Pinky Jangra

Pinky Jangra

I came to my structural consulting session with Simon to discuss my fear of other people's opinions which really holds me back from taking action, fully expressing myself and doing the work that I love to do. Simon helped me to see the truth and reality of the situation, which was calming, liberating and empowering. Importantly, we did not just arrive at a superficial conclusion, but the sophistication and depth of the process Simon facilitated gave me an irreversible shift in consciousness and understanding that is still with me today, many weeks on from our session. Thank you Simon! :)

Jan 30, 2025

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My name is Jennifer and I am originally from Minnesota, and after living many places, I have now found my home in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico. Prior to taking Simon's workshop, my idea of "creating" was something that belonged to artists only, the "creatives." From a spiritual perspective, I was aware that we are always creating through our thoughts and words, but it was more from the perspective of manifesting or attracting, which NOW is a completely different concept to me than "creating". I constantly had 4-5 ideas running through me of what I wanted to create, yet really didn't have the focus I needed on a daily basis to stay committed to turn any of them into my creations. I would just get myself too overwhelmed to start anything. Since the workshop with Simon ended, which has been a little over a week, my focus is laser sharp. Speaking my choices out loud has started the process of the Universe flowing through me for my highest good. I have received very clear messages from within about what to focus on right now and I just feel very aligned, focused and in the flow. Even during the workshop I made great progress on my new podcast, interviewing 4 people during that 7 week period. The best part about the work we did is really hard to say because each of the exercises seemed to build a foundation to the next exercise. I loved the exercises of observing what was obvious about our victim mentality and then what was obvious about our inner creator. I found it amazing how much we are really tapped into each other as humans, and how much we actually share in common...we are truly one and because of this can have the capacity to have endless love and compassion for each other without judgement. Our group dynamic was filled with love and complete honesty at the same time throughout the entire workshop. I think this was the best part of it for me. I would say to anyone considering working with Simon, whether it be one on one coaching or the Art of Creating workshop, to be ready and open to one of the greatest transformations of your life. This was hands down the best and most transformational workshops I have ever experienced. You can 100% trust Simon to hold a safe space of unconditional love, amazing insights (he is a gifted channeler), honesty, humor and humility all at the same time. Thank you Simon!

Jan 2, 2025

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Johanna Lynn

Johanna Lynn

Founder of The Family Imprint Institute

I witnessed such a profound shift in my husband after his work with Simon.

I witnessed such a profound shift in my husband after his work with Simon. Before working with Simon, he was really struggling with life circumstances and his perspective seemed closed off and directed towards a negative outlook. After his work with Simon his outlook on the possibilities in life seemed to open right up, his mood was much more positive and everything about our interactions seemed lighter and it was easier for us to live life together much more connected. I am so grateful to Simon for everything he shared with him.

Oct 11, 2024

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Geoffrey Willams

Geoffrey Willams

For me it was huge, like going back home to my roots.

For me it was huge, like going back home to my roots.

Oct 9, 2024

Michael Algren

Michael Algren

CEO at Algren Design

My experience moving through this workshop has been incredibly transformative.

My experience moving through this workshop has been incredibly transformative. I have gained a real-life understanding of the alchemical process of transmuting lead into gold. I am building new structures from which a new life is emerging which for me has been very healing and liberating. I am eternally grateful. For anyone looking for a real practical approach to creating the life you want this seminar is a game changer. Understanding the creative process is based on shifting our focus to the vision and continually choosing that vision is the key to bringing forth the manifestation. of the vision.

Sep 27, 2024

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Jeannette Mächler

Jeannette Mächler

This journey was an absolute highlight for me, I was blown away

This journey was an absolute highlight for me, something I had never experienced before. I felt very comfortable, safe and well looked after throughout the whole trip, and we received a warm welcome everywhere we went. Meeting the people, who were so loving, the hikes, the exciting stories we were told, the mysterious jungle, with its deeply touching beauties and inhabitants. It was quite simply... FANTASTICO❤️🌈” You did a great job as tour leaders. Juan was a very dedicated, lovable and empathetic guide. I really appreciated having him with us and sharing so many stories and information with us. The guides at the different locations were all very friendly and I felt respected. The hikes, stories and their hospitality were wonderful. It was different than I thought 😅. I experienced this kind of ceremony for the first time. It was incredible, I was amazed, I was blown away. I want to experience it again. A great journey group, that made a big difference! One of the biggest learnings: the people there are concerned with fewer things than we are with the countless distractions. They are closer to real life 🤔

Aug 30, 2024

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Ronit Chamani

Ronit Chamani

Entrepreneur & Pro Poker Player

This is a life-changing gift to oneself

This is a life changing gift. To oneself and to the gatekeepers of the forest. We are so caught up in the race and pace of the material world and to step out and connect so deeply with nature and its protectors alters one for eternity. It is our duty as humanity to protect these lands and do all we can to support the natives who so lovingly and naturally stand their ground in defense of the Amazon whilst simultaneously creating new ways in educating their children and educating us by letting us in so that we can be touched by their magic. Our trip leaders were a pure gift, everyone of them. I could not imagine ever doing this trip without them. A wealth of knowledge , true knowledge that the world thirsts.Special was meeting the gatekeepers of the forest. With the key insight that it’s my duty to play a part in preserving the Amazon.

