Theo N

Theo N

Success Architect @ MURAL

I'm a customer success professional & collaboration designer, supporting companies and teams in changing their ways of working through collaborative intelligence. I'm a proud owner of the Workshop Tactics, which I got hoping for extra inspiration and support when preparing workshops and meetings. I definitely hesitated due to the price point, but can say they've been instrumental in giving that extra boost of inspiration when preparing my sessions. In a world of remote workshops, it's great to have a tangible resource to support your efforts. I love the deck's design, searching through for the right activities and ordering them has to be my favourite thing about the Pip Decks!
Love these cards! They are a great resource to get the creative juices flowing. They’re now a staple as part of our creative planning process.
Andreas B

Andreas B

CFO, Head HR

I already had the electronic cards, and now that I get the physical cards, I enjoy it even more. I use the cards to plan internal workshops. It also gives me input for the normal, small meetings, which are now more varied. The combination of physical maps (with super quality) and digital maps (always available) is perfect. 

Sabri H

Sabri H

Web Developer

Great decks of cards and a lot of thought and care went into the product. I’m a product manager who’s been seeking to improve and these cards are incredibly helpful! I was able to use the retrospective card to run a project retro. I’m excited to use the storytelling deck as well!
Kelsey Getson

Kelsey Getson

People & Culture Leader @ Clutch

Before buying, I thought how could cards help me workshop! These without fail changed my mind and are definitely worth the money! 10/10 recommend.



I work with storytelling and storymaking for therapeutical purposes. I was a bit skeptic about this deck of cards, but OMG, aren’t they amazing?! I purchased the storytelling tactics and they’re heaven on earth for those of us who need to be more objective and practical when creating stories. It is really as it is said on the ad, I’ve been reading so many of those storytelling books, bought other card decks, and it is time consuming and frustrating to find the nuggets that really worth it and could be applied for my specific need. But this card deck worth it! Now I can find what I need much faster than ever in a way that open my mind to be creative and productive. Just go for it! Honestly, it is such a relief to find out that the ad is actually true to word with the product.
Nigel H
Nigel H

Group Head of Cybersecurity

Hi, My name is Nigel Hedges, I’m the Group Head of Cybersecurity at a very large multi-national retailer in Australia and New Zealand. I purchased both the Story Telling and Workshop Decks. My whole aim was to be able to help educate my team and other technology teams around powerful communication using stories and facilitation techniques in workshops for technical people. I wasn’t sure initially whether Pip Decks was legit, but was suprised, pleased and relieved that it’s authentic…i LOVE the cards and the digital format too. I think worth the money given the level of instruction and power contained within. I love how the cards are so succinct and logical, lots of creative ways to follow the “recipes” or create your own set of card-based activities based on what you need to create awesome experiences. I just love the look and feel of the cards.
Chaz Thorne

Chaz Thorne

Strategic Planning Facilitator

As a facilitator and marketer, I had hoped that the Workshop Tactics and Storyteller Tactics would add some additional tools to my teams' toolboxes. Having seen many versions of "decks" before, I was initially skeptical about the value they would deliver. Ultimately, testimonials from others convinced me to give them a shot. They have been more than worth it. The simple system for their use, the quality of the content, the quality of the decks themselves - are all excellent. The best thing about them is that they have become a fun way to interact with my team to come up with solutions. I love them so much, I have already pre-ordered all of their soon to be released decks.
Sandra Lagace
Sandra Lagace

Lagace HR Coaching & Training

I am an HR professional, trainer and coach (and a lot more ;-) ). I bought the Pip Workshop Tactics. I did not have any hesitation buying the Pip Deck, It looks so fantastic online and in real it is even better. The ONE thing I love about the Pip Deck is the way it looks (and the othe ONE thing is the thousand ideas and inspiration you get by the cards. LOVE IT!
Joann Ransom
Joann Ransom

Head of Neighbourhood Hubs and Library Services

Wrangling such big teams to ensure everyone has a voice is a priority for me. Pip Decks allows me to easily select an appropriate facilitation methodology rather than fall back on the 2 or 3 I use most often.


