Devon Canup

Devon Canup

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Some videos just take a little while for the algorithm to pick It up Here's a video I made about a year ago that took 4 months before It ever made any real money Now It's generated over $14k Stay patient. Stay consistent The more videos you put out the more seeds you plant. The more seeds you plant the bigger the harvest Is when harvest season comes
Casper van der Ree

Casper van der Ree

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The Cool part about youtube Automation... THIS VIDEO WHICH COSTED ME AROUND $50 TO PRODUCE IN FREELANCER COST MADE ME BACK OVER $1500 IN LESS THAN 20 DAYS. And it's an evergreen topic that will probably keep running for the coming years.
Reynold Pala

Reynold Pala

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"I'm from India. A year ago, I was really broke, getting paid $100 a month at my day job. I was genuinely scared about my life, and the stress of getting married really haunted me. I was uncertain about how I would gather the money for my marriage. It's crazy now – I'm making almost $100 every other day. Thank you, everyone, for all the help….I’m getting married very soon…..Youtube has changed my life .
Kian Concepcion

Kian Concepcion

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A perspective of how my channel did this year versus 2022: 3.5x views 7.3x watch time 3.5x subscribers 5.5x revenue I feel like I'll be selling myself short if my goal is to make $100K for 2024. So I'll bump it to $200K.
Pete Bennett

Pete Bennett

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Meditation Niche
JC Lee

JC Lee

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YES! Got the 4K goal..
Kautilya Pratap Singh

Kautilya Pratap Singh

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In the creator studio!! This is good.
Adrian Cano

Adrian Cano

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Video 17 day 1 whoa
Pete Bennett

Pete Bennett

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So, I got 1,000 subs
Barrett Haughton

Barrett Haughton

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First award!!
Ryan Morse

Ryan Morse

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On pace to do $3k a month and growing.
Kautilya Pratap Singh

Kautilya Pratap Singh

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I am getting more then 100K views a month.
Kautilya Pratap Singh

Kautilya Pratap Singh

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Hey Fam how all doing it's been long time I'm not posting here.
Ramone Laird

Ramone Laird

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Hey Matt Par so I uploaded this video 2 weeks ago
Pete Bennett

Pete Bennett

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The reason we have good days on YouTube is ‘cos we don’t stop just ‘cos we have bad days on YouTube. Just a thought. You can do it. Love from Pete.
Lee Mather

Lee Mather

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es! Got accepted into the YouTube partner program this morning.
Pete Bennett

Pete Bennett

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Shooting Stars Which Keep On Giving. A somewhat confusing message from Analytics, but the bump in traffic came from a video I made in April 2018. Time and time again it pops up, and gets millions of views but it did absolutely *nothing* for more than a year after I uploaded it. So, message is, take heart, you never know when one of your videos is going to take off.
Adrian Cano

Adrian Cano

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That line tho
Nick Lewis

Nick Lewis

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Quick update on my channel
Adrian Cano

Adrian Cano

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Find your trending topic...
Pete Bennett

Pete Bennett

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Meditation Channels - A bit of inspiration for you. So, I started a mediation channel and then got bored of it. Haven't uploaded any new videos since April but checked in today and found it's still growing. Proves there's still a market
Jason Song

Jason Song

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This is my food channel - on my way to get monetized (need 4k hrs and 1k subs; note just last week my watch hours was only 600! LOL! - think I can hit it in the next two months! If you noticed the spike in watch hours - after much toying around I finally started making 10min+ videos and this metric soared. Subs have jumped too! The last few months I applied Matt's teachings and now I'm seeing it pay off. To everyone in this course - you are in the right place. Do yourself a favor and follow Matt's advice to the tee. You will save months of trial and error (like I did). FULL SEND OR GO HOME!
Jan-Erik Hanssen

Jan-Erik Hanssen

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Hi! On June 21, I reached 8,000 viewers on one of my 2 YouTube channels.
Adrian Cano

Adrian Cano

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got one to really take off, I think I can repeat this now!
Vladislav Korovkin

Vladislav Korovkin

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Road to the monetization
David Rafidi Jr.

David Rafidi Jr.