Aug 30, 2024

Hart Haidn

Hart Haidn

Information Technology Specialist

Simon's courses helped me release the source of my dis-empowerment and experience optimism again

After decades working wearing golden handcuffs and having become very unhappy, angry, dis-empowered, Simon's courses have help me release the anger, see the source of the dis-empowerment, and has me experience the optimism of youth again. I had become very introverted and I now find it very easy to connect with others and enjoy life again. I feel more at peace and ease. The practical exercises made understanding the concepts very real and experiential. It is now kinda like body memory, where I can recall the lessons because I felt them.

Aug 9, 2024

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Monika Stefanac

Monika Stefanac

Host of the in-be-tween Podcast

What you offer and do is worth ten times as much and more.

I particularly liked the personal small group and the intensity. If you are already involved in manifestation and/or personal development, this course is the key. The prices for your workshops are below value. What you offer and do is worth ten times as much and more.

Jul 25, 2024

Andrew White

Andrew White

Founder & Professional Photographer

The magic of Simon's classes/coaching is the simplicity of it all.

The magic of Simon's classes/coaching is the simplicity of it all. Having spent only minutes a day applying this content I've experienced a far deeper sense of clarity, creativity, focus, capacity to make more deliberate choices and overall fulfillment. Most other workshops offer tools that can be applied to affect some kind of change. This masterclass offered a solution for how to live life rather than optimize aspects of it. The content was fantastic. It created beautiful cohesion and created a dynamic learning environment. I feel more aligned with my vision, I feel more present, more fulfilled, more responsible and my actions have been more guided by what I love. You've given myself and others an incredible gift. Thank you for delivering the class with so much love.

Jul 25, 2024

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Elisabeth Härdi

Elisabeth Härdi

Vocal coach & mezzo-soprano

I can now imagine what was completely unrealistic for me: to write a book!

I can now imagine what was completely unrealistic for me: to write a book! I am writing a novel. It is a miracle to experience oneself as a creator and to bring into being that which wants to be realized! You lovingly and increasingly courageously guide us through the rubble of outdated beliefs. And a silver lining appears in the sky of our true talents.

Jul 24, 2024

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Margarete Kijek

Margarete Kijek

It is a unique workshop in which one's own transformation takes place.

It is a one-of-a-kind workshop in which you explore the individual topics in great depth and the most important thing – it was very transformative for me. I learned an enormous amount about myself and about human behavior. The effects for me: increased self-confidence, a sense of power over my own life, a sense of ease. And that has given me great peace of mind.

Jul 22, 2024

Susanne Huber

Susanne Huber

What I take home with me: gratitude

Thank you for this journey, your support and your open hearts. I feel honored to have been allowed to visit the indigenous people. They welcomed us like friends. It was incredibly enriching and beautiful, the ceremonies and the journey with wonderful participants, leaders and indigenous friends. What I take home with me: gratitude.

Jul 17, 2024

Ulli Trüby

Ulli Trüby

Coach & healer

I realized how much has changed positively since February 2023

Simon's unique, authentic way of leading through the seminar, providing context and making it tangible in exercises, and always keeping the focus. A totally vibrant workshop! It was absolutely right for me! The most important realization: to perceive my own limitations/patterns and to rise above myself. To perceive my life even more consciously and to rediscover myself again and again. To consolidate my new foundation and to keep the focus of my visions. I did this seminar for the second time and realized how much has changed positively since the first time in February 2023. Dear Simon, it fills me with deep gratitude that I went through the whole creative process with you, which certainly is not over yet. On the first weekend, we worked on and recognized dysfunctional patterns in order to perceive the tensions that go with them and to make the shadow aspects visible through the Enneagram. On the second weekend, we practiced neutralizing the shadows and using the emotions for a lively creation – and to let new things arise. An indescribable experience for me!

Jun 30, 2024

Bhavesh Lakhani

Bhavesh Lakhani

Day Trader

Like a weight lifted off my shoulders i end up performing better generally anyway

The biggest takeaway for me is around what we discussed with hitting my potential, and being allowed to NOT hit it - and if I don't hit it, then that's ok! It's ironic really that when I have that in my mind, it's like a weight lifted off my shoulders that I don't always need to strive to be perfect and hit every goal and achieve everything - however when i do think this way, i end up performing better generally anyway, simply down to the fact I am not letting my and others expectations drive be to take action, but rather i'm simply focusing purely on the task at hand, and thus i perform better and achieve better results!

Jul 17, 2024

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Elisabeth Härdi

Elisabeth Härdi

Vocal coach & mezzo-soprano

I completely revised my view of the possible and impossible

I once heard: “Action is the best form of reflection.” Simon's seminars are a great way to start. The 'Art of Creating' can be learned and is rewarded with the most exhilarating moments of change. Through Simon's work, I have become much more mature and at the same time freer. The new way of looking at yourself and life can best be compared to clean lenses. Creating is another kind of responsibility. You, Simon, are ready as a potent coach to support every creative spirit that wants to manifest itself to find its very own sovereignty! You are focused and serious, and I have already experienced many surprises regarding my ideas and convictions, which completely revised my view of the possible and impossible. Let's do it! I'm in exactly the right place! I am very happy to have found this opportunity to work with you. The impact on my life: Overcoming my fear of inadequacy and considering the impossible possible, since it is experienced and anchored in your work as a concrete reality.

