I'm a Deeper user since I discovered the Pico on Indiegogo and the pnilosoppy around it seduced me ; i hven't been disapointeded. : decentralized Internet is great! A few weeks ago, I had a problem with a Deeper AIR and I received a fantastic support from the deeper teeam. They continuously helped me in every aspects ot the problem. Thank you Deeper and thanks to all the guys behind him : you are the future!
Video Poster


I am absolutely satisfied with the product although it is a work in progress. What I really appreciate is the customer service. I get fast responses about my order and constant checks on wether my order has been received and if everything is ok.

Sn Beth Anglin

I'm an extremely happy customer. The first device shipped was faulty but they replaced it with a new one. I'm a remote worker and sick and tired of paying VPN with horrible performance. This device is a beauty that has completely changed my way of working. The support-staff have been very friendly, I only have good words for them!

Erman Uzun

Hello, I am Pico user from Türkiye :) When I saw Deeper Network products for the first time, I started investigating deeper network about what's going on here :) It didn't take too much time for purchasing the Pico product. I always see there is great product support and powerful Ceo behind the deeper network. The firmwares are upgrading time to time regarding to the needs and security issues. I always see that support is always with us in case of any kind of problems. Now I am upgrading to Mini which I believe meets my requirements much more at home network. I will also use my pico when I am abroad. Thank you to deeper network which lets me getting rid of paid Vpn services.

Tom P

I purchased both a Deeper Connect SE for my home and a Pico for when I travel. I travel quite often and have learned over the years that security is essential after getting my identity stolen several times. The device is quite easy to use, and the GUI is very intuitive. I had some struggles getting a few things like Netflix, Max, and YouTube (essential for me since my school uses YT videos for training quite often) to work, but as soon as I contacted the support staff, I was delighted to find out that they are experts in their own right. They were able to quickly point me in the right direction to resolve my issues and got me back up and running. They didn't talk down to me and treated me with courtesy and respect while addressing my concerns. I'm thoroughly enjoying the device and its capabilities, and I would highly recommend it to anyone looking for a better solution to secure connections both at home and abroad.
Charles Snowden

Charles Snowden

I heard about deeper connect from my wife. I purchased the Pico first and I later purchase the Mini SE for my home. These two devices are the best products I have bought for myself and my family so far. They both work very perfect and I really love them. Thank you!
Nicholas Mattera

Nicholas Mattera

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I was lost after experiencing the destructive effects of malware, virus, and compromised security. I was hacked through an email I unfortunately opened. I started looking for some real security, not just Norton products which only alert you of potential threats. I needed something to stop all intrusive activity. Surprisingly, I found Deeper products n not really any other products like it. It was like Deeper was not only exactly what I wanted but there were no other people making products like them, I bought the SE 1st and after a year, not one problem, I recently bought the portable "AIR", n wow it just gets better n better I don't use my laptop without it, any time I'm away from home. I really can't thank the folks at Deeper enough, not to mention their customer support is top notch. I advise everyone to explore their products n find the right one for you.


I live in Massachusetts. I have always taken the most secure avenues available to me to protect my identity online. this includes paying a small fortune for Norton Lifelock, they are great at telling you what your problems are and that your info is being sold on multiple data broker sites. yet they do nothing to stop it or fix it. I have been hacked 4 times, all involving new cell phones, new wifi, new accounts, and yet I was targeted over and over and my credit has been destroyed and my identity is also difficult for state and federal agencies to verify. I was so angry I think these hackers are despicable scum. I needed something that would really be there for me , at my side when I have questions, and with a service that keeps the scum out, I happened to find the deeper connect SE on Amazon and decided to take a chance. it was the best purchase I've ever made, not only have I not been hacked since, but as somewhat of an unknowledgeable consumer, Deeper provides me with answers to any questions I have, no matter how basic. they get back me to me within 1 day tops, and the customer service agent I've come to respect, Paul, is amazing. he goes above and beyond by providing you with more links and learning materials as well as his personal opinions . he is by far the definition of support agent. thank you. The deeper works so well for me, I purchased a second one for portable use, the connect AIR. in combination with the SE and the cool cute looking AIR , I feel more protected than ever. it has been 2 years since I bought my first SE, and not one single instance of online threat. proud and thankful customer for life. keep the amazing work your doing. both on a personal and a general level, your products and staff have truly saved my online life. I was even being targeted by the NSA at one point for having documents my grandfather took from naval intelligence , they are damaging to say the least, and they must have found them on my phone, now they are in a safety deposit box and I have copies on my phone, yet there is no more harassment from anyone. Deeper connect is the company we've been waiting for.


