
Before joining MotJ, I was a bit stuck in my meditation practices. Daniel's training opened new and unexpected paths for me, as a psychedelic journey would have. Now, I just have to explore them 😊

Jul 24, 2024


Psychedelic Mentor & Alchemy Coach; Kaleidoscope Eye Coaching

I am a psychedelic mentor and integration coach, and I enrolled in MFTJ to learn new-to-me meditation techniques and yogic principles that will support both my own integration as well as the work I am doing with clients. Despite not being able to attend most of the classes live, I felt connected to the cohort through a potent co-created field of awareness and openness. I particularly enjoyed the meditations with Dan and Sky, and found the opportunity to practice live with the group twice/week to be helpful accountability and scaffolding for my own practice. I loved learning about dharma principles/sutras/practices/archetypes that weren't already familiar to me, and some of the basics of Ayurveda. Dan is a great teacher who keeps the energy fun and buoyant, not overly serious. I think this course is ideal for anyone wanting to deepen their mindfulness practice in context of psychedelic exploration and integration.

Jul 23, 2024



Meditation for the Journey has up leveled my psychedelic journey in ways I can hardly put into words. Over the course of the class I learned skills that have given me the confidence to go deeper on solo journeys and tools that have helped me through difficult trips. When I joined, I was concerned that I had only a little experience with psychedelics. I was curious about integrating psychedelic work with magic and meditation work I was already doing. The group consisted of amazing people from many different backgrounds who were so generous sharing their personal stories. Daniel has a gentle approach that stems from a deep caring about his community, which shows clearly in his work. I'm going forward from this class with a deeper confidence that I can take care of myself in psychedelic spaces and a community to call on when I need support.

Jul 21, 2024


Brittni Masters

I joined Meditation for the Journey excited to explore the more spiritual side of psychedelics and from this class, I've gained an arsenal of new tools and resources to do exactly that. I now feel more comfortable and more able to get in touch with myself and actually be receptive to the things I learn on my psychedelic journeys. I was surprised to find that many of these practices were positively affecting me even without the use of a molecule. This class covers a ton of great material and I plan to keep coming back to the readings and videos to keep experimenting with all the different tools both in and out of ceremony. I've already made a daily practice out of a few of the meditations I learned in this class.

Jul 16, 2024

Tahnee K

Tahnee K

I am currently participating in a 6-week course with TAM Integration, and my experience has been nothing short of transformative. Last night, during one of our sessions, Daniel, led a powerful exercise of visualization. The experience left me feeling overwhelmed with gratitude and hope for my healing journey. Daniel's guidance, compassion, and deep understanding of the healing process create a safe and nurturing environment for growth and self-discovery. His dedication to each participant's well-being is evident in every session. The supportive community he fosters has been instrumental in my journey, providing a sense of belonging and shared purpose. I am incredibly grateful for this experience and highly recommend TAM Integration to anyone seeking profound personal growth and healing. Daniel's expertise and the course's structure offer invaluable tools and insights that will undoubtedly benefit anyone on their path to self-discovery and transformation. Thank you, Daniel, and the TAM Integration community, for all of your support and kindness. <3

Jun 28, 2024

Michelle Kemp
Michelle Kemp

Integrative Embodiment Coach

Michelle Kemp an integrative embodiment coach guiding others in the reclamation of themselves. Meditation for the Journey helped me in supporting myself and getting to understand the texture of my being. The best thing about this class is the people and the leader (Daniel) who holds space so intently. I loved the weekly partner practice for the experience and getting to know the community. I’ve have already begin to use the tools in the way I hold space for myself and others. This class led me into wanting to understand Somatic work more and getting further certification in Somatic work. Meditation was full of information that I still circle back to as a resources.