Jul 6, 2024

Nike Nicolaides

Nike Nicolaides

Founder at Nike Nicolaides Consulting

Uncover these patterns was fascinating and extremely helpful

In my structural consulting session with Simon, I was led both skilfully and gently, to unveil the structures in my thinking that hold me hostage. Some of the simple truths that emerged left me shocked, and I consider myself to be someone who is aware! Simon was able to show me the competing agendas in my thinking and those structures and patterns that keep me going round and round on a hamster wheel in an endless effort to justify my very existence. What was unveiled was a sense of obligation to use my potential, and if I don’t do that, I see it as I have failed in my very existence! By the end of our session, I learned that I most certainly do not have to earn or justify my existence through doing or being a certain way. My existence is not conditional on me fulfilling my potential. I am free to do what I want and follow what is most meaningful to me. I learned and received so much from Simon. His gentleness, insight and skill in helping me uncover these patterns was fascinating and extremely helpful. I would not hesitate in recommending Simon to help you do the same.

Jul 5, 2024

Andrew White

Andrew White

Founder & Professional Photographer

I could write a book on my takeaways shifts in mindset, awareness, improving relationships, productivity and more... with lasting fulfillment.

AOC 2 took a more experiential approach to engrain principles covered in AOC 1. It clarified the process to make simple shifts in mindset, awareness, improving relationships, productivity and more... with lasting fulfillment. I could write a book on my takeaways but the foremost insight is shifting my focus to what I want and surrendering the need to figure out how. It requires so little effort to make this shift and yet yields innumerable opportunities to live a more fulfilled life by maintaining connection to what I love.

May 30, 2024

Michael Algren

Michael Algren

CEO at Algren Design

The transformation which occurs naturally is absolutely incredible

The transformation which occurs naturally is absolutely incredible. The insights gained after every session helped me to see and bring to the light of awareness the subtle defects in my character allow for the space to not take things so seriously. Overall I am having fun and come away every week looking forward to more!

May 19, 2024

Marlena O'Donnell

Marlena O'Donnell

Helped me gain a different perspective how I got in the way of succeeding in achieving what I want

I didn’t quite know what to expect from the session with Simon. I approached it with curiosity and an open mind which was exactly the right thing to do as Simon is excellent at gentle guidance through a problem or dilemma to get clarity on what has been hindering you from resolving the issue and moving forward. The session with Simon helped me gain a different perspective and understanding of how I got in the way of succeeding in achieving what I want. Having this new understanding helped me relax, stop seeing “barriers” and instead focus on what is really important to me. I can’t recommend Simon highly enough!

May 14, 2024

Monika Stefanac

Monika Stefanac

Host of the in-be-tween Podcast

Has left unmistakable traces of magic in me

Meeting with the same people for eight weeks, for three hours each evening, and being guided by Simon has left unmistakable traces of magic in me. It is thanks to Simon and his whole setting that I managed to complete the course, or the journey ;), to the end.

May 6, 2024

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Carina Weiskam

An atmosphere of mutual trust was created allowed to grow beyond themselves

I am very, very grateful to have taken part in the Art of Creating. I was amazed, astounded and touched by how quickly an atmosphere of mutual trust was created through the exercises you suggested in pairs or threes. How quickly being together with the whole group felt just as familiar. I was impressed by how calmly you dealt with all questions, even with resistance that was expressed. It was always noticeable that you followed the intention of being in service and reacted from an open state of consciousness, i.e. not out of personal identification. Your friendly, open, humorous and fundamentally accepting manner brought all those present on board - and perhaps also allowed them to grow beyond themselves. I continue to marvel at your generosity in making this extensive course available free of charge, and my impression is that you are so enthusiastic and heartfelt that giving and receiving are in truth one, as the Course in Miracles so aptly puts it. At the same time, I would like to express my appreciation for your gifts once again.

Apr 30, 2024

Dorothee Alina Thißen

Dorothee Alina Thißen

Get out of the old ruts with exercises that were eye-openers, or rather heart-openers

Dear Simon, I started out of a great desire to be creative again. Creativity has slipped out of my hands in recent years. Mostly reaction instead of action and this according to program. But I was also curious as to what you would like to teach us in the course The Art of Creating, because your inviting words were very self-confident and my over-critical mind was also curious as to whether it would knock its socks off. He was already convinced that he knew almost everything and had heard it all hundreds of times. So I was able to start off reasonably relaxed ;-)) The critic stood dutifully by my side. In The Art of Creation, he was dismanteld, which he hadn't expected ;-) We learned in a very relaxed and entertaining way how we can get out of the old ruts, why these habitual patterns make any creativity impossible and what really creative approaches are instead. Personal experiences and independent scientific studies were used, but above all it was about practical application. For me and the other participants, these group exercises were eye-openers, or rather heart-openers. There were plenty of aha moments and we were led deeper into valuable insights and inspiration from evening to evening. It was wonderful how even on the first evening of the course the participants became a harmonious group, criticism and doubts were welcome and everyone was able to jump over their own hurdles. My personal conclusion: A course that is worthwhile for everyone, because it puts the unconscious in us in a new and benevolent light, because the tools that are given are suitable for everyday use and can be applied in any situation and with a little practice we can go through our lives creatively again. Thank you from the bottom of my heart to you, Simon & the wonderful course participants.

Apr 28, 2024

Aurora MariaGabriela

Aurora MariaGabriela

Apart from being able to speak my truth courageously I am much braver and freer

Once again, thank you from the bottom of my heart for your course, which has shown me so clearly what is inside me and what is coming out of me more and more (which other people have often told me, what they see, ... but which was not accessible to me). What the course has changed for me above all, apart from being able to speak my truth courageously and freely, is that I am much braver and freer in my work and simply do IT with joy and inner knowledge.

