
I reached out to the service by recommendations from a colleague. Max is very helpful and responded email fast and efficiently. The proofreaders are also great, scrutinised my thesis carefully. A very professional work I have received, thank you.

Jun 25, 2024



I struggled with isolation and feeling like I didn't belong anywhere near academia. I still feel like that to an extent, but knowing others relate to this makes all the difference - it normalises the unease! So far, I have successfully avoided presentations but I'm now in my final year and I can't for much longer. The storytelling session was helpful in stripping back to basics, making presenting seem achievable (with practise), and removing the stuffiness that often surrounds presenting and adds to the intimidation. Finally, I met a nice bunch of people.

Jun 26, 2024



Icreached out to learn about communicating science!!! Clares workshop was amazing, great techniques and endless positive energy - the best, sering Clare telling storys and getting a clear picture of how thus could work for myself!

Jun 26, 2024


Deborah Weinrauch

Excellent presentation by Clare Murphy who enlightened all of us on the powerful art of seeing and telling professional, academic and personal stories.

Jun 26, 2024


Jenny H

Another very good workshop led by Jerry. Writing critically is something that I realise now I haven't fully understood. Not least, that it doesn't just relate to the Lit Review chapter! Thank you.

Jun 12, 2024


Roser Andreu

I get your emails because of your interesting webpage. In a session of an hour and a half I got few but important clues to take into account, not only about the topic of the session. Besides, given that it's a lonely journey sharering simmilar concerns with other PhD students is a bit of a relief. Your expertise is the best about your service. It's clear you know what a PhD entails.

Jun 12, 2024


Jenny H

Jeremy led a very useful workshop with his usual easy-going style. I feel more confident about writing my Introduction and Conclusion chapters as a result. Thank you.

Jun 11, 2024


David Brough

Good session with clear indicators. Jeremy is a very likable and able guy -A realist who knows his stuff. This service is needed for the few who undertake doctoral work and often are left alone to solve problems , even with University supervision. thank you . Best regards David

Jun 11, 2024


Jenny Hopkins

I have been using PhD Proofreaders a lot and overall find it incredibly valuable. So thank you With regard to this particular workshop on Preparing for your Workshop, on reflection I gained more from it than I appreciated during the workshop itself. While it was happening, I felt a bit frustrated by how much time was allocated to going around the group for views on what they look forward to and fear about the Viva. There were probably three or four key points that came out of this, and that happened very early on. Everyone else's contribution was simply repetition and I felt a little dismayed as I watched the minutes ticking by. That aside, Jeremy is very engaging and clearly had a lot to share from a very informed position. Just wish we had gone through the slides as he must have originally planned. I have definitely gained from the workshop, but I also think there was more Jeremy had in mind to share with us and in the end didn't. Back to PhD Proofreaders, I am using your Writing Course, I have participated in a writing workshop, and I have enjoyed the workshops and will continue to do so. I also love the email motivators. Keep up the good work.

Jun 5, 2024



The session was exceptionally useful in uderstanding the structure and purpose of two key parts of a thesis - the introduction and conclusion. Professor Wellington is very warm and attentive to the needs of participants. I recommend these sessions highly.

Jun 11, 2024


Gayle Shim

I was really looking forward to the session on theoretical frameworks but right from the outset I'm afraid to say it was a disappointment. The slides were overly wordy, appeared to have no order and be taken from multiple different presentations. Rather than making something complex more easy to understand it just created more confusion due to its lack of structure. I'm sure the presenter has vast experience in her field but unfortunately delivering a presentation was not her forte. She also became easily drawn in and distracted from attendees who 'hijacked' the session for their own purposes which left large periods of time which were irrelevant to the rest of us. I have high opinions of PhD Proofreaders in general but this was a real let down and I regret paying for and wasting my time with this session.

May 3, 2024


Isabel Evans

Prepping for your Viva workshop, was very useful. Although that my Viva is more than a year away, and my university will have a workshop about it, I decided it would be useful to have an early look at what is required. It was a very useful session, interactive, and helpful. Good to hear from others on the same journey, and from an experienced examiner sharing their knowledge, hints and tips. Thanks!

Jun 5, 2024


Antoinette Gregory

I reached out because I am not getting much support from my supervisor and I felt I needed help. I am now ready to begin writing up my literature review and theoretical framework. The best thing about yesterday’s class is that I felt like I’m not alone in my doubts. The session cleared up some of my doubts and was very useful. I now know how to incorporate the theory and concepts I need for my project

May 29, 2024


Emma Sundström

Wanted someone to quickly read proof-read a chapter I was working on. Great and fast service! I am very happy. It sure saves me time, and I can focus more on actually writing. -Emma

Apr 8, 2024


Tamlin Watson

The webinar helped to reassure me that I was on the right track, it gave me some super helpful information, guidance and it was useful to hear that many of my concerns were echoed with others

May 3, 2024



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I reached to get a better general understanding of how writing a thesis works and to get maximum charity for my own theory chapter! After the workshop I feel like 1000% ready to deliver!!! The best thing? - Gina does not only know what shes doing but also how to communicate it in the most effective way!!!