Apr 2, 2024


Amanda Galeotti

I’m a middle-aged mom of 4. I’ve spent the last 4.5 years working with plant medicine and trying to learn to meditate. Coming out of religion, it’s been for me a kind of stumbling in the dark. Meditation for the Journey was like being given a flashlight to help illuminate the way. Daniel’s easy, laid-back teaching style, his sense of humor, and his vast wealth of knowledge and wisdom have helped me finally begin in earnest to develop a meditation practice. I also really enjoyed hearing from others in the course how things were working for them. Daniel’s hands-on approach to teaching made different techniques really accessible. I am looking forward to returning often to the lectures and materials. There are so many resources Daniel has compiled to help. Meditation for the Journey is a wonderful course! Thank you, Daniel!

Mar 6, 2024


Kevin M

I've taken this class twice as a novice psychonaut seeking to establish a good home base for exploration. This class is accessible and welcoming to people of all experience levels (with meditation and with medicine). There's something for everyone since it draws from several traditions and it's useful to try out several different practices. Daniel has so much to share - knowledge, perspective, humor, and kindness - and it's also a great way to connect with some fellow travelers. Highly recommended!

Mar 6, 2024

Amelia Letvin

Amelia Letvin

My name is Amelia, and I'm working on becoming the best version of myself, through accepting, building trust and really loving all my demons. MFTJ helped me recommit to sustaining healthy habits for myself, and to help me to feel less alone in that pursuit. Self improvement can be a solitary path at times, it's nice to see/ feel that others are comittee to it. The best thing is hard to nail down, but a really good thing was the between class discussions on the mighty network. I enjoyed hearing the rich perspectives of the other participants, and it was encouraging to hear about their own journeys. Something the surprised me, I've worked with Daniel previously, but it was cool to see him light up in a different way, as a teacher. When someone shares their passion there's a special twinkle in the smile. Tools I've learned; starting meditation with nasi shodhana is a good way to jump into deep breathing. Also, I'm building an alter of important items that remind me of things, like to be present, curious, grateful, at peace, etc. There's a lot from the class that I hope to dig deeper into in the future; different styles, techniques, readings.

Mar 4, 2024


Ariel Owen

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I'm a 71 year old retired teacher (middle school) and working as a death doula. This class had deepened and broadened my practice and I've learned some new techniques. I loved being among so many like-minded souls. I was very surprised by how useful this class is for me. The reading list is fabulous and the books will be useful far beyond the class.

Mar 1, 2024



I entered as a complete noob (new person) to the integration scene after using psychedelics much of my life with reverence. Daniel's eclectic knowledge of spirituality, meditation, and magic helped me to understand the importance of having tools for not only having a fantastic journey but also how I can integrate these downloads into my life. I've been a solo journeyer most of my life, and really enjoyed having a loving community there to share their experiences and validate mine. I am extremely grateful that I was fortunate enough to attend this course, and look forward to continuing learning and being a member of this fantastic community.

Oct 14, 2023



This course left me inspired in more ways than one. While the worlds of Eastern spirituality and psychedelics have long mingled, Daniel provided a very organized meet-n-greet between them and practical ways to integrate them. This goes well beyond what one might envision as "meditation," Daniel really transmitted a broad sweep of yogic/Eastern teachings and practices (with his typical humility, warmth and humor). He's got a grasp on such a wide cross section of traditions and different ways of approaching "meditation," there is something for everybody. I was particularly blown away by some of the somatic expression practices. And, I was inspired by the community - such lovely sincere explorers and supportive people. Much love to you all out there.

Oct 13, 2023

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As I follow the path of psychedelic medicine work it became clear that I needed to begin meditating in order to have greater clarity and peace. I wasn't sure where or how to start, I knew I needed direction and information, this course gave me both of those things. As I build a career in psychedelics (I am in the current Integration Coach Training program with Mt. Tam) this foundational understanding of meditation practice is grounding me and guiding me. Daniel provided a wealth of resources for us to build our knowledge on (books, articles, videos) as well as easy to follow weekly practice guidelines in many styles of meditation (which I didn't even know there were so many!). This class isn't just for beginners, many of my classmates are long-time meditators who came to hone their practice.

