there was context by the bucketload. Not just that though - there were so many micro-lessons to be learned, especially in the review at the end. 

Some things were a good reminder of things I did know, some were so obvious you kick yourself when you realise you forgot them, and others were like mini-ephiphanies bang bang bang one after the other. 

How do you see Copy Lab helping you advance your copywriting career? I think it will help in many ways. Broadening my knowledge of what tangible impacts the copy has, where it sits in the funnel, slight differences in the way people approach things. 

Then there's the more introspective side - putting myself out there to submit some work (increasing confidence), (becoming "not scared" of) getting feedback, learning from peers - and being really honest with myself as to where I could have done things differently and maybe had a different outcome. 

What happened – or did you learn – during Copy Lab which you least expected? I think I was so blinded by wanting to do well, I literally forgot how I would normally approach a project and start working on it. 

There were some really simple framing question I could (and should) have asked myself before I started writing my submission, that would made such a difference to the finished piece. 

But also - I didn't read anyone's submission until after I'd posted mine, and then spent ages thinking "oh that's so much better" etc. Mine wasn't great and although I didn't push for feedback on the call, I know why. 

But I was surprised to see that a lot of submissions I automatically put as "so much better" also had some pretty brutal feedback (in a good, constructive way - not mean). 

Who (identity - not name) would get the most by watching or participating in Copy Lab? Why? 100% definitely newer copywriters, as it puts a lot of context around the copy that most courses (and believe me, I've collected a lot of them) don't even touch on. 

But also more experienced copywriters who may have a lot of experience providing copy, but not much of seeing "the bigger picture"."

"My #1 Takeaway - Be Bold and Courageous… Brands are looking for partners, collaborators, and allies who can bring new ideas and challenge the status quo (with different angles or perspectives). They don't need a boring wordsmith (AI's got that covered). And the brutally honest insights to craft scroll-stopping messages (you must grab attention in the first (maybe second) sentence, or you’ve lost) and keeping razor-sharp focus (ONE idea, concept, pain point) were particularly valuable. It’s not about writing better—it’s about thinking differently."

Karthik Lakkimsetty
Karthik Lakkimsetty

KEASMA, Email Marketing Agency

"Copy Lab showed me the same question can have a thousand answers and each can make it's own sense when dived into. I'm thankful for Adam, Tom, Kevin, and Rob for a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity (hopefully I'll be a part of many more to come). And for someone like me, who never had an atom of comedy in him, BAM is the a tough challenge to face and I'm glad I got to get out of my comfort zone. Anyone who wants to know 1. What makes a great copy, 2. The thought process, 3. The feedback from an expert who gives the behind the scenes of what a brand looks for in a good copy, 4. Why a style of copy never works. 5. The words or phrases that scream AI even to the common man. And a lot more. Tom,Adam, and Kevin talk about atleast 13 different tips when approaching and writing a good copy."

Crisshaun Nelson-Jackson

Crisshaun Nelson-Jackson

Email Copywriter

"I was super excited after hearing about Chris’ email copywriting mentorship, knowing that he’s sold 10s of millions of dollars for some HUGE names and spoken on some great stages. I set the goal of finding ‘that one great nugget’ as a practicing email copywriter. But the nuggets just kept coming, over and over and over again. RIDICULOUS value.

Chris explained everything so clearly and emotionally, telling entertaining and impactful stories that keep the lessons in mind (I keep thinking about that crazy elevator story.) He gave us these ‘simple epiphanies’ week after week. It was easy to understand, in your face common sense that nobody’s ever articulated.

12/10 would recommend. If you’re wondering to yourself ‘Should I get it? Is it worth it?’ Just sign up and start figuring out how you want to spend/invest all the extra money you’re going to make."

Stuart Tarn
Stuart Tarn

Owner at Stuart Writes Copy Ltd.

I thought Copy Lab would be good... I just didn't know how good! And it wasn't for the chance to have my work tested, it wasn't for the cash prize(s), and it wasn't even for the thought there might have been a job at the end of it... 

When you're up against 60-odd of the best copywriters in the business, "winning" would come down to marginal differences in approach, ideas, and even personnel preferences. For me, I took part for the insights I’d gain and I wasn’t disappointed.

What *really* stood out was Adam and Tom's incredible lessons in the (often harsh) realities of running traffic, SLOs and funnel economics and how a "winning ad" could actually be one that lost money on the front end but planted the seed for the OTOs and monthly subscriptions. 