I had 3 devices that were still running on the DEP firmware and although it was stable I decided to update them to the latest 1.2.5. For this the firmware has to be pushed manually by the devs so I had to open a ticket with Deeper Support. I got a reply within 12 hours that the current firmware has a bug but my devices will be updated as soon as the 1.2.6 is out. The same day the new firmware was released, my devices were already up to date. Deeper support team, a big praise and a big thumbs up, especially to my supporter Paul


Being new to the world of DPN and coming in from the world of VPNs. Deeper Connect has made it very easy for me to transit and to understand the pros and cons of using a DPN. I participated in the crowd funding campaign for the Deeper Connect Air and I am impressed with the physical quality of the device as well as how easy it was to set up. Is it perfect? No. But it’s definitely worth its weight in gold especially when major sites have flagged often used IPs that VPNs provide. I have used it for streaming as well as to get cheaper flight tickets and have found it to be really helpful. Although I have to admit that the notion of someone being able to use my IP illegally does set me back from sharing my bandwidth as much as I want to. But that is the structure of DPN and why it works.
Ilya Popivanov

Ilya Popivanov

I had a problem with my device, the deeper network team reacted very quickly and exchanged it, thanks a lot, very nice customer service guys, much appreciated!


Got my Deeper Connect Air some days ago and it works as promised. Very easy to redirect services or by domain name through other countries. Glad I'd ordered it (via Indiegogo).
Christopher Muffoletto