Oct 11, 2023

Leni Pratte
Leni Pratte

Spiritual Guide - AwakenedSelfHealing.com

When I was beginning my sacred medicine journey, this class helped me connect yogic principles to the medicine journey space. It brought some clarity on how I can use yoga and meditation into medicine journey preparation, facilitation and integration. Thank you Daniel🙏

Aug 17, 2023



I am a sixty seven year old lawyer with forty years experience. I defend citizens who have been accused by the government of committing crimes. I am also the veteran of fifty three years of psychedelic use beginning in 1970. I am also a long term meditator. Recently I participated in Tam Integration’s program for meditators who do trip or have done so. The course was fabulously beneficial and I heartily recommend it. I also enjoy the support community of graduates of the program that Tam has running on the Signal app. I believe that anyone who participates in this group will find it enjoyable and worthwhile.

Aug 13, 2023

lydia francolini

lydia francolini

Meditation for the Journey helped me access and address my inner self in a way I didn't think possible. This class was brimming with information on not only meditation but health assessment mentally and spiritually. I found community with the class as well something I don't have in my particular area of the US. As a wife and mother of two its super helpful to have information for my psychedelic journey and my spiritual growth thereafter.

Jun 26, 2023

Randy Rodriguez

Randy Rodriguez

Physical Therapist (Portland, OR)

The weekend intensive made me a better sitter, and by that I mean, back to sitting on my cushion with renewed vigor to watch the breath, to ground the body, to cultivate the mind. There was an ease to connecting with others in the class doing their own intensive personal work/self healing in the service of life. Daniel teaches with a gentleness and like any great member of a jam, he knows how to lead with the countless sources of wisdom that’s guided him and when to share in the groove and let the aliveness in others shine. Part psycho-spiritual tool kit expansion pack, part hikers’ rest stop along the life’s path. Join Daniel, you’ll explore yourself!

Mar 29, 2023

J. J.

Daniel has the breadth, depth, experience and authority to be teaching “Sitting for Psychonauts”. He interlaces solid information, practice and fun into a course that provides real benefits to the earnest psychonauts.

Mar 22, 2023

I’m Sean, and my journey with psychedelics the past four years has led me to explore the possibility of working with others on a similar journey. I’ve struggled to maintain a regular meditation practice in the past, but thanks to this course, I now have a better understanding of how it fits into my life, and have been meditating consistently in different modalities since starting the course. The best thing about this course is that it’s designed to meet you where you are, whether you’re a newbie or a seasoned vet. What surprised me were how many critical insights I gained from Daniel as he provided the information in a digestible way that connected with me. I see myself using the skills I learned in MFTJ to not only help others develop a meditation practice of their own, but to help others prepare for psychedelic journeys, as well as holding space for others on this journey. Happy to have connected with others in this space. Well worth the time and investment.

Mar 10, 2023



Taking this class was one of the best decisions I've made in nearly 30 years of psychedelic exploration. It's like training for a marathon... Sure, you enjoy running so you can just throw on some running shoes and run for as long as you can, but if you want to run the full 26 miles, you need to train for it. Meditation for the Journey helps teach you to train you for high dose psychedelic work and provides you with a gym full of equipment to work out with. Daniel has a special gift for taking complex philosophy and millennia old spiritual teachings and practice and making it digestible, relatable and compatible with modern day psychedelic use. Whether you're a complete novice looking for a new way to heal or an experienced psychedelic veteran, you will come out with a better and sharper set of tools for navigating the psychedelic experience and the inevitable challenges that must sometimes be endured in high dose ceremonies. And you'll make some great friends along the way! Can't recommend this class enough!