May 3, 2024



I receive your newsletter, I writing my thesis, and the topic-- Writing for Publication-- peaked my interest. It was excellent: the slides and explanations were clear. I really appreciate the video link and slides which allow me to continue to revert to the session. Thank you!

Mar 29, 2024


Gloria AA.

I reached out to your service for help with proofreading my thesis chapters. Your assistance has significantly impacted my PhD journey by providing tremendous support, reliability, attention to detail, and pastoral care. The best aspect of the service you offer is your deep understanding of PhD-level sources, the challenging nature of academic work, and the combined academic and moral support you provided, which has been immensely beneficial to me. The Friday pep talk from Max has been a tremendous strength, and I look forward to reading it every Friday.

Mar 28, 2024


Katie Docwra

I am approaching my submission date and thought a group setting might break the isolation of write-up and help with focus. I found the day to be leader-led rather than peer-focussed. I would have preferred some break-out options in the break times to have conversations with peers about their experiences etc. I felt like the day was focussed on the timed writing sessions (I know this is the point) but there was no interaction between us other than in the chat box when prompted to write our goals. I know the online format can be tricky but for the price, I expected more. I have attended writing retreats before online where the organisers have offered more tips for structuring the time etc and have offered one-to-one advice. I feel that the price of £30 was inflated for the service provided which is a shame. I enjoy the resources you provide on your website and understand that you need to pay overheads when organising something like this, but for what was provided, it's a lot. I have attended similar sessions, in person, with refreshments provided and they have been free. I felt disappointed at the end of the day. I think, in future, you may wish to consider adjusting the price.

Mar 11, 2024



PhD Writing retreats are amazingly supportive because they encourage a structure in my writing habits. They also facilitate setting up of mini-goals, with excellent follow-through suggestions.

Mar 11, 2024



I reached out to you to proofread my thesis. I was very happy with the reliable service you provided and knowing that someone will diligently read through everything really had a positive impact on my peace of mind. What stood out about your service was probably the responsiveness, flexibility and reliability.

Feb 29, 2024


Nicky McCrudden

I came across PhD Proofreaders when looking to find the support I didn't feel I was getting from my supervisors and to fill some gaps in the support from my institution. The company name is a little misleading, because they do so much MORE than just proofreading. Unlike many companies offering this kind of service the professionals offering advice via PhD Proofreaders are seasoned academics with EXTENSIVE experience. Which I find incredibly valuable (and not just because my supervisors are relatively less experienced). I love the fact that there are 1:1 options, as well as more input driven workshop options, all with a fair and transparent pricing. And the academics I've encountered are very positive and encourage you to enjoy the PhD experience! Thank you PhD Proofreaders.

Feb 28, 2024



I got in contact with PhD proofreaders when I had a lot of concerns about the wrapping up of my PhD and my viva due to multiple challenges I have faced throughout my PhD journey. Chatting to Max and later having the mock-viva with Peter allayed a lot of my concerns and I felt supported throughout. I feel like I have a much better idea about what to expect and how to prepare for my real viva, and I was able to chat through the worries I had with people that really understood my situation. Really grateful to both Max and Peter for the experience.

Feb 23, 2024



A very concise and insight full course which provided the main points that all PhD students want to hear to help focus their studies.

Feb 22, 2024



I'm finding thesis writing quite a gruelling process. Workshops like these offer a useful opportunity to reflect on how best to make sense of this huge task in a supportive and non-judgemental space.

Feb 12, 2024


Gobinder Gill

I am currently doing a PhD and am at write up stage. I wanted to make sure the way I write my literature review is in line with the required structure and being more precise within my overall writing is important for me.

Feb 21, 2024


Brain Burridge

Acknowledging the thesis introduction and conclusion are difficult to draft, I was hoping for a less discursive and more structured session. That said, there were some good tips on repetition and viva hooks.