Christopher Muffoletto

Being a subscriber of Deeper Connect, and an extremely grateful owner of a Deeper Connect Mini, I was recently sent an email by Deeper Connect asking the question (and I paraphrase): When you first came to us, what did you need to know/hope to gain the most? This triggered me to respond by telling them how much their product and continued service has changed my life. And I want to share it with everyone. Christopher Muffoletto Feb 13, 2024, 04:29 PST Hide quoted text I came to DEEPER CONNECT desperate for help after being chronically victimized over a span over 3.5 years on and off by a hacker who had managed to access my entire digital footprint which I can beat describe in quotations from an email I just received on a secondary email from you guys just now as well, because it is exactly what happened to me: "Imagine being spied on with every step you take online, every sensitive information you enter, every intimate conversation you have. This may include your account passwords, financial information, personal contacts, and more. However, once this information falls into the wrong hands, it will bring you and your family endless troubles and risks. So, I want to tell you why this happens in a traditional networking environment. Because in the traditional network environment, data transmission and storage are done through centralized servers. When you browse the web, send emails, watch videos or conduct online transactions. If these servers are hacked or breached, your data could be stolen or leaked. Therefore, in traditional network environments, you can never guarantee your privacy and security, no matter what you do. To sum up, the operation mode of the centralized server makes it difficult to guarantee data security, and users' privacy and personal information are easily threatened." End quote. I don't have to imagine I lived through this. I called law enforcement about 15 times seeking help and the Stow, Massachusetts Police Department blew me off every single time. Not once did they take me seriously nor even allow me to explain the entire situation. I'd be cut off rudely 10 minutes in EVERY TIME by extremely rude police officers in my small town and they refused ALL 15 TIMES to ever even write an incident report for me which I requested every visit as I needed that not only for identity theft protection reimbursement, but to bring forth as preliminary evidence to a more serious law enforcement agency like the FBI who didn't yell at me for having been victimized by a complicated cyber time like Police Department - zip code XXXXX. They have always discriminated against me since I first was 16 learning to drive with a slightly heavy foot. I even attempted to reach out to the Town Newspaper for help as I was being ignored and disregarded by the Police when I was being victimized very seriously, and they literally REFUSED TO EVEN LISTEN TO ALL THE EVIDENCE ID COLLECTED, they always seemed to have been bothered and annoyed like I wasted their time and would leave without doing anything. As a result I called about 15 times over 3.5 years. First, in 2019 I was scammed out of all the money I had to my name - invested in Fidelity Investments - ~ $3,000. And to make matters worse they hacked into my account and attempted to cash a false check for like $39,000 in my name in a SEP IRA. It was declined however Fidelity Investments, after explained the hacking, told me they would not longer wish to do business with me anymore. That was all they would say. And I want to stress that prior to the DPN mini, I would consider myself as having taken 10x more security precautions than the average person. Yet I was targeted and was unfortunately chosen as a long-term victim to suffer. So what your education offers me is the most perfect gift I could've ever asked for during this time in my life. Since using the mini, I have had NO problems. And I'm so spiteful of the cowardice cyber criminals that I love learning how to combat them, as I hope to maybe bring them to justice one day. I'm just a regular 30 year old guy living in Massachusetts and I'm not rich, I'm not especially extraordinary or anything. There's no good reason for a cyber criminal to spend so much effort into hacking me. I'm unemployed... But having gone through this life changing experience, when I learned about what this DPN product was and could do for me - all the money in the world couldn't stop me from acquiring it. Since, I haven't had as much as a whimper of an attempt at even a standard company tracker following me like Google or Facebook (which if you don't know, they track all of your internet traffic without your consent - especially when you're not using their services). That's just the top of the tip of the iceberg. Do the research. Do my readers believe that their online data should be private to them and they should have that right? I do. But none of us do. We have no rights to it. In fact that is how Google, Meta and all these Mega rich tech companies made their bones, with our years of Internet data collection and they store it.. creating a personality of each of us. Then use advertisements to profit of us. It works too. Welcome to the real, 1984. George Orwell was a bit early. Although the Genesis of this era probably began right around '84. DPN's sold by DEEPER NETWORK give you a tool to control your internet experience, and that means no more giving away your intellectual property for free. Privacy is a fundamental God given right. And the larger the community of users, the greater the decentralized network of ours becomes. We even are given a way to PROFIT from this. Using Deeper Connects our token DPR, sharing bandwidth with our DPN users (100÷ guaranteed WITHOUT compromising security, we receive DPR, that you can turn into real fiat currency like $USD. Thank you Deeper Connect.


Eric P

I really love the device since it helps me to act as a vpn and i m earning passive income now , 100$ per month by sharing bandwith it is incredible. Plus Eric Ma informs us very well of all the news.

Marko Babic

I heard about Deeper Networ on YouTube and got Deeper Connect Mini. I use it for geo-unblock mostly. Beside I use it on daily basis, it also earn me some money, that is the best part.


I found Deeper when looking at mining alternative digital currencies that didn't involve spending hundreds of dollars on my power bill each month. I was very impressed on the utility that Deeper has on being a DPN and advert blocker. 5/5 Stars!


Heard about Deeper through Youtube. Then did the Indiegogo campaign. Awaiting my Deeper Connect Air device. Cannot wait to have privacy, speed and cheaper rates. The air looks so cool in photos. Will update when it arrives soon ! Thank you Deeper.

Dieter van Es

I found out about Deeper in 2022 & loved the novelty of utility of the business model. I love the idea of a decentralised VPN and a means to earn a yield


Finally unhooking from a paid centralized VPN servers to a community driven decentralized node. The way it should be. More privacy, more flexibility and not only free but earning at the same time. There is so much growth and potential ahead of us. This is just the beginning

Filip g

I found ddeper network through youtube. I got the genesis silver and 2 picos and have used them to mine and as DPN regulary. The product works great and easy to use. Would recommend if you use VPN.


