This is the only group that I consistently read all the posts and comment in and just enjoy. I belong to a lot of FB groups, but I avoid FB since I get lost in videos and posts and all the other junk wasting hours. Here, It's contained and I'm focused on writing and I love it. The group here is so supportive and helpful.ย
I remember my first day here. I was so scared to say anything but I said something briefly. When I came back later, there were cheers from strangers! People who didn't know me were so encouraging. I found my home and my people ;) Thanks to Peggy Sue and you all for making this such a welcoming environment.
Joining this community is one of the best decisions I've ever made. From day one, I've been encouraged, supported, and given incredible feedback on my questions. I did not know that WMA is such a young community. ย I love it! ... Thank you, Peggy Sue and Jessica for making WMA affordable, unlike so many other writing communities.
I've found this community to be really fun. I look forward to reading the question and comments every morning, many times first thing. I find it really helps me get into a writing state of mind and Peggy Sue is always witty and/or insightful with her feedback. This opinion is from someone who despises social media and isn't on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter.
I'm glad I signed up up for WMA because the community has been super helpful in expanding my network of people I can talk about writing with and learn from... ย I've already participated in both a critique group and a NaNoWriMo group thanks to this amazing group of people that participate here in the community!
Happy anniversary to the community! I love the sprinting community that I've came to find. They'd helped me create this amazing writing routine. I've met some amazing writers and people that have turned into good friends. Peggy Sue is an amazing leader and I look forward to her daily post and her meetings.
I am hugely thankful for finding Writing Mastery Academy & Community! In the short time that I have been here, this amazing community has given me more than I ever dreamed possible. I am thankful for Jessica Brody for creating the finest site on the web and for all of her devotion and energy that is so infectious in the greatest possible way. She teaches, inspires and energizes everyone. I will never be able to thank her enough for everything she does. ย
This is the only group that I consistently read all the posts and comment in and just enjoy. I belong to a lot of FB groups, but I avoid FB since I get lost in videos and posts and all the other junk wasting hours. Here, It's contained and I'm focused on writing and I love it. The group here is so supportive and helpful.ย
I remember my first day here. I was so scared to say anything but I said something briefly. When I came back later, there were cheers from strangers! People who didn't know me were so encouraging. I found my home and my people ;) Thanks to Peggy Sue and you all for making this such a welcoming environment.
Joining this community is one of the best decisions I've ever made. From day one, I've been encouraged, supported, and given incredible feedback on my questions. I did not know that WMA is such a young community. ย I love it! ... Thank you, Peggy Sue and Jessica for making WMA affordable, unlike so many other writing communities.