Apr 24, 2024

Maria Bauer

Maria Bauer

I was amazed at what I was able to experience through you and in the wonderful group work

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for making it possible for me to attend the seminar! You are doing a real service for people. At the beginning I was still skeptical as to whether I could learn anything new, but every evening I was there with great joy and amazed at what I was able to experience through you and in the wonderful group work. The seed has been planted and sprouted - the tender new plant creativity can now sprout and develop magnificently.

Apr 16, 2024

Anka Petzka

Anka Petzka

The workshop took my assessment of my skills to a higher level.

The workshop took my assessment of my skills to a higher level.

Apr 14, 2024

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Margarete Kijek

Margarete Kijek

A lot happens; quietly, powerfully, with a lot of insights

It was great! Don't be fooled by the calm demeanor that Simon exudes - there is actually a lot of power in calm. A lot happens; quietly, powerfully, with a lot of insights.

Apr 14, 2024


Micha P.

Honestly the best interview I have ever seen / heard

Honestly the best interview I have ever seen / heard. The interviewer doesn't interrupt with stupid questions. The interviewee gives understandable answers. Thank you

Apr 12, 2024

Marta Rowicka

Marta Rowicka

It helped me to start doing things I feel unstuck and creating

It helped me to actually move on and start doing things instead waiting when I will be ready with my website, and other stuff. So I feel unstuck and creating. 💚

Apr 4, 2024

Siobhan Hanley

Siobhan Hanley

Coach and Consultant at Celebration Matters

The session brought clarity and opened my heart and blew my mind

I had a powerful Structural Consult with Simon. I was blown away, as were my underlying assumptions, conditions and other made-up stuff under which I've been operating- as if they were 'gospel'. The session brought clarity and opened my heart and blew my mind. It was a simple process in a way, but don't confuse that with easy! A lot of tension for me! Simon challenged so many of my default constructs which have kept me unconsciously in negative vision. The time flew and I'm so very grateful for the focus and clarity of Simon's intervention. Service at the highest level. Thank you!

Apr 4, 2024

Lindsey Treweek

Lindsey Treweek

The session really helped me take out the meaning of people’s actions and focus on what I really wanted

One of the main things that the session helped me with was decreasing the ‘bad-othering’ I was doing. During the session I realized how many subconscious contracts I was making with others in my head, thinking that in order for them to be a good friend/partner/person, they would show up in a certain way. The main theme that came out of the session was allowing myself to want what I want and others to want what they want. While I don’t always practice this, it does help me empathize and allow the other person to have conflicting desires without thinking that they are ‘bad’ because of it. I had a few conflicts with friends where I really wanted to have a discussion with them about what had happened and they did not want to have those conversations. I really wrestled with my feelings, either that I was bad for wanting to bring up past baggage, or they were bad for not wanting to go there with me. However, now I realized that I do really want friendships who can openly talk through conflicts - but I also understand the perspective of wanting friendships who don’t bring up the past and focus on the present. People have a lot of conflicting priorities in their lives and my priority of resolving past conflict is not better than someone’s priority of wanting to have light and easy interactions that don’t delve into conflict. It can still really hurt to go for something and be rejected, but bad othering makes me displace those feelings of hurt by blaming others rather than processing my own feelings and eventually moving on. The session really helped me take out the meaning of people’s actions and focus on what I really wanted. It made me focus more on finding the match in my life - rather than forcing a spark between two conflicting desires.

Apr 2, 2024

Ulli Trüby

Ulli Trüby

Coach & healer

Grow beyond myself and enjoy genius writing

It was a great joy to go on this journey again and surrender to my intuition and let the flow of writing take its creative course - without thinking. It is not just writing - it is different and the experience can hardly be put into words. It is a gift for which I am very grateful! Simon, I am so grateful to you for all the insights and experiences of the last year and a half!

Jun 16, 2024

Kerstin Patzlaff

Kerstin Patzlaff

Extraordinary quality without judgment keeping my curiosity and interest in learning more active

I hereby express my gratitude and the value of service. I would like to thank Simon for his extraordinary quality of providing me with practical offers at all times and without judgment, and for keeping my curiosity and interest in learning more active through the practical experiences in the course, from session to session.

Mar 29, 2024

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Jennifer Wescott

Jennifer Wescott

Business coach and mentor

You put so much love, thought and care into creating such a sacred ceremony It was a delightful experience!

Brenda and Simon! I just want to thank you both for the beautiful Tobacco ceremony today. You put so much love, thought and care into creating such a sacred ceremony, honoring the Amazon itself, its people and their sacred traditions, as well as our friends and family here in SMA. Thank you also for sharing the very special tobacco with us that we could experience it's tremendous qualities. It was a delightful experience! I also want to thank everyone who was there for bringing such peaceful and joyful energy to the ceremony. I love how these ceremonies continue to connect us all at a deeper level. Love Sweet Love to ALL.

Mar 23, 2024

Steve Torneten

Steve Torneten

Executive Director at Amigos de Steve non profit

There is clarity for us a group which frees us up to be able grow into our vision

Our non profit is new and we needed help with alignment of vision and mission, and direction of action. Alignment with our clients, each other and our donors is the magic of creating a powerful and effective non profit organisation. There is clarity for us as a group which frees us up to be able to grow into our vision. Without this process, it would have been very frustrating for our board members, staff, clients and donors.

Mar 19, 2024

Steve Torneten

Steve Torneten

Executive Director at Amigos de Steve non-profit

Simons ability to facilitate a community of people into a common vision was nothing short of miraculous.