It changed my life on how I see the web3 space and how important it is to be secured while surfing the web in this time of age. Looking forward to the next generation Mini 2.0.

Dieter Meier

As a long-time user of Deeper Network's products, I am thoroughly impressed with their innovative solutions. The reliability and security of their network technology have consistently exceeded my expectations. The seamless integration of advanced features like decentralized private networking and blockchain technology truly sets them apart in the industry. The user-friendly interface makes complex operations accessible to everyone, regardless of their technical expertise. What I appreciate the most is their commitment to user privacy and the empowerment of a decentralized internet. Deeper Network's dedication to improving online experiences while prioritizing security and privacy is commendable. I confidently recommend Deeper Network to anyone seeking a robust, secure, and user-friendly networking solution
David R Colyer

David R Colyer

Product is revolutionary... Although most end users seem to like full mode, I prefer smart mode. With the 1.2.2 firmware, you can actually see the tunnel. If you want true privacy and ad blocking... Look no further.

Simon Freeston

Seen the videos and links on YouTube and am looking forward to getting into this project. Keep up the good work
Daryl Linabury

Daryl Linabury

This is great product. It works right out of the box and is easy to configure for any special cases that you may need. It blocks alot of ads and makes my online life alot safer!
Awny El Horany

Awny El Horany

I have two devices pico and mini, and I love them both! Im using DPN APP with my whole family to protect ourselves. Best decentralized project!


I was skeptical when I first heard about Deeper Connect Air, wondering if it could really deliver on its promises of enhanced privacy, access to restricted content, and robust security. However, after trying it out, I was blown away by just how well this tiny device performed. In terms of privacy, Deeper Connect Air offers industry-leading encryption to keep my online activity private. It prevents tracking and masks my IP address so that my browsing history stays anonymous. I also love the on/off switch for BitTorrent sharing which lets me control what type of traffic is allowed through my network. Unblocking geo-restricted content is a breeze with Deeper Connect Air. I can now easily access streaming sites like Netflix, Hulu and BBC iPlayer which were previously unavailable in my region. The speed is fantastic too - I never have to deal with buffering or lag when streaming HD video. But what really gives me peace of mind is the enterprise-grade security features. Deeper Connect Air blocks malware, prevents malicious attacks, and filters out phishing websites. I feel much more secure doing online banking and shopping knowing my network is fully protected. In summary, Deeper Connect Air has exceeded my expectations when it comes to privacy, unblocking ability and security. Its portable size makes it convenient to take anywhere too. I can't recommend this revolutionary device enough for anyone that wants to take control over their internet experience!

Pierre Charlier

I have bought a set including a Deeper Connect Mini and a Pico. I use my Mini to protect my WiFi at home, to geo unlock and suppress ads. I started earning thru mining too, as I have a fiber connection and I share it thru the device. My Pico is for the on the go, when I go somewhere else, but I might consider offering one to a friend. The only issue I found is that when I used the Mini as a WiFi AP with the dual antennas, the phone complained the network wasn’t secure… too low WPA I suppose…


"Excellent after-sales service, very prompt response. My original machine was malfunctioning, and customer service quickly helped to unbind the original wallet. Everything is back to normal now. Many thanks.


Unbelievable device that's actually exists readily in the market. Both the user and miner are advantageous and is really profitable in the long run, so the company is here to stay. Also the people who run are not only good hearted but dedicated to this mission.

Thorben Ragnar

Deeper Network is the Future for secure Browsing ! I love this project since it was born and I have a good feeling that it just started to Grow ! Free all Deepernauts

Sarfraz Amjad

Found the Deeper connect while looking for a VPN. I would have to say that I was a bit divided when I saw the product for the first time. I took a leap of faith with Deeper mini and I would have to say that I am very impressed with the built and the performance of the product. I have had this product for a month now and I am nothing but just impressed with it. One things I would like to mention is that since the casing is made of aluminum it tends to get a little warm (then again the Australian summers can be a bit warmer then usual). This can easily be remediated by the base or a table fan which can cool the casing down.
Elizabeth Jane