Mar 6, 2023

Christine Casper

Christine Casper

Householder, ex-NBC News, former hockey mom

I’m Christine, a human being (not a chatbot) born on the cusp of the BabyBoom and GenX, interested in consciousness, personal healing and growth, and figuring how to be of service during my last few laps around the track. I had a long and exciting career and have raised a kid and a dog, and now feel pulled toward deep and serious inner work. Meditation for the Journey has given me a solid, grounded foundation for this work. It’s difficult to find the proper structure for this kind of internal investigation. Daniel’s deep body of knowledge, calm sense of presence and great sense of humor make him an excellent teacher. The best thing about the class was the sense of community and the partner work done outside our meetings, followed closely by the materials and wisdom teachings we were exposed to. Many of these texts and methods will stick with me for life. I was surprised by the variety of topics and methods the course covered. You don’t need to be interested in plant medicine to benefit from these teachings. They’re methods for improving your *life.* I’m grateful and happy to have met Daniel, my class partner Harry, and all the students doing this work together. More of this, please!

Mar 5, 2023

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My name is Nico and I’m 55 years old. I’m a recovering medical anthropologist. Five years ago, facing an empty nest, an unsatisfying marriage, and disenchantment with my 25 year research career, I decided to change. I lived a nomadic life and opened myself up to new experiences. Thus began my experiments with psychedelics. I found them incredibly useful in adjusting to my new circumstances and to process the emotions emerging around the dissolution of my marriage and my early retirement. Through that process, I realized that my true calling is to be a psychedelic integration coach. As with all integration, the path to that career has not been linear. The first step for me was to create enough stability in my living situation to enroll in coach training program. Deep work with a psychedelic coach requires a safe emotional space to allow the neuroplasticity to transform your patterns of thought. You learn how to better feel, to communicate with yourself in a loving way and accept challenges as an opportunity for growth. I met Daniel last October in an online integration circle following a really challenging journey. I really liked Daniel’s facilitation approach and got a lot out that session. So I decided to sign up for Daniel's four-week Meditation for the Journey course this last February. Daniel encouraged us to start a daily meditation practice and provided some exercises. What we end up doing is entirely up to us. I knew from my previous coach training that what you get out of the course is directly proportional to the care and effort you put into it. I also learned how to work around my resistance to course content that I initially dismiss as too “woo woo” or esoteric. Not having much background in Ayurveda, I felt quite lost in the first lecture and the readings. I gave myself permission to not understand it, and to allow myself more time to integrate it gradually. You can only absorb and integrate that for which you are ready. Aside from the readings and lectures, the course offers the chance to work with a partner to discuss the material and the challenges it brings up. I was paired with Matt, who had also been at the integration meeting. I am so grateful to Matt for turning me on to a new psychedelic being distributed by a church in Austin, TX. After going to psilomethoxin.com and joining the church, I received my “sacrament” in a FedEx envelope last Saturday. I took 150mg and started listening to an interview by Tara Brach with Roland Griffiths that Daniel had assigned. The talk was about the synergy between meditation, psychedelics, and Roland’s recent stage-four cancer diagnosis. It was such an inspiring discussion that really elevated my set going into the journey. It started off very much like an MDMA experience, gently enveloping me in complete emotional safety. I felt tremendous waves of energy coursing through me, but also a clarity and profound connection to Source. I felt redeemed. It was a much more intense experience than I expected. The next day I attended the online church service and the message was very on point: the only thing wrong with you is the idea that there's something wrong with you. I realized I'm going to be okay, but only if I trust and receive the healing being offered to me. I might get hit by a bus tomorrow or like Roland, find out I have stage four cancer. The prospect of either isn’t so terrifying after this journey. Daniel’s final lecture really connected the dots for me and he demonstrated some somatic experiencing practices that I would like to incorporate into my own coaching. Thank you, Daniel. I look forward to more work together.