Our organisation is new and we are working with indigenous communities in remote Amazon who requested our partnership in helping create an indigenous led school system that honours their culture. Simon flew into the territory with an interpreter and under his leadership and facilitation the indigenous were able to clarify their vision into a successful plan of action. This was no small feat as there were 3 languages engaged in the conversation. His ability to facilitate a community of people into a common vision was nothing short of miraculous. What is being created out of that experience is a game changer for the amazon rainforest and the people that live there.

Mar 19, 2024


Michael Zich

The best and most insightful piece of journalism about journalism!

Bravo and respect to both gentlemen 🎩! The best and most insightful piece of journalism about journalism! Thank you for that and please keep it up. Best regards from Styria

Mar 18, 2024

Monika Stefanac

Monika Stefanac

It was such a brilliant great time with so many eye openers It's worth so, so, so much more.

10000000 Thank you for all your time and mega work! It was such a brilliant great time with so many eye openers. You are such a cool guy. You are my role model, just go for it. So many thanks for giving this program for free. I'm still grabbing my head. And you know what, I had wished for it. I wanted to get into your program, and then I thought ok, if I have more money again and then you put out what you put out. And now I have something else to get rid of. So, 500 € or 1000 € for such a program is nothing! 500 for a monthly bundle of group training, 1:1 and member meetings is nothing. It's worth so, so, so much more.

Mar 18, 2024


Hans Peter Beständig

Respect! What an impressive interview!

Respect! What an impressive interview! I didn't know Mr. Baab until now. This interview is an enrichment. If only because it provides plausible explanations for this totally crazy world at the moment... Thank you gentlemen 👋👋👋👋

Mar 15, 2024

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Stan Berteloot

Stan Berteloot

Marketing & Communications Executive

Simon’s workshop has changed the way I experience the world, myself and others, in a very positive way.

Simon’s workshop has changed the way I experience the world, myself and others, in a very positive way. It was challenging at times, forcing me to go outside my comfort zone, but I always felt safe enough to experiment and learn. Among many things, I experimented with how my beliefs create my reality as long as I focus on them. This has opened the door to new possibilities!

Mar 13, 2024


Petra Luise

This interview is really excellent and enriching

Dear Simon, I have seen many interviews and lectures by P. Baab, not only for local patriotic reasons😉. This interview is really excellent and enriching. Great questions! 👍 And then he also offered you a follow-up... that's like a knighthood! With this journalistic heavyweight Baab, you've really landed in a new league. Congratulations and thank you very much.

Mar 12, 2024

Deni Haapameri

Deni Haapameri

Product & sales manager

My focus and attention is much more aligned with what truly feels important

It was surpricingly profound experience to say at least, now one month after graduation from Art of Creating 4 week sessions I see how my focus and attention is much more aligned with what truly feels important. Simon has excellent way of bringing this complex information to simple form and with the exercises, learning did come to form during the session. Looking forward the next training sessions!

Mar 6, 2024

Hart Haidn

Hart Haidn

Information Technology Specialist

I was amazed by how quickly I had adopted the changing of perception into real life

Simon provides multiple experiential exercises that provide an understanding that explaining cannot do. By the end I was amazed by how quickly I had adopted the changing of perception into real life. He is very relatable.

Mar 5, 2024

Brigitte Madlener

Brigitte Madlener

It is simply magnificent and I take it as a gift from the universe

I finally get to thank you from the bottom of my heart, (I do this silently every day anyway...) for all the impulses, for your knowledge that you share with us unconditionally, for your time, your calmness that you radiate, your authenticity, your wisdom and much more. [...] It is simply magnificent and I take it as a gift from the universe [...]

Mar 2, 2024

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Páll Björnsson

Páll Björnsson

Investment banker

Excellent course to help us connect to our creative energy and move past our limiting beliefs

Simon is very passionate about the art of creating and has provided an excellent course to help us connect to our creative energy and move past our limiting beliefs. I whole-heartedly recommend this course to anyone looking to connect to their creative spirit and manifest their potential!

Mar 1, 2024

Adrien Plavsic

Adrien Plavsic

Transformation Coach | Former Olympian and NHL Player

I have done personal development before, this goes a layer deeper

I have done personal development before, this goes a layer deeper for me. It will help you see more clearly what is both driving and impacting your life.

Feb 29, 2024

Andreas Hartmann

Andreas Hartmann

Ex-Investment Banker

A structured, undogmatic, fun and creative way to inner growth

In his workshop, Simon shares a structured, undogmatic, fun and creative way to inner growth. He gives you the toolkit and you even practice how to use the tools for your individual needs. Thank you Simon for that great gift!

Feb 29, 2024

Kathleen Hartley

Kathleen Hartley

Life Coach and Reiki Master

A game changer for me. It wasn’t like any other coaching I’ve experienced

The two hour session I had with Simon was a game changer for me. It wasn’t like any other coaching I’ve experienced. I kept waiting for him to take me through a process. Instead, he kept asking me questions so that we both got more and more clear about what I want and my experience of what is actually going on within me and in my life. I found being questionioned uncomfortable because I could hear as I answered his questions how confused and conflicted I was. I began to feel silly but Simon never made me feel bad. In fact quite the opposite; because he kept delving to ascertain the structure, I felt really grateful for his focus and time. It felt like we were unravelling a ball with many pieces of string and as we did a picture began to emerge which made sense to me and explained many things. So I feel freer to be me and everyone else is free to be themselves. Thank you so much.