Feb 12, 2024


Matt Commerford

After years of receiving updates via a newsletter from PhD Proofreaders and reaching the final stages of my own PhD, I finally enlisted their services. Exhausted from constantly reviewing my own thesis, I needed expert assistance with formatting and a comprehensive proofread. The process was straightforward, and the outcome was exceptional. Thanks to their support, I'm on track for a timely submission. I highly recommend their services for anyone in need of thorough and professional academic proofreading

Feb 12, 2024


Ray Field

attached image
I receive Friday email that helps me. I saw workshop advertised. Ph.D Proofreader is genuine and from real people who write with an understanding of the experience of being a PhD student. Its business, have to make money, but no American hard sell, bombarding users with bargains, sign ups. I intend to book for viva course

Feb 9, 2024


Toon Kanya

The part where he mentioned how we should go about each topic is the best part for me. For example, write maybe half a page, or that topic shouldn't exceed 5,000 words. I think it's beneficial to make it concrete like that.

Feb 9, 2024


simon opie

Very nice encounter with a diverse group. Well directed by Jeremy with some great nuggets. The conclusions section will definitely improve my paper writing as well as helping with the thesis itself.

Feb 9, 2024



Wanted some suggestions for structuring chapters. I found this course very helpful.

Feb 3, 2024



Joining Jeremy's class boosted my confidence in selecting the right journal and avoiding common mistakes for publication.

Jan 29, 2024


Jennifer Stritch

I really needed the support and connection with a community and this service gave that to me. I don’t feel alone in doing the PhD anymore.

Jan 28, 2024


Nikki Jones

I attended the preparing for a VIVA seminar and it was extremely useful and reassuring. Peter was really engaging and encouraging.

Jan 24, 2024


Philipp Lottholz

I am very happy with the support given by PhD Proofreaders at very short notice. They journal paper I sent was turned around quickly, with important omissions and errors spotted and further suggestions for improving language. I look forward to work with them again soon and would warmly recommend them!

Jan 23, 2024



I was reading today's Friday email earlier and really wanted to thank you for all your help and support over the past year. I am finishing this year feeling much more confident about my PhD. When I initially reached out for coaching in early 2023, I was so anxious about my PhD and had significant doubts about my ability to progress. However, the coaching, the workshops and the regular emails have helped me feel much less alone, and given me the confidence that I can succeed. Huge thanks also to Peter Smith - I attended one of his workshops and had a very brief coaching call with him, and he also made everything seem much more possible.

Jan 23, 2024

Sonia Awan

Sonia Awan

Dr Max you're definitely one of the best academics and educators out there! The PhD crash course definitely helped with my literature review, a part I have struggled to write. I have not implemented the guidelines of the other lessons yet but I have no hesitation in encouraging you to continue helping young PhD scholars, especially in our day and age when AI apps are taking over everything. Thanks a million.

Jan 22, 2024



It's great, it is worth each of your penny. The admin is very responsive, helpful, and friendly.

Jan 17, 2024



Max made sure he knew exactly what I wanted and made sure I felt comfortable with and understood the service. Anthony's service was thorough, and useful. Glad I sent my first chapter in early to get my feet wet and now have sent further drafts. It's important to me to have an extra set of eyes even though I have an excellent supervisor; she can focus on content. Will continue to use Max's (and Anthony) for the next three years I'm sure.

Jan 5, 2024


Sara Benavides Campos

I think the Masterclass was not so helpful and I got the idea that I am not the only one. Firstly, I would like to point out that, although the speaker is very knowledgeable on the topic she was kind of all over the place, wanting to address many topics at once which made hard to follow-up. Next, I think the use of the chat was not appropriate, I could detect that a lot of participants were searching for a guide or a roadmap to clarify how to start and develop a Theoretic Framework and what we got was some type of philosophical summary about the topic. My suggestions: You could categorize the audience into HASS, Health Sciences, Engineering, etc. because although the Theoretical Framework is required in all types of PhD, the approach that each type of academia has is different and sometimes (like in engineering) it is not as philosophical as in Social Sciences for example. Next to this, I would limit the participants per session, in this Masterclass the amount of people was an issue, we were a lot of people with a lot of questions from different backgrounds and I feel not everyone got what they were searching. Be mindful of people's money since the cost of the Masterclass, at least for me, was the equivalent to groceries for a week and I bought it on discount!. Also, I would recommend to have someone help the presenter with the interactions with the audience if/when the presenter is not as skilled on managing the tech aspect of the whole presentation. Talking about the presentation, this speaker could've made an effort with the slides because they were VERY heavy on text and seemingly from another workshop. We, as PhD students, often hear that you'll loose audience's attention with too much text and it is ironic that an established researcher is doing it and expecting us not to drive away in our minds. All in all this workshop was not as useful as i thought. I'd rather use the free resources on the PHD Proofreaders webpage and watch videos on YT.