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Finally, had a video take off after 8 months. Magic number: Video 46 (April 16th) Doubled down on topic : Video 50 (May 14th) I posted channel audit and channel image. The red circle highlights matt's 33 video strategy. I took data from that and within 13 videos I found my one video. Then, I quickly adjusted 4 videos later to see same results. Now, I'm currently working on the one topic that is trending and finding the low SEO competition keywords. Also, all my other videos are starting to get views from the one main taking off. Matt Par is a genius and his strategy works. Trust the process. Just be patient it will come. Now, to do this on my 2nd channel I started in March. Health Niche (I know your going to ask).
Kanishq Mamillapalli

Kanishq Mamillapalli

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Hey Guys, Here are my first two months revenue since I got monetized on one of my channels. More to go this is just a beginning. Thanks Matt Par . This is just to keep motivating you guys.
Francesco Caban

Francesco Caban

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Still going strong.
Martin Burt

Martin Burt

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Just finished going through the Tube Mastery course tweaking my old YouTube channel as I went... I have purposely only added a few videos recently to see what happened to my channel... Impressions up 10% Click-Through Rate up 11% and passed 10% for the first time. Views up 20% Money earned via ads up 20% too... The course was one of the best I have taken and the immediate results prove that... Now to crack on producing more videos on my existing and brand new channel. Looking forward to doing this full-time... Thanks Matt Par great job
Pete Bennett

Pete Bennett

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Wishing you all a great weekend and sending love from London England.
Amory Charles II

Amory Charles II

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Omkar Khisti

Omkar Khisti

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4 days Ago I was struggling to get 500-600 views every 48 hours, but the Numbers just Jumped as my Video blew up
Nain Azeem

Nain Azeem

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It wasn't easy!!! I faced a lot of failures, disappointments! The only one thing I believed!! My Time, Work, Investment, Focus will worth it! And Now I have a youtube passive income!! Hope you'll see soon YouTube Automation Power! Just don't give up! Good luck to all of you
Pete Bennett

Pete Bennett

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Don't Give Up: The biggest video on one of my channels did NOTHING for over a year and then BLEW UP. I'm not saying it will take you that long, I was a YouTube rookie back then and I didn't have the benefit of this course, but you just never know when your hard work will pay off. Similar things have happened time after time. Hang in there people! Sending love from London.
Adrian Cano

Adrian Cano

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I have learned so much over the past year. I love my team of 12, which is still growing. Keep going and pace yourself; it's a marathon, not a sprint! My goal is to do YouTube full-time this year and never look back!
Paul Murphy

Paul Murphy

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Lookie what we have here.... Just arrived!
Daniel Friedrich

Daniel Friedrich

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I forgot about if and checked back now and see it has over 5k views!
Ryan Morse

Ryan Morse

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3rd Channel monetized using Matt's system. It really works.
Warren Watson

Warren Watson

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SUCCESS I have reached 4k Watch hours and over 1k subs I
Paul Murphy

Paul Murphy

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Two days ago I switched up my strategy on my PB channel to include some of the tactics in the latest training in Tube Mastery 2.0... It's looking really promising so far.. Thanks Matt Par
Ryan Morse

Ryan Morse

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2nd Channel Monetized.
Alex Wong

Alex Wong

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Hey Everyone, How did everyone do for January? I thought just for motivation I'd include a screenshot of my first month after being monetized and some lessons I learned along the way. ** started channel about 2.5 months ago
Kieran McCooey

Kieran McCooey

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Just wanted to send some motivation for people who are still grinding. I bought matts course in may and started a meditation channel in June however I got very little traction and decided to go a different route after some more keyword research. I started a channel in the motivational niche in September and finally got monetised on January 12th and here are the results in as little as 3 weeks. I am still learning and researching my analytics to understand what my audience want to watch. Keep going through with it, you can learn soo much more from 1 year of failure than you will if you give up. It will be worth it in the long run
Mk Nova

Mk Nova

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About 70 videos in
Ryan Morse

Ryan Morse

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Took us 24 days to qualify for monetization. That was a very fun ride.
Alex Wong

Alex Wong

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Woke up this morning to some good news.
Terry-Ann Taylor

