Nina Lisitsa

Nina Lisitsa

It's difficult to point out exactly what the best part of Mentor Mesh has been. There are so many wonderful aspects to this community. The community is active, supportive, encouraging and always up for a conversation. I have met many wonderful professionals that have inspired me, pushed me in directions I never imagined, and kept me accountable on the goals that I have set for myself. At the same time, there are times when I disappear from the community because of other commitments, but whenever I have returned it has always been a warm welcome. I am so glad I was able to find this community. It is like an old friend that you know is always there and that you can rely on.
Neda Sefati

Neda Sefati

I've been a MentorMesh member since early 2021. I've seen first hand the impact of this international community on it's members. MentorMesh builds confident leaders and mentors from the ground up. This community has authentic members from different tech domains who support each other on their tech journey.
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Amanda Henderson

Amanda Henderson

Mentor Mesh has been a wonderful place to learn and grow from others who are on the same journey. The community has helped me with getting outside of my comfort zone and becoming more visible in the "wider community" of LinkedIn Product Managers and employers. Having people to support and encourage you day by day, who are wiling to be accessible to answer your questions or jump on a call... is rare when trying to get ahead in your career. I know that Mentor Mesh is a place where I can go and "mess up." Where I can go and practice, where I can go to chat and hang out, where I can go to listen and learn. For those who thrive in a supportive, hands-on environment. This is the place to be!
Michelle Tanzil

Michelle Tanzil

I've been with the Mentor Mesh community since the beginning. This community is a big part of my software engineering career journey and continues to do so. Jae Taylor is an amazing mentor and he genuinely cares about this community and the members in it. Not only is Jae passionate about helping others, he gives practical and actionable advice. In my journey from transitioning from Marketing & Sales to Software Engineering, I was a part of several communities but I found myself coming back to Mentor Mesh. I've made long lasting friendships and allies I know I can trust. In my current days as a software engineer, Mentor Mesh and Jae has taught me the importance of giving back and mentoring others. Come join a supportive and inspiring community!
Devina Mendez

Devina Mendez

The best part of Mentor Mesh is the community! I have met so many wonderful, talented, intellectual, kind, passionate, and driven people online from all over the world. Lots of these individuals are already professionals in their field mentoring others. And others are here to learn about tech and share their experiences, struggles, wins, and even transition into another career like I did. I became a part of one of the first programs through Mentor Mesh and it changed my life. Because of Jae and the professionals he brought in to teach during the program, I was able to gain the insight about tech, get invaluable career advice, and ALL the support I needed to land my first tech job in a very short amount of time. I continue to cherish this community and am so grateful to still be a part of it everyday.
Will Ragan

Will Ragan

The best part of Mentor Mesh is by far the community. This community is full of genuine people willing to take the time to share their professional advice and guidance, which gave me the confidence and direction to now evolve my tech career. Thank you Jae and the MM Community for changing my life. I will no doubt pay it forward.
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Aysel Kazimova

Aysel Kazimova

Mentor Mesh is the place you can find support for your career goal and meet valuable people. Despite being a new member of Mentor Mesh, every day this community positively impacts my career journey. Mentor Mesh's values and mission differ from other communities and boot camps. The first mission of Mentor Mesh is to help people to build personal branding and to be known by other people which gives you great networking and new opportunities every day. Secondly, all the members of Mentor Mesh are future mentors who are ready to help for whose need help or support in their career journey. I am so happy to meet Jae who introduced these new concepts to me. All the members of Mentor Mesh are ready to help and so open to talking and discussing your goals. Here we learn and improve together. On this path, always you can feel the support of Jae as your mentor. I strongly believe that with the help of Jae, I will be the future mentor for people who wants to transfer tech industry. He is such a role model for me. I have a lot to learn from this community and I will. I am proud to be a member of MentorMesh.

Tiia M

I have been involved with Mentor Mesh for about two years now. I’m so grateful to have met Jae who introduced me to Mentor Mesh in 2021. I have connected with a lot of tech professionals through the community and the inspiration and support I have received from the community has been amazing. Every time I feel the impostor syndrome, the Mentor Mesh community never fails to get me back on track and believing in myself again, thanks to the different events and discussions I’ve participated over the years. I truly appreciate how invested and supportive Jae is with the community and his passion to help people accelerate their careers. I recommend anyone that is considering a transition into tech or looking for a community that really cares to join Mentor Mesh!