Sep 15, 2023


Wei Leong YONG

I am struggling with the Literature review chapter. Chanced upon your site. Lessons are a good start. Advice is great. The templates are useful. Thank you.

Jan 1, 2024

Lallé Michaël ZOUBA

Lallé Michaël ZOUBA

attached image
Hello. I am a Certified English Language Teacher and I have been teaching in Secondary schools since 2008. I am reaching to you from Burkina Faso (West Africa) for two reasons. The first is that I was able to successfully complete my PhD in three years, not more. The second is that I am happy to be referred to as Dr. PhD Proofreaders impacted my journey in many different ways. Through the motivational emails I received every week and through the very clear and easy-to-use templates, I was able to complete the writing in time before the dissertation went for evaluation. I registered in late November 2020 for the PhD Programme at Université Joseph KI-ZERBO here in Burkina Faso and got permission to start writing the dissertation in July 2021. I am now Doctor in Applied Linguistics. Many thanks for your invaluable guidance. Keep on with your good work. Lallé Michaël ZOUBA, PhD

Dec 26, 2023


Ana Gomez

Just started a PhD and literally had no idea where to start, what and how to do it. You have provided me with some vital tools to start this exciting and terrifying journey. I like that I can come back to it whenever I need over the course of the next 5 years (part time). Thank you for the incredible effort that has gone to make this programme of work sharing your knowledge and understanding on the subject to help others on their journeys.

Nov 22, 2023



I loved the attention to detail that PhD Proofreaders provide. They do thorough and very detailed editing. I can confirm that they provide professional editing services at an affordable price! The quick turn around time is another plus. I am satisfied with their service.

Nov 25, 2023


Danilo Di Emidio

Max et al have had a very positive impact on my Masters+PhD journey between 2018 and 2023, helping me make sense of it both at an academic and emotional level. I used several free and paid resources throughout, and each one of them made a difference to the journey. I loved the metaphysical weekly aspirins too, which always helped me re-contextualize my unique positions as a PhDer. Thanks Max, keep it up!

Nov 26, 2023



I reached out mid-way through writing my PhD because I wanted to ensure I was on the right track and making solid arguments, in the correct structure, before finishing my research and discussion. I found having the literature review and some case studies edited and assessed incredibly helpful, and these learnings will shape how I finish my PhD. Max was very responsive and engaging and made sure all of the elements I wanted to discuss were checked by the editor. The process was smooth and transparent which I appreciated when dealing with personal work. The feedback I got was very constructive. Having this peace of mind at the mid-way point of writing was the motivation I needed to draft up my remaining chapters with guidance and confidence. I will definitely be submitting my remaining chapters for review before final submission.

Nov 19, 2023


Brian Burridge

The application of theories in my research story had been vexing me for some time. This intervention unlocked the mystery in a very effective and digestible way such that the light bulb came on. You provide a valuable service in terms of your writing guides and cheat sheets but also in reinforcing that we are a community with common challenges and uncertainties and that no-one should feel lonely.

Nov 17, 2023


Alexandra Drought

Phd Proofreaders have fantastic, knowledgeable speakers. Last night, Gina Wisker was brilliant. The best thing about your service is that the lectures are affordable to attend, online and source amazing speakers. Last night, I think some of us would have liked to have a follow-up session with Gina. For instance, we attend her online lecture and then a week later, when we have had a chance to absorb her wise words and implement them into our work, we attend a follow-up with a Q&A session as there is never enough time in the initial lecture. It is so useful listening to her advice, but also to hear the other attendees' opinions and struggles and let the attendees share advice amongst each other too.

Nov 17, 2023


Helen Johnson

I attended the 'Developing Your PhD Theory Framework' to help me understand exactly what was meant by concepts and theory and how concepts, theory and the thesis engage with each other. Although I took the information I needed away from the session, I felt the session could have been presented in a more coherent structure - the topics jumped around, which was distracting and (at times) confusing. It also felt there was a great deal of repetition. This could have been resolved using more visuals within the presentation - for example, a funnel with concepts at the wide and theory at the narrow end. As the presnter built on the use of concepts and theory, this visual could be built upon. Likewise, one case study could be used, rather than changing between case studies. And student difficulties/challenges could have been presented first and 'unpacked' during the presentation. In summary, although I received the information I needed from the session (and I won't hesitate to attend future sessions), the learnings could have been achieved in less presentation time, more discussion/thinking time, and with a more structured, coherent approach.

Sep 15, 2023


Charlotte Walker

I thoroughly enjoyed the session, I find that as a PhD student there is the expectation that you will produce a lot of written work both for your thesis and for publication but little input on *how* to write. The methods shared were really interesting and gave me food for thought

Nov 15, 2023



I loved the session on preparing for the PhD viva. I actually felt my fear going away and getting replaced with excitement. Dr. Wellington helped me see the viva in a new light. I'd recommend this very interactive seminar to all PhD candidates.

