Certified Cyber Defender (CCD) Course Review

Good day! I truly anticipate that that everything is well when you read this. Well, as you may already be aware, I’m striving to improve my defensive abilities. I therefore made the decision to inform you of the news about the certification I earned this week.

Sep 12, 2023

This review won't delve into the intricate details about the labs and materials of CCD. Instead, I want to focus primarily on the pressing question most face when deciding on a certification which is 'why pick this certification over the myriad of others out there?' In this review, I will answer that question in detail and address as many points as I can from my point of view

Sep 12, 2023

Chelin Sampson
Chelin Sampson

Risk Advisory Manager (SOC) @Deloitte

My brain is already overflowing with the various ways in which i could use this platform to refresh on some old tools and tech, and to learn some new skills which would simply add on to my existing skillset.

Oct 15, 2020

Ryan Kovar
Ryan Kovar

Distinguished Strategist @Splunk

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If you’d rather set up a home lab and really dig into BOTS data, try out our BOTSv1, BOTSv2, and BOTSv3 open-source dataset and CTF scoring server app. If those seem scary, check out the work done by CyberDefenders. They have no affiliation with us, but they seem to have stood up an awesome instance of BOTS data for everyone in the world to play and learn from!

Sep 2, 2020

Hello everyone. I'd like to share one of my most significant life experiences with you.

I've been immersed in the #cybersecurity world for a couple of years now. It may not be an extensive period, but it has provided ample opportunity to explore various avenues. Right from the outset, I knew my calling was to become a Blue Teamer. The initial step was skill-building. I embarked on a journey through LinkedIn Learning, engaging with videos on Security+ and forensics courses. 

Sep 12, 2023