Feb 25, 2024

Joanne Burke

Joanne Burke

Ignited Soul Coaching

The power of acknowledging the truth from that session is still having ripple effects for me

I had a structural consulting session with Simon in January this year and the power of knowing and recognizing the truth from that session still has an impact on me. Simon created a supportive and non-judgmental space for my truth to emerge. The ease with which he asked questions and clarified what I answered allowed me to open and acknowledge an aspect of my consciousness that I had completely made up and that had been holding me back since childhood. Without going into detail, I was able to see in this session that I had developed a very limited and constricting approach to relationships that affected my business and my personal life. In this session, Simon guided me to see that while the situations I was talking about had actually happened, what I had been saying about myself and others had no basis in reality. I was led back to the truth that I am free to be me and that others are free to be them. The structure I lived in and defined my life by has no basis in reality. And now that structure is crumbling as I redefine relationships and my relationship to them. Thank you Simon for this transformative session. I didn't realize the impact it would have that day...and it took a while for me to see how things were unfolding. I am so grateful that you share this work with the world.

Feb 23, 2024

Cecilia Yeung

Cecilia Yeung


Awareness of the underlying belief that drives my actions and outcomes

As I was describing what I perceived to be a problem to Simon, he was able to hone in [...] and went deeper. He [...] got me to reflect on how I saw myself. My takeaway from this session is the awareness of the underlying belief that drives my actions and outcomes.

Feb 19, 2024

Elisabeth Härdi

Elisabeth Härdi

Vocal coach

You were brilliant enabling me to go into life courageously and freely

You were brilliant! Thank you for listening without judgment and decoding what is true for me and enabling me to go into life courageously and freely, and to be healthy at the same time. Control as the only choice was yesterday. My inner yes to not controlling is growing. 🌱

Feb 15, 2024

Video Poster
Diana Octavia Roman

Diana Octavia Roman

Craniosacrale Therapist

A great relief for me; it was like I got rid of a big pressure of my shoulders

You had been so patient with me [...] and [...] made me realize the point I was and decide my choice. My take away after our session is: I am not obliged to use my potential, it is a free every day choice. And this was a great relief for me; it was like I got rid of a big pressure of my shoulders. It is a reference point for me for now on ringing in my head: I am not obliged to use my gifts, it is a free choice. The next question for me is: Do I feel obliged to do this? and this is a relief for me. This dosen't mean I am not doing anything, but it changes my perspective.

Feb 13, 2024


Silke Arved-Vogel

You made it easy to radically putting aside all fears of judgement

Thank you very much, Simon, for your flow speaking training. When I saw the announcement, it immediately called to me. You made it easy for me to get started by radically putting aside all fears of judgement. Your own experiences gave me the courage to stay (relatively) relaxed. The first part of the training reminded me a lot of my childhood: just start talking and see what develops. With your own history of speechlessness towards creative expression, you are really called to guide other people.

Jan 22, 2024

Ulli Trüby

Ulli Trüby

Coach & healer

Each time it works better and better and I’m particularly pleased that I plucked up the courage and took on the challenge

I think this is the third or fourth time I’ve taken part in this training. At first, I had to overcome myself to get involved in this training because I was very inhibited when it came to speaking freely – or inventing stories. (It just doesn’t work from the mind!) Each time it works better and better and I’m particularly pleased that I plucked up the courage and took on the challenge. I’ll keep at it… Thank you so much, Simon, for this opportunity!

Jan 15, 2024

Ulli Trüby

Ulli Trüby

Coach & healer

I am always deeply touched by the strong connection to myself that has developed. It is hard to put into words

Dear Simon, thank you from the bottom of my heart for this wonderful, eventful, exciting year in which so much has been able to unfold. For this last week of the year, I have deliberately taken some time to look back at everything that has happened and I am always deeply touched by the strong connection to myself that has developed. It is hard to put into words - as I have often said. I'm really looking forward to the coming year and the continuation of our adventure journey! A feeling of anticipation that I have never experienced before.

Dec 27, 2023

Elisabeth Härdi

Elisabeth Härdi

Vocal coach and soprano

True mastery, mastering life from the true creative spirit, has become a daily experience for me

True mastery, mastering life from the true creative spirit, has become a daily experience for me. This requires not to enter into the battle of further, better, richer, more beautiful, but to keep connecting one's own actions to the creator being, to what I really am, to continue unwaveringly and to receive the miracles that come to me. In the fourth seminar, we extracted with care, love and attention how we recognize when we are distancing ourselves from the true creator DOING, compensating and distracting ourselves. The creator being, that which we are through all times and spaces, I also like to say the divine within us, is not a loud voice. And it is infinitely powerful, sustaining, empowering and daily joyful when you live it. Thank you, Simon, for your tireless perseverance.

Dec 7, 2023

Ulli Trüby

Ulli Trüby

Coach and healer

Simon, your great joy, love and dedication can be felt in every moment as you guide us into true greatness and creative power

Wow, what a crowning finale we were able to experience in these four intensive days with Course IV! It has truly been a hero's journey for me this whole year up to my mastery. And now it's only really starting... to master my further journey from my mastery - to shape my life from my creative power without knowing what's coming - I'm really looking forward to that. (have done it differently for long enough... 🙃😳😉 Going once again into the deepest depths of my own subconscious, becoming aware of the patterns and acknowledging them benevolently that they are now simply no longer needed and that they no longer have any power through recognition - that was a deeply healing experience. Not that I was already familiar with these processes, but experiencing them here was completely different for me and it can't really be put into words - you have to have experienced it. Opening up to it, pushing open the doors to yourself - it's worth it and sets you free! Dear Simon, your great joy, love and dedication can be felt in every moment as you guide us into true greatness and creative power. You create the spaces into which we can enter with confidence and protection. Thank you from the bottom of my heart! All the best, Ulli 🙏 PS: Looking back over the whole year, it was extremely helpful for me to do all of Simon's offerings - simply to keep at it.