Feb 28, 2023

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Hyperspace Sky

Tam Integration, founded and led by Daniel “Sitaram Das” Shankin, is one of the premier supports and resources for our modern psychedelic exploration from preparation through integration. From weekly circles to weekend retreats, and now a year long integration coaching certification program, Daniel has led the way for many to find a home within this new resurgence of conscious work with psychedelic medicine. Tam Integration is one of the only trustworthy groups that, I believe, are authentically qualified and able to offer this new kind of certification program. The depth of resource and support seem as vast as hyperspace. I am deeply grateful to have found the Tam circles and community when I did. I have been working with these sacraments for many years on my own personal hero’s journey, as well as advocating and helping to assist others on the path. I attended the in-person Meditation for the Journey retreat in February to connect deeper with my own experiences, learn more tools for effective preparation and spend time within the heart centered community of Psychonauts and conscious explorers. The tools that Daniel offers to support healing in journeywork are invaluable and down to earth, capturing the priceless nature of conscious awareness in an understandable format. His practical experience in the space and continued seeking of ways to reach us is apparent and rarely matched. He speaks and teaches in a way that allows more curiosity and compassion to come through the self, especially when facing challenges in the psychedelic experience. From yoga to meditation, energy practices to holding strong space for self and others, the simplicity of the delivery makes even the most difficult aspects of our psychedelic work easily understood and integrated. The language and presentation allow the information to be receivable to all people from different backgrounds and walks of life. This certainly is a gift that has been gained through actually doing the hard work on a personal level. I am beyond grateful for the opportunity to be a part of such a wonderful organization and community that supports everyone from the dawn of their practice to the deepest of exploration. Whether you are an experienced psychonaut, or have recently felt the spark to start on the path, I highly recommend Tam Integration, and their many offerings, as a resource for learning and support through your hyperspace adventuring. Yours truly, Hyperspace Sky

Mar 5, 2022


Peter S.


The Sitting for Psychonauts course was intense and practical. Daniel is extremely knowledgable and has an excellent way of bringing clarity and direction to the experience. After the course I feel much better prepared to deepen my relationship to medicine journeys, and, more importantly, to the integration and practice towards a more spiritually centered life as a result. The resources and lessons I was shown will allow for a lifetime of study and practice.

Jun 22, 2020


Steven B.

The Tam integration class introduced me to a variety of tools to use pre, during & posting siting. The course is like having a good friend trip sit for you for the rest of your life – yourself. I learned more than I ever could imagine about holding space for myself and others, meditations, shadow work & integration. I often go back and revisit the course work-as it’s all online. The course material is rich in context with additional references to further study. Daniel’s books list is top notch. I use some of the exercises regularly to move stuck emotions or energy. I’ve used a variety of techniques that I learned in the course to heal past trauma and recover from addictions. Furthermore, the community of like minded people you meet is another great resource. We have an online alumni group who regularly stays in touch with current topics and related experiences.

Jun 7, 2020



Before joining MotJ, I was a bit stuck in my meditation practices. Daniel's training opened new and unexpected paths for me, as a psychedelic journey would have. Now, I just have to explore them 😊

Jul 24, 2024


Psychedelic Mentor & Alchemy Coach; Kaleidoscope Eye Coaching

I am a psychedelic mentor and integration coach, and I enrolled in MFTJ to learn new-to-me meditation techniques and yogic principles that will support both my own integration as well as the work I am doing with clients. Despite not being able to attend most of the classes live, I felt connected to the cohort through a potent co-created field of awareness and openness. I particularly enjoyed the meditations with Dan and Sky, and found the opportunity to practice live with the group twice/week to be helpful accountability and scaffolding for my own practice. I loved learning about dharma principles/sutras/practices/archetypes that weren't already familiar to me, and some of the basics of Ayurveda. Dan is a great teacher who keeps the energy fun and buoyant, not overly serious. I think this course is ideal for anyone wanting to deepen their mindfulness practice in context of psychedelic exploration and integration.

Jul 23, 2024



Meditation for the Journey has up leveled my psychedelic journey in ways I can hardly put into words. Over the course of the class I learned skills that have given me the confidence to go deeper on solo journeys and tools that have helped me through difficult trips. When I joined, I was concerned that I had only a little experience with psychedelics. I was curious about integrating psychedelic work with magic and meditation work I was already doing. The group consisted of amazing people from many different backgrounds who were so generous sharing their personal stories. Daniel has a gentle approach that stems from a deep caring about his community, which shows clearly in his work. I'm going forward from this class with a deeper confidence that I can take care of myself in psychedelic spaces and a community to call on when I need support.

Jul 21, 2024