The content and insights they shared were incredible and seriously could (and maybe should) be turned into a paid training at some point. 

We tend to get so absorbed in our little piece of the marketing puzzle and obsess over every single word when we're writing, but the reality is most campaigns fail, most copy misses the mark, and our writing doesn't reach or connect with as many people as we’d hope. 

All we can do is understand the part we play with our big ideas and the fresh approaches we bring and sometimes, we get to collaborate with incredible clients and bring a business' marketing efforts to life. And that was priceless. 

In terms of advancing my career, it’s broadened my outlook and given me so much confidence that I can talk about ROAS, CPAs, and LTVs and have an idea of how they all work together to determine a campaign's success.  

It’s also shown me that I can write copy while lying by the pool on vacation… (hopefully, the next Copy Lab will fall on better dates for me!!) I think any copywriter (especially a beginner in the industry) would benefit from going through Copy Lab. 

It lets you see that you’re a (very important) cog in a much bigger wheel of success and inspires you to show up with ideas and input because they can add incredible value to a business. 

Thanks to you and Kev for putting this together and to Adam and Tom for being so open and willing to share (and for creating such a great product!)

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Angela Archer
Angela Archer

Freelance Copywriter

"I wish the Copy Lab was around when I first started. If it were, I feel like I’d be a lot further ahead in my career. I used to write spec pieces, and while the practice is good, the copy could still be terrible because you have no way to test the performance. 

What’s harder is working with clients who don’t come from a copywriting background. They just say, ‘That’s great, thanks very much,’ and off you pop. So it’s hard to get feedback on a technical/skill level. Half the time I feel like I’m just winging it.

And without access to the performance data, it’s hard to know how you could have done better. 

With a Copy Lab Challenge, you get an actual offer with real metrics to work with. It’s like having a real client, with all the info, but none of the pressure (well, not much anyway). The feedback and the insights shared by the team was invaluable.

It’s definitely helped my understanding not only in terms of the psychology and craft but also what top level marketers are thinking and looking for. Honestly, I’ve been at this for four years and never had the opportunity to get the depth of insight that the Copy Lab offers. 

The Copy Chief motto is Nobody Writes Alone… I’d add that nobody grows alone either. And the Copy Lab is a great way for copywriters to grow."

Andy Jeffs

Andy Jeffs

The Goods, Round 2

"I am eternally grateful for the opportunity to have taken part in this program. I can wholeheartedly say it was one of the most valuable experiences of my entire freelance career of over 5 years (and I've spent over $50k in courses and masterminds). Kevin and Rob are the coolest dudes. They give specific, career-changing advice that is very hard to come by elsewhere. If you think you've seen it all in the copy world, do not pass this up because they will not disappoint you!"

John Rugh

John Rugh

"The Goods has been such a rewarding experience for me! It helped me gain confidence in my copywriting skills and my ability to sell myself to future clients. I wasn't chosen as a finalist. I wanted to win. But in a sense, that doesn't really matter to me. The value I got from investing time and effort into this process goes far beyond any job offer, even one as awesome as the one we were competing for on Jeff Walker's team. Kevin Rogers and Rob Tillman, along with everyone else involved, I cannot thank you enough! My copywriting career will never be the same. To anyone reading this: if you're on the fence about applying for The Goods, my advice is to go for it!"

Graham Burke

Graham Burke

"Incredible experience - would have loved to get the gig, but just being a part of The Goods Round 2 was priceless. I'm now WAY more equipped with tools (and confidence) I can use to go after high-level gigs and land them in the future. Can't wait for Round 3!"

Shane O'Neill

Shane O'Neill

"Participating in The Goods, Round 2 unleashed something in me that I hadn't quite expected to find. I found myself pushing myself to the very edge to produce the best copy I felt capable of creating - at least at that moment in time. It was an intense process - made more intense by the time of the year (BFCM), but that intensity brought fire to my writing. And so far I've ONLY been talking about the writing aspect! Much of the real "gold" in this course came from the preparation talks with Kevin, Rob and Joshua Lee Henry who gave us crucial, mind-altering advice on everything from cover letters to interviews, as well as sharing high-level notes on the writing and ideation processes. This six week course changed my perspective on the contemporary landscape of copywriting."

