
I would like to express my deepest gratitude to David for his invaluable assistance during my job offer decision-making process. David's guidance and advice were truly remarkable, and I cannot thank him enough for the time and effort he invested in helping me make the best decision. His expertise and insightful perspective allowed me to see beyond the surface and delve into the offers' nuances. David's dedication to discussing each opportunity in depth provided me with a comprehensive understanding of the potential advantages and disadvantages associated with each one. What impressed me the most was David's ability to ask the right questions and uncover important details that may have initially gone unnoticed. His attention to detail and genuine concern for my career aspirations ensured that no stone was left unturned. The thoughtful advice he provided helped me weigh the pros and cons of each offer and ultimately led me to make an informed decision. Thanks to his guidance, I feel confident that I have made the best choice for my career path. I would highly recommend David to anyone seeking professional guidance.

Zoe Ansah

My name is Zoƫ, and I am currently working in primary education as a music teacher. David has been a distant mentor for many years via his twitter and newsletter, and I recently had the privilege of a call with him. In one session, David was able to grasp the complexity of my desired career trajectory, and brought fresh insight and questioning that challenged me to think even deeper about an area of my life that I have already given much thought. He provided clear exercises that will be enriching my plans for years to come. I am grateful for his propensity to distill a breadth of knowledge into key takeaways through the lens of his unique career experience to inspire and add value with his platform.


My name is Mahesh and Iā€™m a musician who has been a part of various different theatre and music projects. I have performed, recorded and facilitated with different organisations. I had a call with David through his career hyperdrive initiative on Twitter and it was amazing. It really inspired me and helped me visualise what I wanted to do going forward and how I can go about doing that. The best thing about it was the support and warmth with which I was received. I was given very tangible and realistic guidelines to better my life.


David was offering 20 minutes of his time free of charge for anyone who wanted to level up their career. I found the session incredibly helpful in such a short space of time - it enabled me a space to reflect, forward plan and consider what I needed to be thinking about and actioning now to ensure the future is what I want. David's ability to ask difficult but targeted and thought provoking questions particularly stood out