Antidote is life-changing! Finally having the knowledge around healthy phone use is liberating. The modules were well paced - smaller lesson lengths so it's not overwhelming and can easily fit into a daily schedule. I've freed up time from phone use and started new digital-free hobbies, such as learning to play the keyboard! (yes I actually felt inspired enough to buy a keyboard and learn my favourite songs haha) and increasing my daily steps. I highly recommended you join the Antidote course! Regain your time back and take control :)
I’ve been here since day 1 and honestly I already see so many changes in my life. My mood is the most important factor. I’m happier with what I accomplish every day and I don’t feel bad anymore about what I don’t get to do. I’m in LOVE with the habit tracker the most. But every tiny step, helps so much. Thank you for doing this course!
I’ve been on antidote for about a week now and every morning I took the time to watch one lesson and take my notes. From a screentime of 8h40 I‘am now at 1h30 without Kajabi and Spotify which I‘m really proud of. The thing that has helped me the most probably are the guided meditations on here which I do every morning and it helps me stay more mindful and therefor prevents me from unnecessarily looking at my phone throughout the day. In General I think that the slow paste of only one lesson a day helps me implement what I’ve learned right away and make the habits stick.
The lowest it has been in a while! Staying productive with hobbies and work is what has been helping the most! Started this course just under 6 hrs avg, last few weeks got it down to 5.5hrs, now down to 4.5hrs!!! This course has been super helpful and would recommend to anyone wanting to detach themselves from their mobile devices and living a more productive life!
I’m officially half way through the course now…I absolutely love Sean’s calm and concise teaching style. It’s easy to go through the course and I feel very supported with the extra journal, guided meditations and community chat. My favourite thing about the course is the value for money…I’ve done quite a few self development courses, none of which have packed this much information and guidance into them. Hats off to the creators for actually providing an affordable program that is accessible to the wider public.
I really like Antidote. I think it’s great that you not only have the option to learn for yourself but learn with others and exchange and update each other. The community is warmly positive and helps answering questions, shares material and a lot of other stuff. My phone use has become much more intentional and mindful so far and I hope I’ll continue reducing my screen time day by day :) If you’re still not sure wether or not buy this course just think about how bad do you want it? For me personally money spend on self growth is worth much more than other investments. This course offers so many opportunities to stay on track even after finishing this course and is a life investment :) (and also if the course doesn’t work for you, Sean made the promise to give you your money back, so you practically can’t lose) wish you the best of luck :))
Wow this course has definitely open of my eyes and realize that I have been letting a tool ruin my productivity and goals. There's two quotes that really resonates with me. Which are these "Technology is a useful servant, but a dangerous master." and "The average smartphone user will tap their phone an average of 2,617 times per day." Also realizing that the big companies with these technologies only care about making money with my time. This course open up my eyes just a little bit more on what is actually going on when I am constantly on my phone. Highly recommend!
I joined knowing I was using social too much. Within the first few videos, I realised how dumb I was for injecting time into social rather than life. Didn't finish the course because it gave me the reality check I needed. 10/10
Antidote is currently helping me to actually make a change. I tried a number of different tools but the combination of video lessons, the Guided Journal and the Community is a recipe of success for me. Thank you Sean!
It was the best course I've ever taken. Congratulations Sean!
I really enjoyed the course and it has been really working out for me. I learned some things, I change perspective on some stuff. I've cut my screen time in half so far. Definitely starting small and being patient was the main missing key for me, but I've used a lot more than that. I've hesitated at first before enrolling, I thought I was good for challenging myself by myself, but I realized all the parts I missed when I did the course. I totally recommend it, you'll at least learn something and see a change. Above all, trough the process and with small steps, it felt almost effortless (and I even came to harvest a great change in behaviour and life quality)!
This course is just so satisfying, everything is curated to perfection and gives me peace of mind. Thank you, I am excited to embark on my journey of getting my screen time to 2h.
Sean's Antidote course has really been amazing so far, I really like how he explains everything in depth and teaches you the importance of what you're learning. My favorite tool thats been provided within this course has been the online community which is filled with like minded people with whom I can connect. And I also really like how well he explains everything in all of his videos. Once you click what he's getting at then everything is just so much more interesting. I've noticed that I mindlessly scroll a lot less after enrolling into this course, as well as just clicking off of the app more because I don't have a specific goal to achieve when entering it. If anyone is hesitant on joining Antidote, just watch the free preview, that alone was enough to get me on board, although if you're still on the fence... Just jump over.. you'll find everything you didn't even know you were looking for.
Stephen Anderson
A great course for anyone looking to free themselves from doomscrolling when you know you should be doing something productive. So glad I enrolled 🙌
I just finished Antidote within the 24 hours I bought the course! Kind of ironic XD. I have always been a very routine-oriented person but I really enjoyed the several things I ended up adding to my systems including the habit tracker, designated spaces, recognizing essential screentimes, rewarding small wins, sleeping with my phone in the other room, turning my phone to black and white, making a long passcode, and more! I'm happy to be a part of this and wanna say thank you Sean for opening my mind to new ideas I think this course is great for those who need it
I‘ve just finished „unlock your focus“ and checked my habit tracker (which is actually a thing I‘ve been doing for almost a year now but not regularly). Meditating has helped me a lot so far. Putting this one in my routine has boosted my energy on a whole new level. I really love how there‘s space to take notes during the course and that there are questions and other stuff based on the lessons (although I sometimes tend to struggle with a few English words as I‘m not a native speaker but I guess you never stop learning lol)
I joined Antidote a few days ago. I must say that I really love the fact that Sean makes ordinary things clear & shows their importance. My screen time didn't decrease that much, but I did realize I spent less time on Instagram! Which is amazing, since that was my pain point & main time waster. I can't wait to learn out more from these lessons What I really enjoy, however, is Antidote community! I find a lot of people with whom I can talk, feel inspired from & more conscious. It's one of my favorite things here & I hope we'll get more challenges & build meaningful connections with each other.