Elizabeth Jane

I had not used my Deeper Connect for years because some sites were blocked, some site redirects didn’t open and You Tube videos didn’t play, so I was sick of having to change networks all the time. Until I replied to an e-mail I fortunately received from Deeper Connect and told Paul about the reasons I wasn’t using my DPN (the Mini) and he and Daniel very quickly gave me instructions on how to fix these problems. So now my Deeper Connect works like a Rolls Royce, no issues whatsoever, and so I am using it all the time. So I highly recommend both the device and the support I have received, and I am a firm supporter of this technology, the philosophy behind it, and the movement to implement it worldwide as Web 3.0.
Video Poster


Works great. I took the Pico box to an unpopular country, and worked there for two months, and nobody knew I wasn't in the USA. The Pico antenna is good for hotel rooms, but it isn't strong enough to punch through Moscow apartment walls (I think those are built of solid stone and they kill weaker Wi-Fi signals and Bluetooth signals dead). The antenna works fine if you're in the same room, think hotel room. I just bought a cheap router from a local shop and did passthrough mode, problem solved. The Pico can get hot with use and needs to be reset once a day or once every other day, if you can set up a small fan to blow on it, that will help. I am planning to upgrade to one of the all-aluminum units for more bandwidth, and will get a fan to blow on it.


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It's now been a month since I purchased my Deeper Network mini. I can tell you that I am won over. I use it mainly in VPN mode and it does the job. I love the anti-ads feature. I had to contact support and I can tell you that it is very responsive, I always managed to get answers to my questions. I have already gained followers around me and they are very delighted. So in all sincerity, I recommend Deeper Network products.
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Darren Monro

Brilliant device. Lets me earn crypto each day whilst saving on VPN fees. Best of all I can watch content from all over the world without restrictions. On a side note the savings of paid subscriptions, hotels, flights and many other products pays for the product within months.


I Only trust in Deeper. They transparent and share many informations like other companys dont do. Deeper is going Deeper ;)

Akash Patel

Best VPN I can thought of. Its the best way to block Ads and watch Youtube etc without any intrupation.


I found it in Facebook. I bought Deeper Connect Mini. Very happy with it, I can visit websites which are blocked from my country. Also can see more content in app as Netflix, Amazon Video I love this device. Sometimes connection through Deeper even more stable than my normal connection


Device is exteremly handy for routing for cost saving of streaming services. Adblocking, Mining DPR and VPN for security.


Found out about DPR on YT, I have both mini and picos It helps me get around geofencing. Deeper is the future of VPN

Xiao Yu

My neighbor used deeper and I tried it at her home. It's easy for me to use DPN on this device and it's no subscription fee, so I got one this summer. It took me some time to set up the device, as there is only one LED for me to "read" how it works. I think deeper should have an APP to help us check the device's status.


I work in IT and my friend asked me to check out the product. I advised him to seemed solid and ended up even buying deeper mini.


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Had my Gold Genesis node for over 2 years now, still reliable and doing its thing. Very good bit of kit!

Sean S

I love how the Deeper Network decentralized the VPN using devices! Hopefully DPN token adding more use cases in the future as it have a lot potential!

Miguel Veiga

Found Deeper through social media. After some reacherch be purchased Pico , after i had i was so excited for the simplicity of usage and the add blocking that i had to purchase a Mini :p


Been using the Deeper Connect Mini for more than two years after hearing about it from a Youtuber. Mining has been awesome and solid ever since hooking it up. Love the fact that I can re-route my network traffic to other countries. Helps with streaming, accessing sites not available in my country, and also pass certification exams that were only available in the United States. Really appreciate the technology. The test app is amazing and I can't wait for its official release. Looking forward to the bright future Deeper Network will bring.

A Hasnat Anik

i know about deeper from social media.right now i have deeper mini full set. i use deeper connect for ads block and sometime geo-unblock. i really like that device for geo-unblock and super fast internet speed in vpn i will not get that much speed so thats why i move to deeper mini.

