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Julie Kelley
Julie Kelley

Principal, Aerial Design and Build

February 8th, we were hosting a panel of smart professionals from the architectural, hospitality and commercial industries for our clients, vendors and team in New York City. The key to success of any panel is an able moderator. Joya was that moderator. She connected with each panelist ahead of event day. She established talking points specific to each panelist's zone of genius. On event day, she kept the conversation moving in a way that was engaging and informative for everyone who attended. She recalled specific details from the panelists preliminary calls that flowed into the discussions as well as engaging with questions from our audience. We were so lucky to have her.
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Atika Kumar
Atika Kumar

AI/ML Strategy & Innovation

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It was a lovely evening of deep discussions with very accomplished women, feeling motivated more than ever! Thank you, Joya!
Marlene Hochman
Marlene Hochman

Founder & President of The Toy Museum of NY

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Such a fantastic evening and such a treat to be with a table full of inspiring and successful business women. Job well done by our host, Joya Dass.
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The biggest outcome of my attending your event in Connecticut was stepping out of my comfort zone.

I drove from New Hampshire. I booked a bed and breakfast nearby the night before. I went to dinner by myself and met all kinds of interesting people. I met up with all of you for the Grace Trail walk the next day.

It was a truly wonderful 2 days for me. I plan on practicing getting out of my comfort zone regularly- weekly if not daily. Thank you!

Elizabeth Rowe
Elizabeth Rowe

Leadership & High-Performance Coach

Joya's mastermind dinner was a thought-provoking and galvanizing event. She brought together a diverse and fascinating group of women and she skillfully lead the conversation to invite curiosity, inspire courage, and to help the women at the table find much-needed clarity. I left the dinner with a renewed focus on my "one word" ("courage") and with an enormous appreciation for Joya's leadership.
Nidhi Sinha
Nidhi Sinha

Director, Public Relations; Global Director, Public Sector and Government Communications, Boston Consulting Group

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You are SO INVESTED in me. It's truly empowering to be around you.

You are amazing and you've changed me for the better.

Melanie Curtis

Melanie Curtis

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Every Thursday, I get on my mastermind call with Joya Dass and other high-level entrepreneurs. Every time we come together, we share wins and crowdsource solutions on our current challenges as women in business. If there's time, we explore a thoughtful question and consider what connections might be useful. Joya is very generous with her network with her members. This week, my win was simple. I'm always doing a lot of BIG things such that the small things can sometimes take a while to actually get done. Feeling increasingly averse to social media, I have renewed my focus on building my personal, opt-in email list, sharing much of the high-level content I put out through there. HIGH VALUE ONLY. So my win. This week, I finally got this sharable opt-in page built. YES! As always, I hope everything I share brings high value to you.
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Aixa Betancourt
Aixa Betancourt

Resident Director, Vice PresidentResident Director, Vice President Merrill Lynch Wealth Management

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This is what I realize from being a part of your membership the last few years: I need to stop feeling guilty about taking care of myself first. At your last event, I was in a room with 7 or 8 women who said it out loud. Everyone was professionally successful, juggling work, home life and self care. So it's a good group to take advice from. It was nice to hear that sentiment echoed back to me.

Joya curates a powerful experience with her mastermind dinner by bringing together strong women with diverse backgrounds and experiences. She leads with thought provoking questions resulting in stimulating conversations. I didn't realize how much I was missing being around like minded women, who challenge and support me. The dinner reinvigorated me, and made me realize I need to make it a priority to surround myself with such women. Joya has a huge heart and truly wants to see women succeed and live up to their potential.
The #1 outcome of me attending the dinner has been taking my relationships more seriously. I belong to a closed network group that has a lot of or are connected with my ideal clients yet I wasn't leveraging those relationships. I have begun the practice of introducing 1-2 new connections a week to my network. I have also been thinking about 2 things, making my affiliate system official and let people know about it.
Gabrielle Leonard
Gabrielle Leonard

