Neenah Jordan Kelliebrew

Neenah Jordan Kelliebrew

Ernie has been nothing short of extraordinary. He’s shown me how to use technology to reduce stress, increase efficiency, and have more free time. 

I can confidently say that I will be part of his Inner Circle for many years to come.

Mike Polk

Mike Polk

I was looking for a community of lawyers interested in making their practices - and lives - better. I'm glad I found the Inner Circle. I look forward to checking the site regularly for tips and observations from people smarter than me. 

I would definitely recommend Inner Circle to attorneys interested in making their practice work for them, not the other way around.

I highly recommend all of Ernie's programs, especially his Inner Circle! He's helped my firm go paperless and made me more competitive with larger firms. 

Whenever I have a question regarding any issue, he responds timely with the help I need.

Brandon Siegal

Brandon Siegal

The Inner Circle is great for lawyers like me who are passionate about working together to use technology, automation, and documented systems to enhance their practices. 

The highlight for me is the regular Friday "Office Hours," an off-the-record chance to compare notes and debate what actually works, free from sales pitches or dull presentations.

I have been following Ernie for a long time, and I really appreciate the Inner Circle. We share useful tips and recommendations with like-minded lawyers, and there are many other benefits. 

I can't think of a better mastermind group. I have recommended and will continue recommending Ernie to other lawyers, whether they are beginning their practice or looking for ways to improve it.

The Inner Circle is a fantastic way to keep up with new technology, tools and ideas that help lawyers in their law practice. I recommend it to keep up with the relentless rapid pace of change.

Aaron Krigelski

Aaron Krigelski

I've been a part of this group for a while now, and I've known Ernie for over a decade and seen his unwavering dedication to innovation and learning first-hand. 

The Zoom sessions, especially the informal "office hours," have been the unexpected treasure troves of knowledge. These unscripted moments often evolve into profound discussions, leading to some of my most cherished takeaways. 

This group isn't just a training hub; it's a vibrant community for anyone looking to future-proof their skills and embrace digital transformation. 

I can't recommend this group enough.

Marty Sullivan
Marty Sullivan

Sullivan & Barros, LLP

I joined Inner Circle to gain, and share, useful advice from similar practitioners, and from Ernie, on the nuts and bolts stuff that really makes a difference in my practice (in contrast to high-dollar consultants that provide more conceptual work that I don't find helpful). 

This community has been a godsend in that regard.

Tom Kirkendall
Tom Kirkendall

Law Office of Tom Kirkendall

Ernie is a pioneer in helping lawyers learn about and adopt technology that improves legal service delivery and law firm management. His Inner Circle is invaluable for busy lawyers who want to stay ahead of the curve. 

Members gain access to a wealth of information and insights from Ernie and other members, including: The latest trends and developments in legal technology; Case studies and best practices from other law firms; Recommendations for specific tools and platforms; and Support and guidance from a community of peers. 

I joined hoping to converse with like-minded lawyers and learn new ways to improve my business. It has 110% delivered what I was looking for

I appreciate the helpful posts and conversations from fellow members about law-related topics and non-work-related items. I really appreciate keeping updated on AI insights for lawyers, new apps, and things we can do to work smarter. 

Kerry Wallis

Kerry Wallis

Before I joined, I felt overwhelmed. It was just me working on my business, and I hated feeling like it was all on my shoulders. 

Having access to Ernie and the lawyers in this program helped me feel more confident and clear about what to do next. I've been given concrete steps to improve my practice. All of it is very doable, and it never feels like too much.

Joe Rockne

Joe Rockne

"Gads, haven’t been this excited about my practice in years."

Darlene Daniele

Darlene Daniele

“You helped me to go paperless. And I now feel completely liberated.”

Jeff Lewis

Jeff Lewis

"When I got sick recently, my team was able to follow our systems to bring in four new matters, and get court filings done, all in my absence. I really appreciate all that I learned in this program."

Maria Martinez Siemel

Maria Martinez Siemel

Ernie's Inner Circle program has saved me dozens of hours by giving me the straight scoop on: practice management software; document management systems; how to mail certified mail without going to the post office; and countless other technology lessons that save time. So grateful!