Terry-Ann Taylor

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Just wanted to let you guys know that Matt's courses work!!!!!! Started a few months ago and today I hit a milestone. No I'm not at 1 million anything ( yet) but slowly and steadily I'm growing. Thank you Matt for helping me accomplish this goal. I am now working on my second channel. Following Matt's blueprint will get you RESULTS! Thank a million.
Ryan Morse

Ryan Morse

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14 Days in to my niche. Doing pretty well
Ali Hassan

Ali Hassan

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I started channel in January Finally Hit 9000$
Alex Wong

Alex Wong

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I just got into this course, although I started my channel about a month ago and am almost half way to monetization. Just want to say. I've been doing online marketing for over 5 years now full time and this is probably the best course I've seen in terms of videos and helpful FB group.
Justin Tillman

Justin Tillman

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YouTube is a long term hustle do the work and the results will follow. One of my channels was hovering at about 100K views in 48 hr for 4 months. Now it just broke the 260K views in 48 hrs ceiling. Stay the course.
Rick Chalmers

Rick Chalmers

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Hey! I just want to share with everybody, I joined Matt Par's course in September with no clue. I paid attention to the successful people in this group, because success leaves clues!! Matt Par and other successful YouTubers in THIS COURSE have been very inspirational to me and they have helped me with their ideas & their desire to succeed. I just want to say thank you! My channel will reach 1000 subs by the end of the week, because I am averaging 60 - 80 subs per day!! Then the sky is the limit! Be humble and kind to people and they might give you hints that you can use to be successful!
Michou Rodriguez Lemay

Michou Rodriguez Lemay

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Francesco Caban

Francesco Caban

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Hello everybody. Just wanted to give an update
Mick Staudinger

Mick Staudinger

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Love it when this happens. Never delete a video. This specific video was one of my first ones, and it got 3,000 views in the first 100 days. At the moment it gets nearly 4,000 PER DAY. Hope you are still motivated and keep hustling.
B Prajapati

B Prajapati

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I successfully able to BOOM my channel with secret keyword process.
Tehreem Sandhu

Tehreem Sandhu

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Take it your passion, Make it your profession Trust me "Passion never fails"
Mat Gunnufson

Mat Gunnufson

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I have one video that is doing really well in my channel.
Ryan Sampson

Ryan Sampson

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I wanted to share an update
Mohammad Casey

Mohammad Casey

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Excited to show off some of the results I have been seeing! Matt Par knows his stuff! If anybody needs some tips feel free to message me
Fanie Fan

Fanie Fan

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I achieved this for 2 months, with 62 videos/uploads. Thank u very much everyone, especially to awesome Matt!!!
Tommaso Pedruzzi

Tommaso Pedruzzi

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it’s increasing more and more, is one video only.
Tehreem Sandhu

Tehreem Sandhu

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It's not too much big channel, only 10k subscribers channel gained more than $100,000... isn't it a big achievement?
Tao Somchai Guillermo

Tao Somchai Guillermo

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Hi Matt
Nain Azeem

Nain Azeem

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And now I am making $5,000 per month In fact more than $5,000!!
Terry-Ann Taylor

Terry-Ann Taylor

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I'm monetized and making some money now on YouTube only because I listen to Matt.
Ali Hassan

Ali Hassan

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Know that it only takes "One Video": ● To blow your channel up ● To 10x your revenue
Ali Hassan

Ali Hassan

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Quick Motivation For Ya'll! Started this channel From scratch and Now I've average around $7,000 with it. So if you are putting to work, you are sure to get results. P.S. Remember that YouTube require persistent/consistency to reward you, so keep on posting quality contents and the money is sure to follow.
Ryan Sampson

Ryan Sampson

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I know it's nothing crazy viral, but it's progress. I just want to share and let you know where I am 30 days and 39 videos in. Keep grinding and putting in the work and you will start to see exponential growth. A few times I almost gave up, but follow the course and the guidelines and it will start to pay off.
Tommaso Pedruzzi

Tommaso Pedruzzi

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Thank you Matt!
Tommaso Pedruzzi

Tommaso Pedruzzi

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I like the stats, I’have constantly 70-80 view per hour (max reached 189) It seems is increasing more and more
Phil Andrew Harris

Phil Andrew Harris

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HI Matt Par
Francesco Caban

Francesco Caban

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The first day it got 400 views. This is 2 weeks later.
Tommaso Pedruzzi