Joining the Mentor Mesh Community has been an incredible experience. Everyone is there with a mission, and it's remarkable to see how we can empower each other through building supportive relationships even in such diverse fields of interest! As I've interacted more within this network, it's become clear that having those meaningful connections helps us recognize our weaknesses and strengths so that we may all grow further as educated professionals or innovators.
Eleni Haloftis

Eleni Haloftis

I've been with Mentor Mesh since 2020 when I began my pivot from being lost working odd jobs with a degree I couldn't use to accruing several years of experience in the UXR field. Mentor Mesh has played a significant role in teaching me skills needed to operate in a tech work place as well as vital knowledge for how to land jobs through personal branding, networking, and leveraging LinkedIn.
Allison Herbert

Allison Herbert

I found Mentor Mesh in early 2021 between opportunities. I wanted a place to share and learn ideas for the interview process and applying for jobs. What I got was a supportive community who helped me find a voice, be accountable for the learnings and efforts I was focused on and meaningful connection with folks like me or who I look up to as I grow my career in tech. I’d not be where I am today without the support of Mentor Mesh!

Mercy Y

Mentor Mesh – The Place to Be… Looking back to 2022, among my greatest highlights was finding Mentor Mesh & connecting with Jae Taylor. His story is captivating & inspiring. I love his passion & kindness to help others grow & be successful. Jae is & has been a great Mentor to me & others. Attending the events, he hosts for free, has been the BEST mentorship I’ve had in my entire career. I love all the challenges he gave us they have allowed me to grow so much & to see value in my hard work & efforts. Mentor Mesh is a community where you are not alone, he has instilled the spirit & importance of helping others. Building your brand & network, supporting others while receiving support as well. I love the honesty; I love how through Jae I have met great leaders in the tech industry who all sacrifice their time to pour their knowledge to others. This says a lot about the relationship Jae has built with all the leaders, which is what he teaches others. Jae is a great instructor and what I love about his Accelerator & Boot Camp programs is how affordable & interactive they are. Mentor Mesh is community and the encouragement & support you get is immeasurable… “If you want to go fast, go alone, if you want to go far, go together” …. I appreciate & I am proud to be a Mentor Mesh Alumni & Member – The place to be….

Vinay C

I am grateful to find this platform on web and meet some amazing and chivalrous humans who are ready to help as and when possible and guide whenever needed.

Teri Campbell

Mentor Mesh is such a supportive network of experienced tech professionals and individuals working on career growth. Having a community for both giving and receiving support has kept me surrounded with positivity and perspective, and the evolving nature of the group keeps it alive. Opportunities I have been able to take advantage of include collaborating on a group product initiative, learning from advanced career professionals, connecting directly with others, and, most importantly, building a network of quality connections. I recommend this group to people who want to engage in a mentoring environment on both sides of the fence.
Nana Adjoa Anim

Nana Adjoa Anim

I met Jae in April 2022 on a twitter space and that's how I got to know about mentor mesh. I joined Mentor Mesh and I will say it has been one of the best decisions I have made. What I love about Mentor Mesh is the community support. It's a place where you find people from different career background offering support and help to each other. It has taught me about building in public, build a solid reputation and also help others reach their goals with the ability to have a clear cut direction for my career. I have learnt how to value relationships network the right way. I love that our programs gives you exposure to interacting and learning from industry experts and peers. There is always something value to take away from our programs. The best part of Mentor mesh is that, when you are building in public and putting yourself out there, the community is always there to support you. Learning and moving with people always makes the journey easier. I recommend anyone out there who is looking to join a community bro accelerate your career to join Mentor Mesh. Not only will you meet your goals but will be fulfilled in helping others too!


Great place to connect with mentors in tech helping individuals transitioning to tech. Opportunities to try out new ideas and get feedback. I enjoyed helping to create a project program that allowed people to gain some experience in the tech space.