Nov 14, 2023


H Johnson

Highlighted by real-life examples, these workshops take you on a detailed, step-by-step journey through the PhD process. As a part-time, year 6, Doctoral Researcher I attended the 3-part 'Planning Your Thesis' Masterclass before embarking on the final leg of my PhD. This has proven a useful reminder of the PhD process detail I've learned and forgotten along the way. The knowledge and experience imparted by the workshop lead, Peter, is worth a thousand times more than the cost of the sessions. I’d highly recommend these workshops to Doctoral Researchers at any stage of their journey.

Nov 10, 2023


simon opie

There is no way to 'see' an example of a viva so it's something of a dark secret. It was really helpful to have someone demystify the process. In particular it was extremely useful to get the examiner's perspective on the purpose of the viva and the metrics that should be applied. I feel much better prepared for the viva and will benefit from this knowledge as I compile my thesis too. It's the second workshop I've attended. They've both been great but have struggled to fit the content to the time. An extra 30 minutes would have been appreciated.

Nov 8, 2023



I attended the PhD Viva workshop led by Prof. Jeremy, and it was a highly productive class. The workshop was well-structured, with a set of clear points to keep in mind when preparing for the big day. I would highly recommend this session to anyone who wants to understand the purpose of the viva, why it is an essential part of your PhD journey, and how to prepare for it

Nov 8, 2023

Diane Douglas

Diane Douglas

A very thorough and comprehensive overview and step-by-step presentation of the PhD process. Also I appreciated the resources highlighted and detailed examples provided.

Oct 12, 2023

Therese Down

Therese Down

Thank you so much for an excellent presentation by Prof. Jerry Wellington on Introductions, Abstracts and Conclusions - immensely helpful! I 'reached out' because I am currently drafting my thesis and floundering a bit in too many words/lack of conciseness and SIGNPOSTING failure! Structure is a major challenge in terms of cohesion, obviously, but also, re economy. This session's guidance on word length, content and functions of sections at the top and bottom of a thesis, helped me greatly with understanding the role and nature of signposting, and the importance of making explicit what the contribution of the thesis is. This will really help me organise, place and direct my writing. Thank you, again. The best thing about your service is how encouraging and supportive you are. The whole interface with us is so 'human' and so honest about this rather daunting undertaking ... So glad I found you!

Sep 21, 2023


Jess Doherty

I found the session very valuable. This session gave me new tips and understanding (and confirmations) of how these two pillars support the core chapters. Prof Wellington's expertise and openness was elegant and his guidance was compelling.

Sep 20, 2023



I couldn't have done it without Professor Smith. Working with him on the mock viva was fantastic - he was kind, supportive and he really helped build my confidence. In particular, he helped me to speak clearly about my research and my contribution to my discipline. After the practice oral, I read the key research of my examiners and then spoke about how my research linked to their research, which made them really happy!

Sep 18, 2023



I got in touch with the PhD Proofreaders for a Mock Viva, as I was not sure whether my supervisors and I would manage to do one because of time issues. Peter replied really fast and suggested a date - the procedure was very easy going. I sent my thesis and about ten days later we had the Mock Viva. I really enjoyed talking about my thesis, and found the questions Peter asked really helpful. They were broad and detailed questions, which made me think again and see things from another perspective. Thank you for having such a uncomplicated and easy-going service, which is on point and gives a very good sense of what to expect in the real-world viva! Thank you for the support and feedback Peter, you are doing very great work!

Sep 15, 2023


DL Douglas

Very keen to get this expert guidance regarding working on PhD framework. It was inspiring to hear from the very global group who gathered for this genuinely supportive Zoom mtg. The ‘review information’ sent after is great!

Sep 15, 2023



Thanks so much for the mock-viva. Professor Peter Smith is an absolute gem, and I still cannot figure out how he primed the confidence of a shy nerd like me to exhaust 2 strict viva examiners, one of whom was so aggressive he raised the eyebrows of the chair-lady many times, and he was unhappy about giving me any break 😊 The other examiner had to take headache medication during to get through the whole 3-hour exam (she finished her questions after the first hour). This would normally prompt me to run for the hills, but I remembered Professor Smith’s words that I knew more about what I had done than any examiner could and did surprise myself – for one time in my life when it mattered most, I was unflappable. They complimented me on my “preparation”, but Professor Smith was my real guide. It left me with a successful viva and a great story over a pint with my supervisors in the pub afterwards.