Head of Design, Asia Pacific at Logitech

I am the Head of Design, Asia Pacific at Logitech. I am in the role of leading design and innovation opportunities in Asia. I purchased the Storytelling Deck 2 months ago for inspiring ways to tell stories for various purposes, it turned out surprising me as a great companion in helping on building the story line and extend the creativity! It’s definitely great value for money from my experience with the Storytelling Deck. Lately I purchased the bundle with the discount and I’d recommend to you as well!
Geneviève Filteau
Geneviève Filteau

Coach & Podcaster

- Storyteller Tactics - I would give it more stars if I could! I must admit my brain was telling me I made a mistake by purchasing a "deck" for 250$ (that's the cost I paid in Canadian dollars after shipping), but when I received the deck I was in absolute awe. 

You're not just getting cards, you're getting an in-dept premium training on how to craft amazing stories AND the fun experience of playing with cards. 

If you can, you must for sure get the VAULT option. The videos are so well made and very useful. They allow you to go deeper. I'm a coach & podcaster and I can see myself use this deck for blog posts, podcast episodes, conferences, etc. 

It gives me something to turn to for structure, inspiration, guidance and style! I'm so glad I followed my intuition and bought them. 

I cannot name only one thing I love about this deck. It was so well thought out and it holds so much value, plus its so fun to use. The quality is insane and the value of this deck is way beyond what I paid for. 

I feel like I now have a secret super-power!!

Nathan Turney

Nathan Turney

Agile Coach @ AND Digital

OMG!!! These decks are the business and the accompanying Miro decks and PDF's round the package of nicely! It's totally worth the money and i've not stopped raving to my workmates about it!

Kristine T.
Kristine T.

Senior Manager, Strategic Operations - Retail

I bought the Storyteller Tactics deck (digital and physical cards) to help me gain confidence in sharing information and really getting to know my audience. It was (and continues to be) WORTH EVERY SINGLE PENNY! If you're reading this review because you want a real person's testimony as to why you should invest your hard-earned money on this, here it is: Buy It. It'll be well worth your purchase and will pay dividends in your confidence (and, ultimately, your paycheck!). 



I bought this to develop sales story lines for my business and we've absolutely loved it. A fantastic resource worth every penny.
Eric Davidson

Eric Davidson

EVP Strategic Partnerships

I'm very impressed by the depth, detail and quality of everything Pip Decks has done, as well as their customer service. They could easily charge 3x as much and it would still be a value! Eric

Richard Sison
Richard Sison

Senior Product Designer at Roam Digital

I bought the Workshop Tactics deck because I love running workshops and have also been using my own system for structuring them. I was interested in this deck because I wanted to experiment with another system and expand on my techniques. The price made me pause a little bit but I really do think it's worth the value; there's a lot of care that's gone into the details of the system and the quality of the physical decks are also very high. What I love most about the deck is the simplicity behind the system. It's very flexible and easy to follow.
Tiia Meuronen
Tiia Meuronen

Senior UX Designer, Béa Fertility

Storyteller Tactics comes out when I start or get stuck, from brainstorming taglines to mapping user journeys and writing user research reports. It’s genuinely one of my most used tools. At first I was concerned the deck wouldn't be applicable to the types of stories I usually wrangle with as I don't do big public presentations or write externally facing articles. Turns out the deck never fails to improve whatever story I am telling, regardless of scale or audience. Sometimes all I need is to flip through a few cards to get untangled, sometimes I have a specific card help me through a long process. I've used the deck as a PDF for months and just got my physical deck, which is brilliant quality. My deck is on my desk at work and has grabbed the attention of my colleagues too, who are now borrowing it to brainstorm and fiddle with.

Andy Davies
Andy Davies

Founder & Principal Consultant

I was hunting around for ages trying to find a simple yet highly effective way to collaborate with my clients and co-workers. I came across Workshop tactics and was blown away with how well designed it was and how quick, easy and simple it was to construct a highly effective workshop. It was worth every coin!!! The best thing about this it being a physical product. It's great to grab it, thumb through the cards and plan a session. It also adds so much professionalism when you bring it out with your clients. Great product, great company and can't wait to use all the other decks 😎

Katherine Leopold
Katherine Leopold

Senior Teaching Fellow, University of Greenwich

I bought Workshop Tactics through work on a recommendation and have been so pleased that I did. Having the physical deck really helps when planning meetings, workshops and thinking. I've used them with students, staff, on internal projects and when working with external businesses. They are thoughtfully worked out, clear and easy to follow and well worth the pitch that I did to buy them through work! I wasn't sure how often I'd use them when I bought them, but they've been in easy reach on my desk ever since . I'm looking forward to playing with the new Miro templates for future use, although I found them adaptable to hybrid/online use already. Love the continuous evolution and drive of PipDecks, keep them coming!