I mediate when I start to feel overwhelmed instead of scrolling like I usually would and I feel much more focused afterwards. My screen time is steadly going down and I've been spending less time doom-scrolling on social media. I sometimes get upset with myself when I slip up, but I'm trying my best to not be so hard on myself. Compared to the last two months, I'm doing better now than I would've if I didn't get this course.
I just finished Antidote and I’am extremely happy and proud of myself for the amount of screen time I have transformed into productive time. The biggest takeaway for me is to forgive myself and allow myself to slip up every once on a while but use that for growth and to come back stronger the next day. The tool I have most frequently used from the journal is the habit tracker and I plan on using it moving forward as well. I wish everybody who is still on the course the best of luck and hope those who are also done with the course feel the same way about it as I do!
Something is ChAnGiNg. I have worked out twice in the past seven days which is a great improvement from my past track record. I just feel more comfortable getting off my phone. I am aware of my phone and what it does to me. Sure, I relapse but there is great improvement and I will take it. It looks like there is light at the end of this rabbit hole and I am so looking forward to see myself on the other side. It is taking time but I do not expect to fix all my problems in a matter of days. This is a self improvement journey that I am willing to stick to because I cannot wait to meet a better, more productive version of myself. I was wary of this when I first joined but then I realized, I have vaguely heard about what he is talking about before. Then it became, I like what he is talking about. Then, such an amazing community. Now, I am hooked and I cannot wait to see all of this blossom!!!
Thanks to you🙌 and the app one sec I could get off my phone and I’m so happy about that fact. A few days ago I opened Instagram and the app one sec told me the last time I were on instagram was about 35 hours ago and it doesn’t sound like much but I was very proud about my self in this moment
I noticed that whenever I opened my phone I would come across a video from you within 5-10 min of being on social media and I eventually started taking the advice and nowadays I spend less than 10 minutes a day on my phone at all and honestly I’ve been a lot happier. Of course a lot of this is my own efforts towards making life better but I wanted to say thank you for the little bit that your videos have given me.
This guy has honestly helped me and so many other people with social media addictions and learning to stop and take a break and it's actually so so helpful and I'm very grateful that I somehow found this creator so I could watch his videos and learn for myself how to just stay off my phone during times when it really isn't necessary
Antidote is life-changing! Finally having the knowledge around healthy phone use is liberating. The modules were well paced - smaller lesson lengths so it's not overwhelming and can easily fit into a daily schedule. I've freed up time from phone use and started new digital-free hobbies, such as learning to play the keyboard! (yes I actually felt inspired enough to buy a keyboard and learn my favourite songs haha) and increasing my daily steps. I highly recommended you join the Antidote course! Regain your time back and take control :)
I’ve been here since day 1 and honestly I already see so many changes in my life. My mood is the most important factor. I’m happier with what I accomplish every day and I don’t feel bad anymore about what I don’t get to do. I’m in LOVE with the habit tracker the most. But every tiny step, helps so much. Thank you for doing this course!
I’ve been on antidote for about a week now and every morning I took the time to watch one lesson and take my notes. From a screentime of 8h40 I‘am now at 1h30 without Kajabi and Spotify which I‘m really proud of. The thing that has helped me the most probably are the guided meditations on here which I do every morning and it helps me stay more mindful and therefor prevents me from unnecessarily looking at my phone throughout the day. In General I think that the slow paste of only one lesson a day helps me implement what I’ve learned right away and make the habits stick.
The lowest it has been in a while! Staying productive with hobbies and work is what has been helping the most! Started this course just under 6 hrs avg, last few weeks got it down to 5.5hrs, now down to 4.5hrs!!! This course has been super helpful and would recommend to anyone wanting to detach themselves from their mobile devices and living a more productive life!
I’m officially half way through the course now…I absolutely love Sean’s calm and concise teaching style. It’s easy to go through the course and I feel very supported with the extra journal, guided meditations and community chat. My favourite thing about the course is the value for money…I’ve done quite a few self development courses, none of which have packed this much information and guidance into them. Hats off to the creators for actually providing an affordable program that is accessible to the wider public.
I really like Antidote. I think it’s great that you not only have the option to learn for yourself but learn with others and exchange and update each other. The community is warmly positive and helps answering questions, shares material and a lot of other stuff. My phone use has become much more intentional and mindful so far and I hope I’ll continue reducing my screen time day by day :) If you’re still not sure wether or not buy this course just think about how bad do you want it? For me personally money spend on self growth is worth much more than other investments. This course offers so many opportunities to stay on track even after finishing this course and is a life investment :) (and also if the course doesn’t work for you, Sean made the promise to give you your money back, so you practically can’t lose) wish you the best of luck :))
Wow this course has definitely open of my eyes and realize that I have been letting a tool ruin my productivity and goals. There's two quotes that really resonates with me. Which are these "Technology is a useful servant, but a dangerous master." and "The average smartphone user will tap their phone an average of 2,617 times per day." Also realizing that the big companies with these technologies only care about making money with my time. This course open up my eyes just a little bit more on what is actually going on when I am constantly on my phone. Highly recommend!