Janae De La Rosa

Janae De La Rosa

"I wasn't sure what to expect in The Goods. I saw it mainly as a "pay to play" situation for the chance at a dream job. What I got was a lot more. The Goods taught me a better way of writing cover letters and had me thinking deeply about how to prepare for interviews. It also pushed me to write what I felt was some of my best work. I'd recommend The Goods for any copywriter looking to land bigger gigs and level up."

Daniel Iversen

Daniel Iversen


 Just wanted to give a BIG shoutout to Kevin, Dan & Jeff Walker, Rob, JHL and everyone who was part of The Goods Two… THANK YOU for an incredible experience. 

I’ve read just about every book and taken just about every training out there over the years. 

And The Goods was in a class of its own.
 You promised it would be like “The Voice" for copywriters… and man-oh-man, you weren’t kidding. The hands-on, real-world training put my feet to the fire like nothing I’ve experienced. 

Every week brought a new challenge. Every new challenge forced me to step out of my comfort zone. And stepping out of my comfort zone was exactly what I needed. 


I’m not new to copywriting, so it was eye-opening to discover (and shore up) a few glaring skill gaps I didn't know I had or needed to work on -- like knowing how to use story in interviews for next-level communication, "invisible tactics" to use in your cover letters to get noticed and virtually guarantee you jump to the top of the stack, and the most powerful way to approach the pre-writing process to skyrocket your selling power when it's GO time. 

On that note, Rob’s sessions on cover letters and interviews alone were worth the price of admission. And the wrap-up call with candid insights from everyone who interviewed with Jeff Walker’s team was a PRICELESS bonus.   

For anyone reading this who might be considering joining the program — if it’s ever offered again — do not hesitate.

No matter how skilled you are now, there’s no way you can make it through the program without massively boosting your abilities, your power to stand out in the marketplace and your confidence as a copywriter. 


THANK YOU for delivering THE GOODS to all of us! And a huge CONGRATS to everyone who scored interviews and positions with Jeff Walker's team!"

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I had an amazing podcast and conversation with Kevin. A lot to learn!
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Adelina Vasile
Adelina Vasile

Freelance Copywriter

"Biggest takeaway from Copy Lab? Constructive criticism is the most effective way to learn what turns a string of words into the key that unlocks a reader’s attention, desire, and wallet. 

I’ve spent years studying copywriting and agonizing over writing words. I always thought that to become a better writer, I just needed to read more and write more. Instead, I should have sought copy critiques from people who know what they’re talking about. 

Before Copy Lab, I never had the chance to view a piece of content from different perspectives. I would do my thinking, lay out the theory on the page, and dress it up with what I thought were the right words. But there was no one to challenge my copy thinking. 

Copy Lab is a unique experiment that reverse-engineers copywriting. I get to sit back and watch pros stripping copy down to its most powerful “why”. In just 90 minutes of reviews, I learned more than I had in years of aspiring to be a good writer. If I had sat alone in my office, tinkering with ideas and bleeding words through my keyboard, I would have missed lessons worth their weight in gold. 

How does Copy Lab help you advance your copywriting career? I was a chronic self-doubter, plagued by imposter syndrome, hiding in the shadow of my non-native English writer complex. And I still am all of this. 

But now that I’ve joined Copy Lab, I have hope that I will one day heal. To me, the best thing about Copy Lab isn’t just peeking behind the most successful brands’ marketing curtains—although that’s priceless, too. It’s getting my writing in front of someone who has the smarts to review my copy, the heart to do it, and the wit to make it bearable. Yes, I can always write copy and ask fellow copywriters in the CopyChief community for feedback. 

But that means I’d only be learning from my mistakes. Instead, when I enter a Copy Lab challenge, I get to learn from every participant’s mistakes and successes. It doesn’t just set my learning on fire; it pours gasoline on it. 

What happened - did you learn - during CopyLab which you least expected? I learned that I give myself less credit than I deserve - I dreamed they would select my copy for testing, but I didn’t expect it to actually happen. 

And by getting this far, I realized that, in copywriting, the winner doesn’t take it all, and the losers don’t stand small. It’s simple, and it's plain. Nothing to complain. 

Who (identity, not name) would get the most by watching or participating in Copy Lab? Why? Copywriters who are either new to the field or feel stuck at a certain skill level would get the most out of Copy Lab. 

If you’re at this stage, this challenge gives you access to information that’s really hard to come by on your own — things that busy clients focused on growing their businesses just don’t have the time to share with you. 