Michael J Olivacce

Saw this in an ad,and of course I was intrigued by it claims,because I have been paying for this type of service for years(express vpn/Nord vpn), so I took the plunge and purchased the pico, quality item, does exactly as in description, geo unblocked YouTube(still learning), love it's compact size and portability,further purchases inevitable 😀


I had the opportunity to join the ICO. I bought a Deeper connect mini as soon as they were launched and started mining. Best device to protect my privacy and it also mines!
Video Poster

David Hudson

Hello Deepernauts, I just wanted to say how excited I am for the future of Deeper Network. I became interested in Deeper network when I saw the Deeper Air on Indiegogo. But when I learned that Deeper Devices farm their Crypto DPR I was all in. So far I have 2 pico devices with 7 Airs otw. Can’t wait to get them and expand my farm. The DPN side of things is really awesome and I use it every day with my Pico and soon to be Air when they arrive. Deeper Network is a worthwhile company to invest into.


Loving the project!!! The idea, the potential, the execution... Future looks bright!


Have been using Deeper for a while now and i am all for it. Little device that do great stuff. Also very easy to setup.
J. Palmer

J. Palmer

The Deeper Network was introduced to me when the Genesis was being touted on Youtube. The Pico is my primary DVpn of choice as it's portable and versatile. By using a DVpn, I am able to view other regions of the world that are not accessible. The ease and cost of usage is easy and cheap. There is no requirement to pay-as-you-go, so that's a great benefit.

Daniel Holeman

I actually have not received the product yet, but had several changes in my ordering process and the customer service has been excellent. Fast and efficient. Rare these days.
John Blaise

John Blaise

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In a time of increasingly rapid censorship, getting a Deeper Connect device is essential to maintaining our online privacy and freedoms. Our data is being given away and traded for profit, and Governments are aggressive in their restrictive laws. The UK Online Harms Bill seeks to control 'legal but harmful' content, giving access to all of your private messages and online activities, as well as removing your right to secure encryption. Deeper Devices are the ONLY devices I've seen that block all of this interference and maintain your online sovereignty, while also blocking ads, trackers, malware and more. If you're in the UK, you need one of these devices now.
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Been using Deeper Network for years and is just what I need when comes with my internet security. It’s better then every other VPNs companies out there and as a bonus they reward you with DPR tokens. Keep them, they will worth something in the future. Them devices are excellet!
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deepernautes from the beginning I thank them because I really saved time and money, not to mention my security, my privacy all in 1 click

Marcel Vis

Love the way I can connect to anywhere in the world, all decentralized!

Jakub Pečovský

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From youtube. Year 2019. I have one mini at home with cooling base. In job i have one pico, but only home device is minning device. For security. But we bought it for mining. however, we are very much in the red. credit score over 900 and no extra rewards. I like design. And silent device. I like Support. Thank you so much.


I heard about Deeper researching VPN. The idea of a decentralized VPN that fought off malware with a robust firewall was better than i could find with a regular VPN. I bought a Mini and am so happy i did, from blocking ads to blocking malware for my entire network, alongside a robust VPN! Thanks Deeper for making such a exceptional product 👍🏻
Salah Sami Fodah

Salah Sami Fodah

It is a fantastic perfectly DPR device and great above excellence for network speed and excellent 👍👌 Geo unblock VPN to use famous entertainment apps on USA like Netflix and Amazon prime video etc and I am using DPR Mini se connected between the modem and the router. Excellent 👌 👍 choice

Pavel Ivanov

From a friend Deeper connect Pico Very helpfull The DPN and the mining rewards

Mohmmad saif

Real pro An excellent project with many advantages, the most important of which is safety and reducing application prices


I'm a Deeper user since I discovered the Pico on Indiegogo and the pnilosoppy around it seduced me ; i hven't been disapointeded. : decentralized Internet is great! A few weeks ago, I had a problem with a Deeper AIR and I received a fantastic support from the deeper teeam. They continuously helped me in every aspects ot the problem. Thank you Deeper and thanks to all the guys behind him : you are the future!