Tommaso Pedruzzi

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The first spike, on my 3rd video
Ali Hassan

Ali Hassan

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What do you guy's think of this channel.
Ali Hassan

Ali Hassan

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Back in March I Started My 4th channel (got monetized), got all views organically NO Promotion! .
Ali Hassan

Ali Hassan

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3 months
Alex Proctor

Alex Proctor

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Keep up the hard work everyone!
Nain Azeem

Nain Azeem

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My 60$ one video revenue in 24 hours!!! I am happy because at least the successful journey is starts now Hope this one motivates you
James Clarkin

James Clarkin

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Just had my first viral video! Guys keep at it! Best YouTube community And a big thank you to Matt Par for sharing his knowlage and creating a wonderful community
Nate K Park

Nate K Park

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12th vid just hit 1k and total watchtime hours are 200
Mick Staudinger

Mick Staudinger

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When YouTube suddently decides to push another one of your videos. Lesson for everyone: Stay patient Note: This video is older than 28 days. It did always do quite well through search, the CTR and AVD was above average. Still took quite a while to get pushed by the algorythm.
Lewis Lee

Lewis Lee

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Results from two of our channels, this works ! Stay consistent, see what's working , make sure thumbnails are on point ,
Francesco Caban

Francesco Caban

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Almost at 50 new subscribers which is huge for me.
Terry-Ann Taylor

Terry-Ann Taylor

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I just want to take the time out to thank you Matt for creating this course. I purchased the course in May of this year. I've watched and implemented everything Matt said. Sometimes I'd have to watch 1 video 3 times to fully grasp the concept. And these are my results. I have ZERO prior knowledge with youtube. I will not share my channel name but I wanted to encourage you all to keep going. I've uploaded 55 videos every single day so far and will continue. Thank you Matt... I plan to keep creating more channels in different niche. The course WORKS guys.
Eric Oviedo Castro

Eric Oviedo Castro

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I completed my course on June 26 and changed everything by Matt's instruction. The views go up. It works.
Francesco Caban

Francesco Caban

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It's working
Nick Lewis

Nick Lewis

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My first month
Tehreem Sandhu

Tehreem Sandhu

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Was testing last month, So I learned again that choose your niche wisely
Nick Lewis

Nick Lewis

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Just hit my monetization watch time on my 22nd consecutive daily upload day! At 430 subs. Subs had a slow start but starting to pick up. Hoping to be monetized by end of the month Not all my videos have been popular - but the ones that have I’ve doubled down and focused on what works Good luck to everyone and keep grinding away. Consistency is key
Naijha Wright-Brown

Naijha Wright-Brown

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Is this good progress?
Mark Rand

Mark Rand

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guys one of my baby channels i started 3 months ago is blowing up
Mark Rand

Mark Rand

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Mark Rand
Rito Alfonso

Rito Alfonso

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This is my analytics!
Nick Lewis

Nick Lewis

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FINALLY! Uploaded my first video! Did this a couple of hours ago and seems to be getting some views already. Aiming for 1 upload per day let’s gooo
Christoffer Elisiussen

Christoffer Elisiussen

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Hey, I just published a video 9 hours ago, and it's already being to take off. I'm so excited to see how far this video will make it. Impression 423 - CTR: 22,2 % - Views 103 I only got 16 videos on my channel. Big shout out to Matt Par for making this happen
Tehreem Sandhu

Tehreem Sandhu

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YouTube is something that change your life
Tehreem Sandhu

Tehreem Sandhu

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Sometimes later becomes never Views:- Last 60 minutes Start today
Tehreem Sandhu

Tehreem Sandhu

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How to Growth on YouTube? First Thanks to Matt for great community, You guys are awesome I must say "A goal without a Timeline is just a dream" So first set your target and try hard to achieve that
Mark Rand

Mark Rand

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im glad to see some results just keep pushing guys!!
Want to see more testimonials?
Click here
Devon Canup

Devon Canup

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Some videos just take a little while for the algorithm to pick It up Here's a video I made about a year ago that took 4 months before It ever made any real money Now It's generated over $14k Stay patient. Stay consistent The more videos you put out the more seeds you plant. The more seeds you plant the bigger the harvest Is when harvest season comes