All the copy critiques, yours and your peers’, will crush your learning curve. And the confidence you get from putting in the reps and taking in the criticism is unmatched. 

Don’t just sit alone and stress about great writing because it doesn't exist. There's only great rewriting. And Copy Lab is the best place to actively learn what, how, and why you need to rewrite to make it to the next level."

For me, Copy Chief isn’t just a platform that provides… Top notch copywriting training for beginners and even seasoned pros… A step-by-step guide to build a successful freelance business or… A path to land your dream in-house copy gig. Nor is it just about the different clubs and discussion forums. Rather, I discovered that Copy Chief provides one of the most important things at the center of all their training. This one thing is something that I never knew as a beginner copywriter. And it has made all the difference for me. This one thing that I’m talking about is ‘support.’ For me, the support inside of Copy Chief has made all the difference for me. And it doesn’t just come from the team, but also members of Copy Chief. Inside the community you won’t just find other copywriters, you’ll find a second family and friends.

Brenna McGowan

Brenna McGowan

"When I first saw the email for Email Copy Academy I totally wanted to do it. As a social media strategist who emphasizes in copywriting, I know how important emails are for sustaining and growing your business. But, it was around Christmastime and as a working mom of three kids I wasn’t sure if I could swing the investment. After careful consideration and asking Chris tons of questions (which he graciously answered), I decided to go for it.

And I’m so happy I did. The course has already paid for itself with the new client work I have gotten. I am also so much more confident in my skills. Additionally, I have taken all the information and compiled it into a binder so I can make notes and refer back to it on various projects. Chris’s systematic approach to explaining what I need to onboard a client and execute a powerful email or sequence has taking the guessing game out of what I should be doing to be successful. I am super thankful to have gone through this course."

Lori Haller

Lori Haller

Designing Response, LLC

"Huge thanks for helping me locate more hot talent for copy needs at my agency. There is no way I could've landed this perfect-fit writer for a mammoth project without your elite efforts. 

You listened with such care to my exact needs, and samples were quickly sent over – no messin' around. I work with diligence to keep the high level of standards my team is known for in this industry, and I appreciate you all providing this top-notch service."

Jesse Eker

Jesse Eker

Chief Marketing Officer Tony Robbins

“There’s one place that all my writers are sourced from, Copy Chief. It’s the first place I go when I am looking for new copywriters who get it, want it and can consistently produce.”
Marie Forleo

Marie Forleo

#1 NY Times Bestseller Author, Everything is Figureoutable

"Kevin and The Copy Chief team develop extraordinary talent. He was my first call when looking to fill a key writing and leadership role on our team."
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Jarrod Glandt

Jarrod Glandt

Vice President, Grant Cardone Enterprises

“Thank you so much for the support you have given us to grow our team.”
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Gillian Hill

Gillian Hill

Ahh, I'm so stoked to be here, and especially here on the wins page!I joined Copy Chief a couple of weeks ago and dug into the trainings.On Monday this week I received the email with job board postings and one caught my eye that looked perfect for my skill set. Emailed back and forth with the poster, had a discovery call yesterday, and last night they signed the contract and paid the 50% deposit. So I've already made back what I put into the Copy Chief membership.So glad to have found a community where business owners understand the value of good copywriters to support their offers. Thanks Copy Chief!
Haley Greene

Haley Greene

Before I joined Email Copy Academy, it took me up to two hours to draft a single email for a campaign (and that's not counting how long it took me to come up with a topic). Now I can write an email draft from start to finish in 30 minutes. 


I was hesitant to buy this program at first because I'm a course junkie who suffers from shiny object syndrome. I didn't want to purchase another copywriting course where I was consuming content without following through. 

In reality, I was blown away by the value packed into this course. Not only did I learn about crafting great email campaigns, but also how to close deals with high-end clients and earn their respect. Chris broke down every single step in his process... and it's GOLD. If you want to make more money with email, grab the opportunity to learn from him while you can.