CEO at Events and Marketing Studio by Gabrielle Leonard

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Flew into Boston yesterday to attend a mastermind dinner hosted by Joya Dass! I flew in yesterday afternoon with my assistant had dinner and we flew back in to ATL today. I got to meet some truly phenomenal women and connect in a way that I really enjoyed! I’m grateful and thankful that this is the life I get to live. I am so happy I made the decision to - Say yes to God’s will for my life - Reinvent myself into the powerful woman that I am today This gets to be my reality! Now I’m taking the day off and bingeing the mentalist lol
Bisi MacGregor
Bisi MacGregor

Life and Mindset Coach, TEDx Speaker, Trainer

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I flew to Boston last night for dinner! We say things... In jest... In truth... A part of us wants it... A part of us fears we won't get it or can't have it... A part of us fears we won't be able to hold the disappointment of it not happening... There's a part of us that also knows the possibility, The same part knows its a matter of choosing and standing for that choice, no matter what Well, I flew to Boston for dinner last night 🌙 This is one of the things I'd joke around with my friends and family...until the joke became my reality last night I had dinner with 7 other incredible women that I wouldn't have met ordinarily We connected, we each brought forth one of our challenges and we masterminded together to bring about solutions 8 incredible minds, diverse thought processes, backgrounds, experiences lended for such a rich and solution driven discussion. I was reminded of the range of power we women hold and how impactful it is when we tap into it. The space was unmatched, thank you Joya Dass for such an incredible experience.
Anjalee Daryani

Vice President, Financial Counseling - Goldman Sachs

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The Women’s Leadership Academy is truly unique from any other networking group or forum. I not only broadened my professional network,  but I participate in specially curated immersive experiences within the arts, culture, culinary and fine dining spaces.

I am a part of the finance and legal sector of this network. Through my membership, I met like minded, executive women that are ambitious, strong, goal oriented and focused on excelling in their careers. I've gained personally too, including advice and support in being a working mother, work-life balance, and being a woman on Wall Street.

Although I have been to Paris before, Joya put together a very exclusive itinerary where we dined at a Michelin-star restaurant in the Eiffel Tower, had a private shopping experience at Chanel, viewed the paintings of female artists during the impressionist era, and had lunch at the beautiful Le Meurice restaurant. Each event sparked very interesting and controversial conversations. I met women from all different sectors and walks of life. 

It was truly a refreshing experience, both professionally and personally. I look forward to future events!

Shruti Sharma

Shruti Sharma

Investor and Serial Entrepreneur

Your events are about a higher level of networking.

I cherished the fashion, the gastronomic excursions, and the personalized museum experiences. Added to that, you curated a group of high level women achievers. We had a perfect environment to develop deeper relationships and business ideas. 

It was a treat is to get away and look at life from a different perspective. Paris was an ideal location to stimulate creativity and foster collaborative ideas.

Julie Kelly

Julie Kelly

Principal, Co owner, Aerial Design & Build

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The trip to Paris, France with Joya's Women's Leadership Academy was fabulous. Being around successful and like-minded women at several significant sites such as the Louvre and the Eiffel Tower was spectacular. Business life has a tendency to dominate my every day life. This trip was a breath of fresh air, because yes we got away, but we also had quality and thought-provoking conversations. Joya works to stimulate our minds and share our experiences always. I wasn't aware of the Coco Chanel story and the more I listened at our private event at Avenue Montaigne, the more impressed I was with how she was a trailblazer for women. She was strong, bold and overcame the stereotypes of her time. I look forward to the next trip, wherever that might be, and hope we as a strong women’s business group can achieve together milestones we never thought possible.
Sue Bhattacharya
Sue Bhattacharya

Business Consultant, Merck

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What I gained from the Paris retreat was the deep discussions about the challenges we face as women leaders and entrepreneurs. I'm in a new role at the same company. I'm thinking actively about my leadership and how to establish myself as an important voice on a new team. The beauty was that the all the members were objective listeners. I had no anxiety about being judged. We had these discussions amidst the most elegant and unique surroundings. We indulged in amazing gastronomic delights and fine wine…and that’s what made the retreat so special.
Devyani Ramani
Devyani Ramani

Brands Unlimited

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Joya Dass, Thank you for putting together this immersive women's leadership weekend. Getting away from the routine and being surrounded by women that I admire in one of my favorite city’s was a delight. Allowing myself the time to work on my personal growth & development as well as just letting go of responsibilities for a weekend was exactly what I needed to regroup & refresh.
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