Dec 7, 2023

Ulli Trüby

Ulli Trüby

Coach and healer

The icing on the cake stepping out of egoistic limitations opened doors to writing WITHOUT worrying

I could almost describe the course - creative writing - as the icing on the cake of the entire creative process (course I to V, training and 1:1 coaching). For me anyway - of course! I can therefore describe the experiences from this as another piece of the mosaic on the path to my true greatness and creative power. And it took a lot of courage to get involved, because I only know rational writing and this is mainly due to my job. The experience of stepping out of my rational competence and my egoistic limitations opened doors for me and showed me - at least to some extent - what I can and could create from within myself. In the course, it was also really fun to connect with myself and simply write from awareness WITHOUT worrying about what reveals itself from intuition. Writing without thinking! Dear Simon, here too, as in the other courses and training sessions, I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for these diverse opportunities to uncover your own genius, to really trust yourself and to grow into your own greatness. All the best, Ulli PS: this almost icing on the cake has turned into an icing on the cake!!!

Dec 7, 2023

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Marie Johnston

Marie Johnston

Coach and Founder at Alma Amor Wellness

This is a huge advancement for me a very empowering session

I found it a very empowering session and the way you patiently went through the many layers of my issue, never making suggestions, judging it or trying to fix it but instead just summarising my process and feeding that back to me, bit by bit, enabled me to join the dots. When you were testing me by reminding me of my free choice I hadn’t crossed the belief liberation bridge, but with more summaries eventually I did and couldn’t believe what I’d unconsciously been buying into. At the end when you explained how I’d been oscillating that too made so much sense and it felt so good to let go of a hindrance that was leaving me very vulnerable to narcissists. In fact, I’d go as far as to say, it had had me attracting them! This is a huge advancement for me – progress towards an important choice I’ve been making. Thanks a million Simon

Nov 26, 2023

Kerstin Patzlaff

Kerstin Patzlaff

Awakened my childlike joy I was surprised afterwards how long the extremely positive, lively effect lasted

Thank you very much Simon for your Flow Speaking Training. Your sharing of your experienced speechlessness built a bridge and encouraged me to take part. The 2 exercises awakened my childlike joy and allowed me to go into the exercises freely and without pressure. I was surprised afterwards how long the extremely positive, lively effect lasted in me. Thank you very much for this experience.

Nov 24, 2023


Stephanie Neubacher

Promotes a culture of discussion that gives all sides room to debate. AMAZING!

Embarking on something new and unfamiliar requires courage. It was really fun and became easier and easier with each exercise to just talk away. I found the exercise with the pros and cons of a thesis particularly exciting. You can practise putting yourself in the other person’s shoes. This promotes a culture of discussion that gives all sides room to debate. AMAZING! I’ll definitely be back next time.

Nov 23, 2023

Diana Davis

Diana Davis

Hypnotherapist and NLP Master Practitioner

I’d recommend Simons workshop to anyone to open your mind and heart and rediscover the genius that is within you

I completed the Art of Creating workshop with Simon and it was a beautiful and enriching experience. Simon is an incredible human being. He brings so much value to everyone who is lucky to cross his path. Not only is he professional and knows his stuff but he is also loving, compassionate and fun to be around. I’d recommend Simons workshop to anyone on the path of self discovery. Simon will help you to open your mind and heart and rediscover the genius that is already within you. Thank you Simon for your loving guidance and knowledge.

Nov 11, 2023

Michael Algren

Michael Algren

CEO at Algren Design

The program was such an amazing experience I have continued my journey with Simon in a one-on-one coaching

During the “The Art of Creating 1” I gained a great deal of insights into the creative process. I learned about the various limiting beliefs which can sabotage the journey before the goal is met. It was also incredibly helpful to go through the exercises broken up into groups of two or three and come back together and share our experiences with one another. I appreciated Simon’s patience and clarity in explaining each sections we entered into. The program was such an amazing experience I have continued my journey with Simon in a one-on-one coaching capacity. I look forward to diving in deeper to create the life I envision!

Nov 11, 2023

Ulli Trüby

Ulli Trüby

Coach and healer

Realisation that when the unconscious becomes conscious, it loses its “effect”.

We uncovered the conscious and especially the unconscious patterns to my chosen theme / vision. You asked me specific questions and reflected on my statements again and again, so that I could recognise and perceive my dysfunctional patterns and beliefs, and you also gave me enough time for this. I felt very clearly that through recognising and perceiving my patterns, they felt much lighter and in part even almost like neutral. This was a new experience for me and the realisation that when the unconscious becomes conscious, it loses its “effect”. You pointed out my concepts and reality to me to be able to perceive the difference. You always had the “red thread” in mind and our conversation was so wonderfully rounded off at the end – really coherent for me.

Oct 29, 2023

Andrew White

Andrew White

Founder & Professional Photographer

This new awareness became the guidebook to become a more impactful leader and realize my goals with greater ease & authenticity.

Simon’s brilliance is in his ability to create digestible, actionable content and coach to it in a gentle but effective way. After having completed his “AOC” seminar I became acutely aware of how my beliefs, thoughts, perceptions and judgements clouded my ability to see things the way they truly are. This new awareness coupled with an application of the tools he provided became the guidebook on how to deepen relationships, mindfully parent, become a more impactful leader and how to realize my goals with greater ease & authenticity.