I love ECA, one of my favorite copywriting trainings ever.
Kristy Chadwick

Kristy Chadwick

"I've been a part of Copy Chief for several months so far and can already feel my life changing -- not just my career but, more importantly, how I see myself. Escape Velocity has unearthed qualities I didn't realize I had, and they're proving to be essential to who I am. Kevin has amassed an incredible team of people who are genuinely supportive and happy to help. If anyone is reading this and "on the fence" about joining, don't hesitate. You will not regret becoming a part of Papa Kev's community."
Jesse Eker

Jesse Eker

Chief Marketing Officer Tony Robbins

“There’s one place that all my writers are sourced from, Copy Chief. It’s the first place I go when I am looking for new copywriters who get it, want it and can consistently produce.”
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Gary Goldstein

Gary Goldstein

"The copywriter you connected me with really is “the one” and I pulled the trigger yesterday. Her use of language and writing style is up my alley, and from our conversations I know collaborating will be as enjoyable as it is productive."​
Joe Schriefer

Joe Schriefer

Copy Chief of Agora Financial​

"We hired a few more people from Copy Chief. Just wanted to say thanks again."​
Peter Fadeyev

Peter Fadeyev

I got my first freelance copywriting client this week. He’s a long-time voice coach in Los Angeles and I’m writing a couple of sales pages for him. 

This is significant because it’s my first client since I stopped freelance writing about 7 years ago. What’s more important is it marks my new start as a freelance copywriter. I once read the journey of a thousand steps starts with a broken fan belt but, for me, it starts with this generous guy whose trust I’ll repay with the best work I can do using the right tools inside Copy Chief.

Angel Gonzalez

Angel Gonzalez

First off. This rock. Second… schedule is now packed with interviews. My company is scaling quickly, and I know more NEEDS for quality copy are going to pop up. It's great to connect with smart copywriters. Thanks again! You folks have something special here
Michael McGovern

Michael McGovern

“Hey guys, Just wanted to let you know that I just closed on a monthly retainer copywriting deal via the Copy Chief job board! Thanks foryour support and for curating an awesome group of people. Let’s keep getting after it!”
Melanie Warren

Melanie Warren

“This community launched my career… I can trace every penny to a connection I made in Copy Chief. Every time I buy gas or groceries or pay my rent, I know that I earned every penny. And I did it with the love and support of people who saw something in me before I could see it in myself.” So I’m 2 copywriters in from CopyChief. Thanks again!”
Gary Goldstein

Gary Goldstein

“I’m a writer, but not a copywriter. Past searches for my ideal copywriter have not ended well. Somewhere north of a bloody nose, just shy of mayhem. Finding someone who could deliver the right message, voice and tone was an exercise in extreme frustration. And I kept hitting brick walls. But then I found CopyChief. In the blink of an eye, I was introduced to my perfect match. Talent, style, personality, speed, price… each a perfect bullseye. I’m just sorry it took so long and so many missteps to find my way to copywriting heaven. I’m eternally grateful for the magic that is Kevin and CopyChief!!”
Lori Haller

Lori Haller

“Just a quick circle back follow-up here. Wanting to send a huge thanks to your Copy Chief team for stepping in and helping me locate yet another hot talent for copy needs at my agency. There is no way I could’ve landed this perfect-fit writer for a mammoth website and online store without your elite efforts… I feel like this talent is the perfect fit for our needs. Not only do I require a particular style and voice in writing — I need a team member who can THINK and concept with me as I drive the big boat. Mandatory. One and done in my book. So having you single me out in the post today (along with the critique video) and say last Friday that my “How a tiny baby inspired Chris’ biggest boldest evolution” was your favorite in the entire challenge has just blown me away. I can’t wait to show you what we come up with and the words of praise we receive from the client. I work with diligence to keep the high level of standards my team is known for in this industry and I appreciate you all providing this top-notch service.”
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Ross O’Lochlainn

Ross O’Lochlainn

“My game has been upped significantly since joining almost a year ago. I’ve not seen a place that can help you shift levels so quickly either. This place wouldn’t be what it is if not for the wide range of levels.”
Aaron Crocker

Aaron Crocker

"Copywriting can be a lonely place. I had never been a part of a paid, online membership community before, and I wanted to see what Copy Chief was all about. To date I’ve earned $7,500 on my $893 investment because of the giving, the encouragement, and even the rebukes that have saved my butt, and my reputation more than once. I would happily pay twice the $893 fees all over again.”
Kimberly Walker

Kimberly Walker

"I would say this is one of my greatest take-aways from Copy Chief as a whole. I am just too damn old to work with people that I don’t enjoy and that are a bad match. When people ask about why I’m a member, that is actually what I share… 

Copy Chief has taught me not only how to write copy, BUT ALSO how to work in a way that I can wake up and be excited about freelancing

AND to work with people I look forward to talking to."

Zakaria Ettaki

Zakaria Ettaki

I had to share some important feedback with you, Rob. 

