Sergei Kopytin

A very informative and thought-provoking session. Instead of going for the questionable approach of telling you what to do to succeed in everything focus-related and become the "best version of yourself", Simo gives you concrete ideas to try out and offers perspectives on why you should care. Thanks to Simo's delivery and the way the info is packaged, the session has a good flow and feels personal. It keeps on being engaging even if the topics and sources discussed are already familiar to you. Give this one a try!

Robert Novak

I've watched part of this three times now. The first time I was going to just watch while doing other things - utterly failing at focus. The second time I took notes and lost them. The third time, I finished in one run and kept notes and screenshots. The idea of walking without headphones and smartphone is a great one, and the numerous health benefits from it are a great thing for focus, balance, and flow. The music tips Simo gives are going to be part of my experimentation in the coming weeks. The example of sushi, dessert, and then a hamburger is the opposite of my world, since I'll have a hamburger, then dessert, and leave the sushi. But the capacity limits play well into the ability of his behaviour equation. And finally, the dot is a great idea, as is the daylight. I have started opening my home office windowshade all the way when I start my day, and I think it does make a difference. n=1 and all, but if it feels like it's helping, it probably is. If you feel tedium in your life, or a lack of focus, or a desire to optimize your time (even compressing your work in the process), I'd recommend this course as an excellent, digestible, and manageable first step. You don't have to watch it three times, but maybe come back to it later for a refresher.

Antti Niittyviita

CEO, Prove Expertise LLC

5/5! A disclaimer: I didn't just participate in the training but also bought it (the live version) for one of my professional development seminars. Energizing presentation and most importantly in a short time goes beyond just “how to focus”, into delivering critical lessons on how to start taking all this advice and putting it into action. If you’re looking to add something real-world useful to your workplace trainings, I warmly recommend hiring Simo!


Project Manager, Pinja Oy

I found this session through Kaizen Hour mailing list and I'm really happy that I (finally) took the time to listen and watch the whole video. Simo can really deliver the message. His presentation is fluent, lively and inspiring. It would even be easy to idolize him, but I'll take his word for it and focus on the message. And the message is brilliant. I'm old enough and fortunate enough to have heard many of these things before, so it's easy to convince me that this stuff is true. I've already proven many of the points to myself. As on spiritual teacher once said to me:" Don't believe it, because I say so, experiment and investigate it yourself and see, if it's really true for you." The biggest thing I'm going to take with me from this presentation is that - once more - it was told to me how to do the right thing. Now, just do it. No excuses. Bit by bit. Build the routine, slice the tasks, get the sense of achievement. That motivates to go forward. I would recommend this training for anyone struggling with focusing on stuff. And if you think you can focus, still watch this video. You might be a zen guru, but even then it's good to bench mark every now and then. If you are, where you want to be, it's good to have affirmation to it.