Sep 15, 2023



Your attention to detail with the proofreading and your generosity in not charging anything to finalise the corrections further confirmed my impression of your integrity and professionalism with all that you do. Having taken the PhD Proofreaders course, and attending many of your company’s seminars made all the difference. It is a pity that even the best universities find it difficult to fully see the PhD journey from the student’s perspective and practical day-to-day difficulties. We are very fortunate that you do. I hope you are also very proud of what you do and your great achievement.

Sep 15, 2023



I'm greatly thankful and grateful for your help and support through that critical stage of my PhD journney, both objectively and subjectively. You really helped me clarify things and understand examiners' expectations which gave me invaluable confidence and reassurance to keep going. I wish you all the best and please keep doing what you're doing, it's much appreciated. I'm sure you're part of many PhD students' success stories and you're certainly part of mine.

Sep 6, 2023


Carla Wood

As a Professional Doctorate student it can be very overwhelming. Trying to embark on a research journey and working full time I was at a loss where to start. This course provided the guidance needed to direct me and give me the confidence I needed. The structure of the course has also allowed me to fit around work and complete at my own pace. I just wish I had found at the start of my study, although it has been invaluable even after my ethics approval to develop my skills, knowledge and most importantly motivation.

Aug 31, 2023


Dominique De-Light

Starting a PhD can be daunting, attending the PhD masterclass on Supervision clarified what will be expected of me and how to get the best out of my supervision relationship. It was very helpful.

Aug 16, 2023

Diane Elizabeth Huntingon Loring

Diane Elizabeth Huntingon Loring

I'm not sure where I saw the prompt for PhD Proofreaders but it triggered an immediate response of interest. I enjoyed the PhD Masterclass with Professor Peter Smith immensely! The lecture was everything I had been looking for and hoping for - for nearly a year now. I am having my first annual review next week better understanding the value of the advice I have been given by my supervisors, as well as what I have achieved so far in writing my thesis. The most important part of the lecture, among many, was the explanation of critical thinking and writing, this has been a very difficult aspect for me to comprehend all along. Many thanks to Professor Smith who articulated and explained perfectly all that I need to know! I am very excited about the other offerings as well from PhD Proofreaders! Thank you again, Diane Elizabeth Huntington Loring

Aug 12, 2023



The quality of the proof reading was fantastic, clear and concise comments that proved really useful.

Jun 1, 2023



The session was interactive and really very useful. The facilitator was knowledgeable and engaging. These kinds of sessions with experts in the field can really boost an understanding of what is required and the self confidence to move forward. It was unfortunate that participants chose to have theor cameras off

Aug 1, 2023


Venessa Powell

I started my PhD two years ago and I felt like I was running in circles. My chair told me I did not seem to understand what a PhD was about so I took a year off to get some clarity. I took this course to help me gain that clarity. Lesson nine was the most impactful as I struggle with imposter syndrome. I loved how the information was given in bite sized pieces so that I could progress at my own pace. I see myself going through the lessons over and over as my knowledge and skills grow. Thank you for making this resource available.

Jul 19, 2023


Silvina Katz

Overall, a useful session and very helpful tips. However, I would have liked to dedicate more time to editing and reviewing. It seems that we only got to the "meat and bones" of this towards the end. I did not think that the exercise about the 3-minute thesis was useful given the length of the session. This might have been a nice ice-breaker for a longer seminar though.

May 24, 2023



I reached to you because I received minimal support from my university. Your work just I focus on mock viva was very beneficial and ease my stress. I recommend PhD students to have their mock viva with Dr. Peter Smith. The best thing about the mock viva that It was done by an expert researcher.

May 11, 2023



I'm running behind with my schedule, fairly low in energy and in a slight psychological panic about finishing off my last project, editing two chapters AND getting cracking with my intro and conclusion in a way that does not feel like starting yet another a new project. I want to hit the ground runing without too many uncertainties and questionmarks holding me back about how best to present these sections. This session prvided a full and informative, yet informal and enjoyable open discussion regarding these matters, and the level of interaction allowed for very targeted and bespoke learning and problem solving. This was a very affordable session for the 1.5hrs of high quality advice and guidance it provided - thank you!

May 10, 2023


danilo D di emidio

I needed some support aside my supervisory team and you offered the best support I could find, in every aspects of a PhD journey, from moral support to technical one, which is a nice mix. Well done, D

May 7, 2023


Anita Henderson

I am currently writing my systematic literature review for my PhD studies. I asked for support with grammar and to ensure my writing flowed and made sense! The feedback I received was incredibly helpful- thank you.