I got the vault (just feels good to say “I got the vault”) and it's a great place to be. I don't think you would be disappointed. If you have a business your going to write it off as an expense. The videos and how-to’s are great guides to the world of storytelling and workshop cards. They are like my companions to the cards. Being in the slack channel is really valuable. I like reading about what other people are working on and which cards they applied to their scenario.



Operations Team Lead

I lead an operations team in an EdTech Start Up in Spain. I bought both the Workshop & Storyteller Tactics decks in December and I am having a great experience using them. Therefore I though I would leave this review here in case it might help you go head and make this super worthy investment. I have already put both decks into use to run my team meetings, prepare business presentations and basically to get inspired, communicate with purpose and more efficiently. The Slack community serves as great help us well :)

Laurence Wilhelmy

Laurence Wilhelmy

Sr Manager, Talent Acquisition @ SSENSE

I really loved the Pip decks because it provided a clear, step-by-step and customizable guide. It completely removed the guess work from building strategy workshops. It's well worth the money invested, especially if you are used to reading lots of material to figure things out by yourself. It's a lot less expensive than working with a consultant! I manage a large team of recruiters for an online retailer. The company I work for is scaling dramatically, so there is very little support to help build off-sites and strategy workshops. Meanwhile, as the recruitment team, we have to hire more than ever to meet the demands of scaling. I bought both Pip Decks to help me bring my team and our stakeholders together on the projects we would prioritize to accomplish our objectives.

David LaCava
David LaCava

VP, Customer Success

Workshop Tactics led to the most productive single hour I've had in recent memory. It was a great way to refocus my team. Highly recommended. We used ⛵ Sailboat in my team meeting last week to re-center my team goals. We used MIRO (free version) and it was good enough to get us by.

Here’s the story of WHY I had to have this. For the last two years we’ve all been working from home.. I suddenly had more time to be more creative, to make a change to my office that I hadn’t been able to in the past 3 years since we moved to this house. Now I had been podcasting since 2018, mostly out of my car while commuting and then in 2019 out of this office not paying much attention to the video aspect of it. And anytime I did want to create video, I’d spend a lot of time with just setup of gear and then having to break it all down. In 2020, I had a chance to really think it over and change perspectives. Now I had the time to look through the camera lens as that was the only way we got to meet others. The more I delved in the easier it got to create a space where I could work from and create videos. In 2022, I got invited to speak at PodFest about my studio and my mentor Pat Flynn told me that I should simply tell stories. I’ve been thinking about my stories for the past month and when I saw this ad… well it made complete sense to acquire this deck of story telling cards. Hopefully that helps :-)



I run educational programs for entreprenuers and host a number of workshops. I like the deck, it's helpful and breaks down concepts in an easily understandable way. Definitely worth the small investment. I love how it is visually laid out!

Markus Karlsson-Jones
Markus Karlsson-Jones

Senior Alumni Officer (Global Volutneer and Networks), The University of Manchester

Workshop Tactics have genuinely changed the way I approach any project where I need to problem solve with a group; whether it's to generate ideas or to establish objectives - these are my holy hand grenade. To me, if something makes this much of a difference, then it's worth the investment.

Sandra M Vazquez

I was really on the fence when I first came across the Story Teller deck. I loved the idea of them, but it didn't feel like it would be worth the money. BUT! I am so glad I got this for myself! I started a creative writing workshop group that has really enjoyed using these as prompts and as a new way to develop story ideas. I also really enjoyed the added bonus to be part of a community that uses them. I am really excited to continue using them to develop creatively.


Product Lead @ Foxie Games

I ran two workshop tactics sessions as my role as a product lead at a tech company, my goal was to get our team to put themselves in their customer's shoes and prioritise tasking for an MVP release. The sessions were great and what I didn't expect was how much fun the team had during the workshops. The room was buzzing with energy and we came out of it with a plan to release a better product sooner. All in all it was a great purchase.
Thomas Strasser
Thomas Strasser

Professor @ University College of Teacher Education Vienna, Austria

The cards itself have a great navigational potential and they guide you through various design thinking processes. Furthermore, they really give you this certain kind of "starting-from-scratch" feeling, you create something new (instead of copying the old ppt/keynote templates and readjusting the slides). They focus on content, get rid of digital distractors, experience haptic creativity. If you wonder whether to buy only digital pack or also printed version - definitely! Great product support, transparent policies, grassroots feeling; *haptic experience, shuffling the cards and always coming up with new ideas/methods and ways to solve a problem or design a story.