Craig Bayer

Craig Bayer

Not sure why I waited so long to get Complete game changer for meeting notes. Love the TO DO list it creates at the end of a meeting!
Tim Kowal

Tim Kowal

Ernie, several months ago you mentioned using Superhuman. I took the suggestion and it was a revelation. I went from a running 60+ emails backlog to inbox zero for now 17 weeks (Superhuman keeps track). Love it!


Haiyun Wang

Thank you, Ernie, for the great phone call. I feel you really care about your clients, not just the money you make from helping them.
John Radziewicz

John Radziewicz

I just used Loom to document a procedure and sent it to a team member to demonstrate it. The procedure was something in Lawmatics that is way more complicated than it should be. I wanted to record the solution so I didn't have to re-learn how to do it next time. I'm so pleased about: 1. making a procedure in a way that was easy to do. 2. providing an easy-to-understand solution to a problem I was trying to resolve, and 3. learning to do it with Loom (because I normally don't like recording videos). Thank you for encouraging me to try this tool!

Addie Prewitt

Addie Prewitt

“Wonderful in helping me figure out what I need to do, especially concrete recommendations…use this, don’t use that.”
Joe O’Keefe

Joe O’Keefe

Ernie is part inspiration, coach, and mentor. His Inner Circle is helpful because it gives me access to like-minded lawyers and also gives me a forum to learn, chat, and discuss ideas for improving my law practice.

Jared Correia

Jared Correia

When my company was looking for a presenter for a webinar on paperless lawyering, Ernie's was the only name I considered. 

A successful lawyer in his own right, Ernie's greatest skill is in teaching other attorneys how to use the efficient techniques that he has developed. Ernie brings good humor and an engaging affability to every presentation he gives and is always thoughtful and professional. He's sensitive to deadlines, prepares well, can adjust to technical difficulties, and is undoubtedly one of the best legal presenters in the United States.

Kim Brand

Kim Brand

I teach a legal informatics course at Indiana University. The resources & information I harvest from Ernie's programs are indispensable. They cover a wide range of timely and essential, informative topics.

D. Todd Smith

D. Todd Smith

I've known Ernie Svenson for two decades. He pioneered paperless practice for lawyers and influenced my thinking when I left BigLaw to start my own firm. Ernie always has his eye on how lawyers can use technology to improve their practices and lives.

Ernie Svenson is old and new of the very best.
Neenah Jordan Killiebrew

Neenah Jordan Killiebrew

Ernie Svenson will always be my Go To Guy!!

Addie Prewitt

Addie Prewitt

I’ve done the Systems Program twice now and recommend it to any attorney who is REALLY interested in doing the work to improve their practice. This is not a one-time thing that you do; it is a framework for intentionally improving your practice over time. 

When I used to think about systems, I felt completely overwhelmed. I had no idea where to start and felt so behind. 

But now I think of systems as a way of capturing things that I do more than once so I don't have to recreate the will everytime. The goal is to get them to a place where I can pass them along to someone else to do, but baby steps. And I've realized that you don't just take the systems course and you're done. 

This is a continual process of doing the thing, reflecting on how it worked, and then improving or trying something else if it didn't work the way I wanted it to.

Tim Kowal

Tim Kowal

Thanks for recommending Sanebox. I had to try it – especially since I have been losing badly lately in the battle of the inbox. It works pretty simply. And I now have less panic when glancing at my Outlook.

"I found information about how to improve my practice from marketing to intake to core foundation values. The course was so much more than just technology. Today my office has gone paperless and it is much thanks to this program for helping me through that process. I highly recommend the program and Ernie Svenson."

James P. Monast

James P. Monast

"The amount of information we are bombarded with daily regarding technology can be overwhelming. I really needed guidance from folks whom I trust and who have experience to tell me what has worked for them and what hasn’t. Ernie does a fine job of identifying how to start putting a toe into the technology water…Really, this course has opened up new windows on the world of running a legal practice more effectively and efficiently.”
Adam Diamond

Adam Diamond

“Ernie provides practical insight into how to take your law practice to the next level. He provides both the high level perspective that helps you see the bigger picture, and the simple action steps to help you create the practice you want.”