May 8, 2023


Rasul Shaban

Why did you reach out to us? To enable PHD start up year 1 learning and any helpful early bird learning for future tasks/requirements. In what way did our work impact your PhD journey? PHD concept paper writeup to proposal . I noted it differs with masters. What is the best thing about the service we provide? Bite sized notes and cost economy.

Feb 20, 2023


Tricia Clarke

I signed up for the Literature Review workshop because I needed additional support in understanding the scope, the overall structure (stand-alone or as part of the dissertation), and effectively writing a literature review. The workshop met all of my needs as it laid out aspects that I had not thought about and provided practical approaches to writing the literature review. I feel much better prepared. Also, I appreciated having access to the slides and the session recording after the workshop!

Apr 27, 2023


patricia wilson

I was dispappointed when I learnt I had corrections - my supervisor didn't flag up any problems and I felt utterly deflated. I couldn't summon the enthusiasm to get the corrections done and it just felt like a mountain to climb - (again!.) Having watched the powerpoint several times I can understand the value of corrections and know what i should do. This has been much more useful than my supervisor's advice and it's good to have something to refer to several times as I have forgotten what my examiners said at the time. I wish I had found your site when I started my PhD as during Covid the amount of support was minimum and I think it had shown in my thesis.

Apr 24, 2023


B. Ciytak

Initially, I was worried whether or not I could trust anyone to proofread my work. After my PhD colleague's recommendation, I contacted the proofreaders and I am 100% satisfied. The transparent and easy communication and the return of submitted documents - I am very grateful that you have accompanied me during the last weeks of my PhD.

Apr 14, 2023


Tricia Clarke

The Getting Writing Done class was informative and engaging. I learned practical tips for how to write more and write more consistently.

Apr 7, 2023

Di Thompson

Di Thompson

I reached out to PhD Proofreaders because I knew from all the past courses and information I had received from this amazing organisation, that I would receive useful and positive feedback about how to get my written work to a more proficient and academic standard. The editing work they did on my conference paper was nothing short of amazing. It made such great sense of all the information that I had "dumped" into word and aligned it to make a sound, concise academic piece of literature. I had tried so long and hard to order my thoughts - I was simply going around in circles. But Proofreaders were able to bring everything I had back into a sensical paper. The best thing about the Proofreaders assistance is that it's timely, professional and non-judgemental. I feel like I'm in the room with them having a sensible, constructive working conversation rather than being located on opposite sides of the world in utterly different time zones. They really get me! Thanks a million team! I just can't thank you enough.

Mar 31, 2023



I am about halfway through my part-time PhD, having had suspensions too which has really dragged out the whole process! I wanted to find a session to take me back to the basics, so to speak, so that I can get back on track. Loved the session, Peter is clearly very knowledgeable about pretty much any type of doctorate and gives great advice. Also loved the anecdotes! Thank you, I'll keep my eye out for future sessions.

Mar 23, 2023



I took the writing course which has proven so valuable. I was able to take the advice to overcome procrastination from not knowing where to start and feeling disorganized. It also helped me to have clearer conversations with my advisor when discussing my prospectus, talking in terms of aims and objectives has been a game changer!

Mar 16, 2023


Nada Davis

I am delighted to have discovered this platform where I can get help with all aspects of PhD. I find the sessions reassuring, well organised and delivered by people who climbed the same mountains and who now extend their hands to us below. This platform does exactly what it says,help us do our best.

Mar 22, 2023


Mark Dalton

I reached out to the PhD proofreaders to give me piece of mind before my submission. The 82,000 thesis had no grammatical errors, punctuation perfect, and spelling perfect 🤩. I also took the opportunity to have the Mock Viva with Prof . Peter Smith apart from having years of experience as an academic and examining PhD students, he was very empathetic and non threatening. The mock Viva helped me to visualise and experience and simulate the real Viva, without which I would of struggled . Thank you to all the team for your amazing 🤩 support.

Mar 10, 2023



The written and class material is just excellent. It completely demystifies the PhD process in a way that makes it not just manageable, but dare I say it… enjoyable? I certainly did and am grateful. Thank you.

Feb 24, 2023



I really enjoyed the workshops which you provide. This is my second time to attend workshop under your service. I enjoyed the discussion on the topic. Your work has positive impact on my PhD journey as it becomes sommother. The best thing in your service that you enlight the workshops with expert who really enrice the topic with their knowledge and experiences.

Feb 23, 2023

Vivienne Corcoran

Vivienne Corcoran

I had a particular part of my thesis that I could not get right, I could not find a reference or outline of what to do. PhD Proofreaders had an easy to understand article on the subject, freely available that gave me an answer. Fast, free, layman's terms, fantastic!

