Amanda Stephens

Amanda Stephens

I found myself during one of the most painful times in my life when my wife told me she wanted space/a seperation from our marriage. Although I have an amazing support system, I felt like no one truly understood the emotions & conflict I was dealing with. I first found The Love Shack Live Podcast which introduced me to the idea of The 30 Day Roadmap with Staci, Tom, & Brooke, as well as other members who are experiencing similar situations as me. Ive just completed the 30 days, and although I am still working through this seperation, I could not be more thankful for the tools Ive been introduced to, to help navigate this period. Since working with the group, Ive began a journey of introspection as well as extrospection. Its allowing me to let go of some control and anxiety. Its allowing me to re-discover parts of myself I lost along the way, as well as discover parts of myself I never really got to know. Its allowing me the comfort of knowing that I will be okay. Its also allowing me to take accountability for what is in my control, and relish in the things that I can change. To anyone considering The RoadMap, I would strongly encourage it. I am beyond thankful for the journey its begun for me, and the tools I am starting to cultivate for a more intentional, genuine, compassionate life.

May 21, 2024

Jacquie Arcayena

Jacquie Arcayena

When I joined the Love in Limbo Roadmap, my initial goal was to either heal or fix a relationship that had just ended. I was nervous at first, not knowing what to expect but hoping to find strategies to become a better me and possibly mend the ended relationship. However, the greatest shift I experienced was learning that I didn't need to be something I wasn't in my relationships. What I truly needed was to create space for myself, a skill I sorely lacked. The roadmap not only offered profound insights into my inner self but also taught me how to come home to myself in ways I never knew before. With the unwavering support of Staci, Brooke, and Tom, along with guidance from seasoned mentors and my divinely assigned partner, Kaylie, I developed lifelong skills that continually enhance every relationship I encounter. This program is beneficial for any couple, or someone like me who was trying to navigate open waters without a compass. Often, we forget ourselves and the ship we must captain in relationships. It’s crucial to be aware of our own wheel, and I feel Staci and the team do a tremendous job guiding you back home by reminding us that the north star we must follow are our needs, desires, and internal compass. I am immensely grateful to the entire team and community for their support during one of the most significant transitions of my life.

May 6, 2024



What made you decide to seek help for your relationship? I had been in a place of feeling lost in my relationship with my person. We had been separated from one another for six months when the class started but were still talking/texting/seeing each other. I had leveled up in my understanding of what makes a good relationship during this time apart but knew I was missing some key elements. That's when I discovered the Bartley's! They helped me put together parts and pieces that I knew where there but didn't know how they fit together. Those pieces were me! What were you most hesitant about before seeking help? I didn't know what I kind of monster I was going to find within myself. I couldn't be more pleased with what I did find underneath all of my complex layers. What has been the biggest change or difference in your relationship/life since working with Staci? I would find myself getting uncomfortable in difficult situations then ultimately shutting down. I'm now in a place where I have more tools in my toolbelt to keep myself present when difficult things are brought to me. That they aren't an attack, rather a bid for connection and understanding. Is there anything you would like to say to other couples who may be considering seeking help? Don't wait. If you feel that your relationship needs help, then get the help! It doesn't take both of you to enroll in better relationship skills. Skill up for yourself and bring the tools/skills taught by this team to the relationship (in a respectful way). If you wait for the other person to enroll into getting help, then you may find yourself waiting too long to save that relationship. However, if you go ahead and get the skills then bring them to the relationship your partner will notice those changes. That alone could help enroll them into leveling up with you!

Nov 7, 2023


Mark Vogt

After going through an extremely difficult time in our marriage, I realized that there were a lot of things I didn't know or understand about myself and relationships in general. We were on the verge of divorce after 20 years. I decided that I needed to do something to try and repair the damage that had been done. I was only hesitant about working with someone because it meant looking at myself and really taking accountability for mistakes and behaviors that were the cause of our issues. No one wants to have a spotlight shine on their biggest flaws. I think that there has been tremendous growth and improvement in our relationship since I started working with Staci. She helped me look at how my behaviors were formed and how they directly impacted my relationships. I have been able to be more open and honest with my partner and allow her to do the same without feeling attacked. Learning about defensiveness has really been a game changer in our relationship as I have learned how to recognize it when I am going there and stop it. This has helped create more space for both of us to communicate. We still have a lot of work ahead of us, but I am happy about the path we are on. I am so glad that I was able to connect with Staci. I had watched a number of her online videos before looking into working directly with her. Her common sense and structured approach to relationships has been so helpful. When you work with her, you feel like she gets you and there is no judgment. I truly enjoy all of the sessions and the time just flies by, which always ends with me feeling even more hopeful. I highly recommend anyone who is having struggles in their relationships to reach out to Staci. I promise you that it will be worth it.

May 26, 2023

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Amanda Stephens

Amanda Stephens

I found myself during one of the most painful times in my life when my wife told me she wanted space/a seperation from our marriage. Although I have an amazing support system, I felt like no one truly understood the emotions & conflict I was dealing with. I first found The Love Shack Live Podcast which introduced me to the idea of The 30 Day Roadmap with Staci, Tom, & Brooke, as well as other members who are experiencing similar situations as me. Ive just completed the 30 days, and although I am still working through this seperation, I could not be more thankful for the tools Ive been introduced to, to help navigate this period. Since working with the group, Ive began a journey of introspection as well as extrospection. Its allowing me to let go of some control and anxiety. Its allowing me to re-discover parts of myself I lost along the way, as well as discover parts of myself I never really got to know. Its allowing me the comfort of knowing that I will be okay. Its also allowing me to take accountability for what is in my control, and relish in the things that I can change. To anyone considering The RoadMap, I would strongly encourage it. I am beyond thankful for the journey its begun for me, and the tools I am starting to cultivate for a more intentional, genuine, compassionate life.

May 21, 2024

Jacquie Arcayena

Jacquie Arcayena

When I joined the Love in Limbo Roadmap, my initial goal was to either heal or fix a relationship that had just ended. I was nervous at first, not knowing what to expect but hoping to find strategies to become a better me and possibly mend the ended relationship. However, the greatest shift I experienced was learning that I didn't need to be something I wasn't in my relationships. What I truly needed was to create space for myself, a skill I sorely lacked. The roadmap not only offered profound insights into my inner self but also taught me how to come home to myself in ways I never knew before. With the unwavering support of Staci, Brooke, and Tom, along with guidance from seasoned mentors and my divinely assigned partner, Kaylie, I developed lifelong skills that continually enhance every relationship I encounter. This program is beneficial for any couple, or someone like me who was trying to navigate open waters without a compass. Often, we forget ourselves and the ship we must captain in relationships. It’s crucial to be aware of our own wheel, and I feel Staci and the team do a tremendous job guiding you back home by reminding us that the north star we must follow are our needs, desires, and internal compass. I am immensely grateful to the entire team and community for their support during one of the most significant transitions of my life.

May 6, 2024