What inspired me to even consider Copy Chief was another frustrating experience in landing a potential client. I had enough of knowing I had the skills, but feeling they were going to waste without a better way of landing more opportunities for using them. 

There was no question the all the copywriting frameworks, training, and skillset I was getting wasn't the problem because it came from some of the best in the industry. I just knew there was something missing that I couldn't quite put my finger on.

So just over 15 days ago, when I reached out to see if Copy Chief could meet my demanding needs for advancing my copywriting career, you replied with some bold claims of how you all were different. 

Honestly, I didn't trust all of them - but, I did trust myself in being determined enough to put in the work of proving whether you were telling the truth or full of it. 

Well - in only 2 weeks - you, your team, and all the fantastic pro's in the community (special shout out to Joshua Lee Henry) have not only proven expertise in my specialty niche of financial copywriting; I'm uncovering those missing lessons and advice that was never shared in over 2 years of studying the craft from others. 

My vision for how much better I'll be at landing and supporting my clients has never been clearer. And I've never felt more confident that I finally have the tools, resources, training, and access to experts needed. 

So, I'll forever be grateful and appreciate everything you've done for putting me on this path.

Rob Wilson

Rob Wilson

Off the Hook Copywriting Ltd

"What is your biggest takeaway from Copy Lab? It's hard to pinpoint just one. The funnel walkthrough was amazing - especially for someone like me who has never seen that side of things before. Yes, some of the acronyms I was familiar with, but to really get a deep dive into what, how and why - that was priceless. 

Everything means so much more when it has context - and there was context by the bucketload. Not just that though - there were so many micro-lessons to be learned, especially in the review at the end. 

Some things were a good reminder of things I did know, some were so obvious you kick yourself when you realise you forgot them, and others were like mini-ephiphanies bang bang bang one after the other. 

How do you see Copy Lab helping you advance your copywriting career? I think it will help in many ways. Broadening my knowledge of what tangible impacts the copy has, where it sits in the funnel, slight differences in the way people approach things. 

Then there's the more introspective side - putting myself out there to submit some work (increasing confidence), (becoming "not scared" of) getting feedback, learning from peers - and being really honest with myself as to where I could have done things differently and maybe had a different outcome. 

What happened – or did you learn – during Copy Lab which you least expected? I think I was so blinded by wanting to do well, I literally forgot how I would normally approach a project and start working on it. 

There were some really simple framing question I could (and should) have asked myself before I started writing my submission, that would made such a difference to the finished piece. 

But also - I didn't read anyone's submission until after I'd posted mine, and then spent ages thinking "oh that's so much better" etc. Mine wasn't great and although I didn't push for feedback on the call, I know why. 

But I was surprised to see that a lot of submissions I automatically put as "so much better" also had some pretty brutal feedback (in a good, constructive way - not mean). 

Who (identity - not name) would get the most by watching or participating in Copy Lab? Why? 100% definitely newer copywriters, as it puts a lot of context around the copy that most courses (and believe me, I've collected a lot of them) don't even touch on. 

But also more experienced copywriters who may have a lot of experience providing copy, but not much of seeing "the bigger picture"."

"My #1 Takeaway - Be Bold and Courageous… Brands are looking for partners, collaborators, and allies who can bring new ideas and challenge the status quo (with different angles or perspectives). They don't need a boring wordsmith (AI's got that covered). And the brutally honest insights to craft scroll-stopping messages (you must grab attention in the first (maybe second) sentence, or you’ve lost) and keeping razor-sharp focus (ONE idea, concept, pain point) were particularly valuable. It’s not about writing better—it’s about thinking differently."

Karthik Lakkimsetty
Karthik Lakkimsetty

KEASMA, Email Marketing Agency

"Copy Lab showed me the same question can have a thousand answers and each can make it's own sense when dived into. I'm thankful for Adam, Tom, Kevin, and Rob for a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity (hopefully I'll be a part of many more to come). And for someone like me, who never had an atom of comedy in him, BAM is the a tough challenge to face and I'm glad I got to get out of my comfort zone. Anyone who wants to know 1. What makes a great copy, 2. The thought process, 3. The feedback from an expert who gives the behind the scenes of what a brand looks for in a good copy, 4. Why a style of copy never works. 5. The words or phrases that scream AI even to the common man. And a lot more. Tom,Adam, and Kevin talk about atleast 13 different tips when approaching and writing a good copy."