I had shoulder and neck problems for years. Tried the traditional methods, aka RIIPS: doctors, scans, pills, injections to no avail. I bought Matt's TOS fix out of desperation when I reached a point of not being able to lift my coffee mug without pain. Progress was slow, but steady. A couple of years later, my shoulder function is not only completely restored but expanded. 

Yet, this is NOT the most amazing thing about this program. What IS the most amazing thing about this program is that it changes your way of thinking. It teaches you how to become your own doctor when it comes to musculoskeletal issues: how to pay attention to your body, diagnose the source of the problem at hand and devise a remedying strategy. 

The human body will never be without its problems, but being able to figure out what's happening and how to fix it without relying on strangers who only see you for minutes is the ultimate empowerment. 

After fixing my shoulder issues, I now apply Upright Health's principles to any musculoskeletal issue that crops up occasionally and it never fails. This is education for life! "Think right, move right, feel right" for the win!

