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"Prentus helped me when I didn't have confidence"

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"I really love the AI Cover Letter feature and gamification"

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Cybersecurity Student at NextGenT

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Prentus is a fantastic job-hunting website. I'm enrolled in NexGenT Academy for Network Engineering and cybersecurity. My goal is to get into infosec, Currently I'm employed for the New York City Police Department. I love using Prentus for multiple reasons. The top, being its tracking feature, however it does so much more. Prentus helps by creating a profile website that you can share on job applications along with LinkedIn. Prentus also utilizes AI for a lot of things! Such as a LinkedIn analyzer. You can type in a desired job title and the AI will analyze your LinkedIn then offer suggestions to make it better. It will give you a grade out of 100 and break each section down into a score and then it explains the score. Then it explains exactly what to change and why, to improve your LinkedIn profile per that job search. Prentuus also uses AI for mock job interviews which is an incredibly accurate feature, because I did a mock interview prior to an actual job interview and several of the questions were the same. I was extra prepared thanks to Prentus. I also like using Prentus when I'm talking to my career coaches at NExGenT Academy so they can physically see where I stand in the job market and can offer guidance on howe to improve, if improvements are needed. Prentus also lets them review my Resume and leave live notes. I used to use Huntr but overall Prentus is just the way better option. Even the Chrome extension is so easy to use you can copy and paste job information to it and it'll save it directly to Prentus and for sites like Indeed, LinkedIn or ZipRecruiter, it'll automatically do it for you. LET'S NOT FORGET THE BEST PART OF ALL! Prentus is also a job board that posts daily job offers, which is a great start to my day. I always search Prentus first before jumping on LinkedIn AND how can I forget the social aspect of this site! You can connect with others and chat! This is a great website I love it and all of its features. From the AI to the job tracking, this site covers it all. I can't wait for it to become an app!
Luciano Duran

Luciano Duran

Job Seeker

I love using the AI Career Coach to practice common and industry-specific interview questions. It’s helped me learn how to leverage my past experience and boosted my confidence for actual interviews.
John  Clapper

John Clapper

Software Engineer

I'm John Clapper, I'm working on finding a job as a developer. I switched from Huntr to Prentus with my bootcamp Coding Temple. The main reason was recommendation from Coding Temple. The top things Prentus has been helpful with is tracking jobs that I've applied to, generating cover letters for those jobs, and adjusting my resume on the fly to match their requirements. Prentus has not only been helpful but its also been fun! The gamification takes a little slog out of the job search. I'm excited to see how this tool grows.

Kobi Matagi

Software Engineer

During my job search I just got lost with who I applied with and finding jobs that were more entry level. I was like why can’t I just track all the places I’ve applied in one place with the tools I need and then Prentus popped into my feed and I’ve loved it ever since. What an amazing tool!

David Momodu-Hawkins

My Name is David and im finishing up a Cybersecurity bootcamp. I didnt have any other tools that i used prior. Prentus has helped me organize my resume and given me top tools to make my resume more professional.


Student, Hack Reactor Boot Camp

This community is a GAME CHANGER for job seekers, job landers, and recruiters! I am so excited to be a part of Prentus! In mere days it has already provided me with several exciting leads (Tech jobs I've then applied for) and countless new connections.
James Boyette

James Boyette

Software Developer

TLDR: Prentus is the most useful job search tool in my kit. It cuts out a lot of the extra work that causes friction and/or frustration for me, and makes the job search if not enjoyable, at least a lot easier! As a junior software developer, I've had to go on multiple hunts for a new role when the last contract expired, downsizing occurred, etc., etc. Most of the time, that process is utterly excruciating. I've used other platforms (like CareerScore) in the past, but Prentus has been my go-to for years, now. It has a substantial feature-set and the quick + friendly customer support is awesome. How does the app help me? The Chrome extension quickly grabs all of the relevant data from a given job (on LinkedIn, Indeed, AngelList, etc.) and stores it for me to view later. Sometimes I try a "quantity over quality" (200 applications in a week?) approach, and sometimes the opposite (careful research on a company, a thoughtful cover letter, coffee meetings with current engineers, etc.). Either way, after banging out numerous applications, I frankly don't remember who are what I've done. It's blur. And I need a nap + an ice cream. Prentus allows me to go to my account and quickly + accurately review these applications. Some of the use cases that I frequently use the app + extension for: - Want to set a reminder to send a follow-up, "thank you" message, or for that first screener interview? You can do it in the app. - Want to perform data analysis? Find out whether you're applying as often, or as much as you think you are? See how many of those applications are actually getting accepted, or advanced to later interview rounds? See if the new resume you started using last month is performing better or worse compared to your old one? You can do it in the app. - Want to set To-Do tasks for yourself for all of this and more via either a Trello or calendar-styled view? You can do it in the app. There are even a bunch of options and resources on the app that allow you to interact and collaborate with fellow grads of your bootcamp (if you've signed up for Prentus via your boot camp). And if you run into a potential bug, they get back to you *exceptionally* fast - either with a clarification on how to do what you wanted to do, or a promised fix within the week.


I'm a recent bootcamp grad and my school just started using Prentus for our alumni job board and it's a huge improvement! Saved me from having to craft tons of spreadsheets to track my applications and status' and it's made my job hunt feel much more optimistic. Big thanks to Prentus for the great service they've put together!
Jacob Harvey

Jacob Harvey

My name is Jacob Harvey and I am a recent bootcamp graduate from Flatiron School currently working on getting my first developer job in the tech industry. Prentus has really helped me keep track of all the applications I have submitted, applications that have been rejected, companies I am currently interviewing with, notes about certain companies, and if a company offers remote work on on-site is required. One thing I love most about Prentus is I can easily go to my job tracker dash board and see my interview rate so far. I switched form where I was tracking my applications but the free version of that stopped letting me add applications after I put around 50 on there. That is one amazing feature of Prentus that I really appreciate so far is having the ability to track more than 50 applications on my dashboard. Overall I love using Prentus and my life as a jobseeker has improved tons by allowing me to see my stats on Prentus and everything that I have learned and accomplished from interviewing with multiple companies.
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"Prentus helped me when I didn't have confidence"