Nov 24, 2022


Chris Martin

I am really pleased with the quality and turnaround speed. My thesis is being proofread post-Viva due to getting Covid just before submission so the final push a bit of a nightmare. Having started amending chapters now and feeling insecure about my writing, the PhD proofreaders have been really approachable, professional and thorough. Although I'd used a lot of their excellent resource materials over the last couple of years (I did my PhD part time) I wish I'd approached them much sooner for actual proofreading.

Dec 1, 2022



My first experience with Proofreaders Ph.D. went smoothly. I appreciated the quick turn around. I have my PhD but find this service to be very useful. I would use again.

Dec 13, 2022



Danielle, you are acutely aware of my emotional turmoil and offered candid advice. I sought assistance from PhD Proofreaders since I was not receiving support from my PhD supervisors. In terms of supervision, I have always been told, "You are the expert; do it yourself." I may be the subject matter expert, but my supervisors are the experts in leading me through the research process. I am not getting any of that sort of thing. Max, thank you for your end-of-the-week post; very encouraging and uplifting. Max and Daniel, I sincerely appreciate all your assistance and direction whenever I am struggling, frustrated, or stuck. Thank you for your colossal assistance and guidance, without which I could not have reached this stage. I truly appreciate your service, Danielle.

Jan 13, 2023

Michael ZOUBA

Michael ZOUBA

Hello. The different emails I received gave me sufficient theoretical background on the structure of a PhD. I downloaded the PhD Writing template as well as that on the Theoretical Framework. These two templates helped me structure my dissertation outline from the start and the various questions within them helped me become critical about my own writing process. I shared the two templates with PhD fellow students. The benefits I gained from your various emails led me to go for more...and thus the PhD Course. The lessons so far are worth the investment... Great job🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿

Jan 22, 2023


Michaela Omojola

Currently, I am struggling with my data analysis section, especially documentation of Chi-square outcome and I was hoping that your course will give me more insight and understanding about this. For now, I feel I am just gathering general information about writing up and understanding my thesis and hopefully, in days to come, there will be coming exactly what I need right now.

Jan 23, 2023


Rasul Shaban

Hello, I reached out for my PHD prep. Literature review and theoretical framework is central driver. Bite size brief notes by direct mails and cost friendly. Business success to you.

Jan 27, 2023


Rebecca Conway

I was desperate for a course like this one to gather some information and practical steps for starting and completing my PhD thesis. It has given me the structure, advice and motivation I needed to move forward confidently with my writing. I really loved that the emails were scheduled every couple of days so it kept me on track and engaged. Thank you!

Feb 14, 2023

Jo Sutherst

Jo Sutherst

I had reached a point in my PhD where I had stalled with my writing. At that time the email arrived detailing the course. It has been a very useful and informative boost to my writing and my confidence. I would recommend it to others who are looking for additional help or feeling overwhelmed. It can really help you.

Feb 14, 2023

Di Thompson

Di Thompson

This course was great - such a relief to find something like this! I reached out because I could find nowhere that had a concise, easy-to-read guide for the different elements of a thesis and how to go about the work needed in each. Too often we hear "there's no right way to do it - they're all different - you have to work it out yourself - ask other students". This course proves that you can do a simple overview of everything without taking away the need for students to do all their own research and make the right choices about what to include and how.

Feb 14, 2023


Dr. Alison Davies

So I joined the viva seminar with Professor Smith, whose book (The PhD Viva) had followed me everywhere for the 3 months as I submitted and prepared for my Viva. The workshop was great and prepared an overview with slides of what needed to be done. I then noted that Prof. Smith was offereing mock vivas. The price for 1.5.hrs was really affordable. It was money very well spent. There were two questions that Prof . Smith asked that I hadn't considered; one was about bias , the other about a specific application of a theory that I had considered but not identified in the thesis. Both questions came up in my real viva within the opening hr. Five days after my mock viva with Professor Peter Smith,I passed my real viva with minor corrections. Thus, I highly recommend the mock viva and the viva prep workshop. Many thanks, Max and Peter.

Nov 11, 2022


Ili Matatolu

I was looking for an online community for Phd support and was not disappointed with the quality, scope and depth of support received; as someone new to academia this was a life saver and I enrolled in 2 online classes which made a world of a difference to my Lit Review chapter and Phd journey!!! Very very Grateful that this support platform exists for students like me!

Nov 13, 2022

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I reached out to the service by recommendations from a colleague. Max is very helpful and responded email fast and efficiently. The proofreaders are also great, scrutinised my thesis carefully. A very professional work I have received, thank you.

Jun 25, 2024