Bill Hawthorn

Bill Hawthorn

Owner of Homes R Us LLC

I use Workshop Tactics ALL the time for my coaching sessions. Plus, I have a very popular podcast on Creative Real Estate and use the Storyteller Tactics card to create interesting podcasts to listen to. At first, I wasn't sure they would be helpful, but now that I have them, I wouldn't know what to do without them! Both products have helped me increase my income, and generate more podcast listeners, and engaged students. I LOVE them!

Rachael Salt
Rachael Salt

COO @ Evenbreak

Here at Evenbreak we use Pip Decks Workshop Tactics for product/service development, continuous improvement and running effective team feedback days and workshops. I loved them so much that we bought a second set so we could plan sessions independently and see if we'd chosen the same cards. One of the most accessible business tools I've used. The great thing is that the simple explanations mean that everyone taking part can understand what we're doing and why. Adds structure and encourages focus. Worth every penny. Highly recommended.

Vanovi Design

This was an amazing investment. I can easily improvise at short notice before any big decision-making meeting or an event although I'm a complete newbie to creating workshops. I just suss out what I want to achieve, grab the deck and have a clear idea of how the meeting or event should run within 5 minutes. Thanks so much - it's worth so much more than I paid! By the way: This is a detail but was much appreciated. I ordered from Germany and got it sent nationally so I didn't have to mess with the toll office. Thanks for considering this!


Senior Product Designer @ Lyst

I've had my Workshop Tactics deck for a few months now and was hoping that it would help expand my toolkit for facilitating workshops beyond just idea generation. It's really helped me understand what steps to follow at different maturity points of a given project to help get the team moving and aligned. I really love that it has a variety of tools to help you no matter which step you are at whether it be setting goals, understanding problems, framing them, generating ideas, prioritisation, decision making, facilitating discussion and techniques - there is always multiple ways to go about what you're set out to achieve.

These are wonderful cards that I use weekly to help me perform as an executive in my business in a way no others can match.
Keir Gibson
Keir Gibson

CEO @ Pattern Theory

I never felt that I got the most out of the people and clients I worked with when we ran workshops together. I lacked creativity and wasn't sure I was asking the right questions. Workshop Tactics changed the game. It was unique and super valuable. The Get Unstuck card is a favourite. It's also really cool having something like this you can physically bring along, it's a good conversation starter and helps people understand what you're trying to do even before you get into the session. Looking forward to Idea Tactics and Brand Tactics next!

Daniel B

Daniel B

CCO @ Terra One

Every time I fee stuck I go back to my deck of Workshop Tactics. Whether we need to come up with a new direction, prioritize tasks or realign - our team always comes out of the meeting with a lot more clarity. Thanks Pip Decks! Immeasurable ROI

We went for the Workshop Tactics and our expectations to get some guidance to prepare some internal workshops. The main hesitation point was if we would get more value than everything that is available online or as a book. It was definitely worth the money, as it helped us to focus on the right activities and get the answers we targeted during the workshops. The card quality is one great added value overall.

Theo N

Theo N

Success Architect @ MURAL

I'm a customer success professional & collaboration designer, supporting companies and teams in changing their ways of working through collaborative intelligence. I'm a proud owner of the Workshop Tactics, which I got hoping for extra inspiration and support when preparing workshops and meetings. I definitely hesitated due to the price point, but can say they've been instrumental in giving that extra boost of inspiration when preparing my sessions. In a world of remote workshops, it's great to have a tangible resource to support your efforts. I love the deck's design, searching through for the right activities and ordering them has to be my favourite thing about the Pip Decks!
Love these cards! They are a great resource to get the creative juices flowing. They’re now a staple as part of our creative planning process.
Andreas B

Andreas B

CFO, Head HR

I already had the electronic cards, and now that I get the physical cards, I enjoy it even more. I use the cards to plan internal workshops. It also gives me input for the normal, small meetings, which are now more varied. The combination of physical maps (with super quality) and digital maps (always available) is perfect. 

Sabri H

Sabri H

Web Developer

Great decks of cards and a lot of thought and care went into the product. I’m a product manager who’s been seeking to improve and these cards are incredibly helpful! I was able to use the retrospective card to run a project retro. I’m excited to use the storytelling deck as well!