Oct 26, 2023


Anka Petzka

I felt highly energised afterwards

Dear Simon, thank you for this experience. I had no idea what to expect and after the first few minutes I wanted to chicken out. I hadn’t imagined creativity like this and yet I let myself be guided. What began bumpily developed and started to be fun. I felt highly energised afterwards and took a long time to calm down and get to sleep. Thank you for this new experience.

Oct 25, 2023

Elisabeth Härdi

Elisabeth Härdi

Vocal coach & soprano

It really shook up the fortresses of my understanding of writing. It is a blast to gain a true insight into the genius of writing

The Genius Writing seminar really shook up the fortresses of my understanding of writing and brought a breath of fresh air into my messed-up brain. This seminar is also a blast for anyone who wants to gain a true insight into the genius of writing. It's not a seminar for people who want to stay in their comfort zone, i.e. stick to their beloved patterns that have been chewed over a hundred times and perhaps even work. (Mine have become very shaky 🤷🏻‍♀️). I am doing my best and thank you, Simon, for the structured way of approaching a territory that is largely unknown to the mind. Our creative spirit - reality - deserves to be unveiled and liberated after being suppressed for so long! Every step towards this is an inner Hallelujah

Oct 24, 2023


Heike Johnscher

Courageously face themselves and their own voice and truth

I can recommend the training to anyone who wants to courageously face themselves and their own voice and truth. Thank you Simon 🙏 for this wonderful offer and I will be happy to join you again for further dates. 🥰

Oct 4, 2023


Vasare Sarlote

Thank you for hosting this amazing event!

Thank you for hosting this amazing event!

Sep 4, 2023

Angelika v. Alten

Angelika v. Alten

Simon succeeds to address both heart and mind. I can recommend this “journey” from the bottom of my heart

An exciting and challenging journey on which we can discover not only our creative potential, but also, among other things, how our perception “works” and how we bring our heart’s desires into our lives. Simon succeeds in an ingenious way to address both feeling, heart and mind. I can recommend this “journey” from the bottom of my heart. Thank you Simon for this wonderful training.

Jul 26, 2023

Ulli Trüby

Ulli Trüby

Coach and healer

Say goodbye to old structures and create new structures to further develop my creative power

And the hero's journey continues and takes on new structures. 💫 Diving intensively into our own old structures for 4 days in a row to say goodbye to them and then create new structures, stay in creative tension to perceive the dynamics, build the bridge and focus the vision. It was an exciting journey. It was great fun to embark on another journey of discovery to further develop my creative power. 😄 It is simply wonderful to have these very personal experiences in a trusting, protected space. A big thank you to you, Simon, and to the group! 🙏 I'm looking forward to the Mastery - Course IV

Jul 23, 2023

Elisabeth Härdi

Elisabeth Härdi

Vocal coach and soprano

A veritable hero's journey into my own strength have nourished and strengthened me

All good things come in fours! Four days of a veritable hero's journey into my own strength have nourished and strengthened me! Simon succeeds in accompanying us in his clear way of self-reflection and opening doors. Without pushing and shoving, he keeps the intention to teach and accompany us in the 'alchemical art' of self-empowerment. To keep the focus and to be a coordinate for us. Everyone - right where they are - has the potential to take the next step. For me, this seminar was a further step into my reality. It is a gift of mastery when you begin to understand and take responsibility for your existence in a structural context and create a momentum in which a completely new form of reliability can be experienced. A connection with what everyone really is, glistening from the steel blue sky through the canopy of one's own creative genius; far from good and evil, wrong or right. Ready to manifest. With the decision to see through and say goodbye to the completion desires from childhood from a structural perspective, a devoted serenity begins that can also withstand uncomfortable situations. There is no 'train to miss'. Everything comes in its own time through constant action! Thank you for YOUR actions, dear Simon.

Jun 26, 2023


Agnes Weidner

Joy, excitement and fun It brought me closer to wholeness, which includes my own shadow

It's not so easy to put the experience of the two weekends of the second AOC journey and seminar series into words. In any case, I'm glad I went on the trip. Among other things, it made me aware of my own shadow. Even if it sometimes feels like it takes nerves of steel to face it, this weekend has brought me a little closer to it - to the much-cited wholeness, which also includes my own shadow in this humanity. And it's nice, because the shadow is there anyway. Accepting and seeing this, becoming more alive and more capable as a result, was a valuable experience for me. And enabled me to slip more into the costume of being human 😉 🎭 Of course, there was also joy, excitement and fun on this trip. You were a competent and high-quality tour guide Simon. I could feel the appreciation with which you treated your fellow travelers, the openness with which you shared your experiences and the love with which you shared your knowledge and offered these perspectives.

Apr 15, 2023

Max Xu

Max Xu

Psychotherapist and Zen practitioner

A real surprise. I thought I know my self quite well

The session was a real surprise. I thought I know my self quite well, but it turned out that I was (mostly likely still) very ignorant. It is a huge relief to see the basic motivation behind my actions – shocking and releasing. It feels that a big burden has been lifted from me at an instant. Now I am very curious to see how it gonna effect my daily life. Anyway, it helps me to be more aware of my action. I could learn that it makes a tremendous difference whether I am acting out of a blind deep rooted wrong assumption, which always creates tension, because we are not coherent, or acting out of love and freedom.