 David A. Hoyt

David A. Hoyt

Ernie is one of the few voices I find consistently helpful because he provides practical, current advice and roadmaps based on decades of experience with the practice of law and the business of running a practice, including technology and systems.”

Jill Jensen
Jill Jensen

Sole Member, Jill Jensen Law, LLC

Ernie provided a full hour of great, actionable information and shared how he would go about implementing the different tools he described. It's one thing to learn what to use, but he provided insights as to how to use the tools and in what order of priority. Very helpful!


Daniel G.


In this world of constant overload, it's a breath of fresh air to have a knowledgeable person like Ernie take the time to discover (and test) a large portion of the technology tools out there and then share his insights —providing GUIDANCE as to what they do and don't do.

Tanya Nebo

Tanya Nebo

"Sometimes I ask myself 'how did I practice law for so long without having systems in place?' This program gave me the push I needed to start creating processes. And to not overthink the way go about creating my processes."

Al Thompson

Al Thompson

"I’ve replaced two litigation bags with an iPad all as a result of going paperless. I heartily recommend it to any lawyer who wants to make their life easier and to do a better job for their clients.”

David Sparks

David Sparks

My biggest sensei in starting my solo law practice was Ernie. Not only did he give me good advice about the business end, he was also my spiritual guide…Ernie is an amazing guy.”

Ken Curtis

Ken Curtis

"I learned a whole boatload about stuff I never even knew existed. Wish I'd have known about this program years ago.”

Richard Frankel

Richard Frankel

"Among the best I have dealt with. Direct, simple explanations and not afraid to make specific recommendations.”

Kristie Cross

Kristie Cross

“LOVED it! Impressive. Full of useful information presented in an engaging atmosphere. Practical steps and tools to implement right away. Thank you for offering this indispensable service to your fellow lawyers.”

Robert Weimer

Robert Weimer

“Very helpful for attorneys looking to embrace technology to make their practice more effective.”
Kenneth Bordes

Kenneth Bordes

"Helped me streamline my practice and teach me how to focus on the essentials in my practice.”

J. Van Dapper

"I have learned an incredible amount about running my law firm more efficiently and effectively.”

Wes Bailey

Wes Bailey

"Thanks to this program, most of my payment, docs and communication are now systematically automated.”

Jeff Green

Jeff Green

Because of this Program, I create new procedures with SweetProcess every day. Learning how to do this has completely changed my practice.

Brian Ousley

Brian Ousley

"I really enjoy your material and I am probably the only attorney in my small town trying to implement what you teach.”
Joe O'Keefe

Joe O'Keefe

"Highly recommended for lawyers looking for a way to systemize the things that need to be done to run a law firm...and more importantly, to run it your way."
Chris Jaglowitz

Chris Jaglowitz

"My biggest obstacle before this program was mindset and not having the habit of documenting systems. now take the time to document things I do (whether work or admin/financial stuff) to make it easier to repeat those steps and to delegate them to other people."

Lynnelle Loke Moore

Lynnelle Loke Moore

"The program helped me overcome procrastination. I most appreciated seeing how other people created their procedures."

Dwight Yellin

Dwight Yellin

"The program provided a way to look closely at my law firm's systems. And seeing how other people do their processes was very valuable."

Lynn Coleman

Lynn Coleman

"The program could not have come at a better time! Documenting procedures is soooooo important for me."

Bin Xia Zhang

Bin Xia Zhang

Having documented procedures helps even though I'm the only one doing them. I used to sometimes forget where I was or what I'd done. Now, I can just follow the written steps and put my brain on autopilot, instead trying to think, what do have to do next?


Kelly Wilkins

"Your program is fantastic and I’ve learned a lot in only a few weeks. Can’t thank you enough for your leadership in this realistic, practical coaching. I started reading your blog in about 2003 with great interest and have kept track of you since then. I’ve recommended you and the program to many folks already and will keep doing so. For so many reasons — THANK YOU!"

Neenah Jordan Kelliebrew

Neenah Jordan Kelliebrew

Ernie has been nothing short of extraordinary. He’s shown me how to use technology to reduce stress, increase efficiency, and have more free time. 

I can confidently say that I will be part of his Inner Circle for many years to come.