Before taking this course I was not effectivelly using all the functionality of Capture One to get the best out of my photographs. I am really glad that I subscribed to the Capture One Expert Course developed by Alex. Alex has produced an amazingly comprehensive course on getting the most of Capture One. I have been a user of Capture One for at least the past eight years, and as such thought I had a good understanding of the application. But, with Alex's Capture One Expert Course I have learnt so much more about how to really get the best out of Capture One. His teaching style is easy to follow, very comprehensive whilst offering tips and tricks to maximise the application. I really do feel he is personally involving me. A highly recommended course for anyone wanting to get the best out of Capture One, while maximising all the features with real-world examples to work with. For me, it has definitely been very valuable and I feel I have received excellent value for my money. This course, in combinination referencing the 'Photographer’s Guide to Capture One' ebook by Nils Wille Christoffersen, will enable anyone to get the absolute most out of the functionality of Capture One.
Your editing is going to be fast, much better and accurate.
Geoffrey Kingston
My initial challenge, as a Photoshop ACR/Lightroom user, was to navigate and achieve professional looking images using Capture One. Whilst there are a myriad of excellent You Tube videos out there I was looking for a course that would take me through the whole platform in a clear and concise manner. This is it! Alex's Capture One Expert Course is outstanding. The course content is well presented with lots of tips and insights, taking you through a fully professional workflow. My only con is that anyone taking the course should have at least a rudimentary grasp of C1. Fortunately, I was able to make full use of the modules and now that I have completed the course I will go back and review the whole course again. I real pro is that you are able to download each lesson. What I also love is all the 'free' materials, add-ons and links to other reading. In sum, I highly recommend this course not only to those new to Capture One but to seasoned users who want to brush up on their skill level. Thank you Alex for all your hard work and to me - money well spent.
I've been a Capture One user for several years now but I think I've only used it basicly until now. I've been following Alex's blog for quite a few years now and when I saw his course "Capture one expert" I didn't hesitate a second! He explains to us in a very clear and simple way how each of the tools works and reacts. In addition to that, he teaches us lots of tips that you won't find in any manual or other web page. I loved the part on the subtleties of exposure and color work. This course made me want to go further in the use of capture one. It's a more than recommendable course. A huge time saver for anyone who wants to learn this software.
Richard Sylvester
I have used Lightroom since its first release in 2007 for post processing my Nikon and Fuji images, but I wasn’t always satisfied with the results, especially for my Fuji photos. I thus downloaded and installed Capture One Pro 8 in 2014. For almost 10 years now, I have only been using Capture One, but in fact prior to AlexonRAW’s Expert Course, I had only been scratching its surface, using mainly the Exposure, High Dynamic Range, Levels and Vignetting tools. I never used the Color Editor or Color Balance tools and Layers and Masking remained a mystery to me. I had no idea what a Style was or how to apply it. All of that has now changed by taking AlexonRAW’s Expert Course. The course is fantastic, with 25 high quality video lessons, 8 quizzes to test your comprehension of the instructional videos, and 10 image editing home works with feedback on your edits from Alex. RAW files and bonus materials for image editing practice are also provided, along with links to additional Capture One videos. I have learned so much from the course. I now feel comfortable using many of the tools that I had not previously used, including layers and masks, color correction and grading, batch editing, and applying styles. I have also learned how to access and use my ON1 plugins. This high quality course is so much better than other similar courses that I have followed, especially with the home works and quizzes that test your comprehension of the video lessons. In addition, Alex has been very responsive to the questions that I have asked him during the course. It is clear that he has spent a lot of time and effort to develop this excellent course which I highly recommend to all photographers who are serious about improving their expertise and efficiency in using Capture One. You will certainly speed up your workflow and improve the quality your editing. Thank you very much Alex. Richard Sylvester, LRPS sylvester-photo.com
If you're looking for in-depth training, this course will really be of great help for you.
Capture One Hidden Features is an ebook that probably every Capture One user should get. I just published a review... Nice work by @AlexOnRAW. beyondphototips.com/capture-one-hidden-features-review #CaptureOne #ebook #photoretouching #imageprocessing
ludo croes
The course piqued my interest to make more use of shortcuts, shift-, Alt-option-key, ... which as a pure amateur photographer I did not do and even often did not know. The sistematic and thorough explanation of the different tools significantly increases the understanding of the mechanism of Capture One and therefore improve the workflow and the final result. Especially Part IV.: "Working with Color" taught me a lot of interesting knowledge. The addition of RAW files for practice is an excellent idea. Looking forward to follow-up courses ....
Grover Costello
I purchased these from Alex two days ago and have been having a brief play with them, and so far they seem to work great, plus it's handing to quickly view different white balances for the same image to see what works best creatively. I think these are going to be a very useful tool for my workflow.
Nicole Struppert
I just bought a Leica M240 - which is not the real Whitebalance Master ;) - but with your tool I can just mange to set the WB with one click and edit the Picture so quick and easy.
Evan Thompson

My client has years of jpeg images.  Many of them were taken of stage performances with bad lighting. The client used auto WB. As you can imagine, these images are really bad. My task has been to color correct. I made it through amount six months when I saw your ad for the WB styles. These have saved me hours of work. Thank you!


Day one purchase for me Alex, I'd have bought this for the WB changes alone as it's so fast and works about 90% of the time, which means I just have to match my other images to the ones that worked. Thanks for continuing to come up with creative ways to make capture one even better to use!

Brian Rolfe
I just bought these without even trying the free ones and I'm very impressed! I tried them on my toughest images that I knew had problem WB and they're so good! What a time saver!! Coupled with the rest of the styles you get this is going to make life so much easier!
Chris Sallis

The white balance styles are awesome! I’ve thrown some really challenging images at them and somehow they just work. I’ve spent 2 hours trying to trick them with alsorts of images from weddings, portraits, to neon light lit images and they hit the skin tone every time. One image I wasn’t 100% liking the portrait wb so I hit landscape neutral and that fixed that one instantly.

David Eaton
Is it worth the money? I would defiantly say yes. The styles are strong, diverse, authentic and are a great starting point to bring that extra bit of life to your images. Sometimes the hardest part of an editing workflow is deciding on the look and feel of your images. The new styles are great to skim through, allowing you to view a range of styles instantly. Even if you apply the styles and edit from there on they give you a great starting point sometimes one you would never have considered.
Tor Martin Søndenå
All in all I highly recommend Film Styles. The filmpack makes me more creative, speed up my workflow and for the price of $49.99 I think this pack is something every Capture One user should try out.
Wojciech Toman

Summing up, I already mentioned in my review of Capture One that this software works very well in replicating look & feel of photos from film age and the Film Styles presets take this concept one step further by providing very good representation of various films. Presets included in the collection are great starting point and with so many to choose from... Everyone should find something that will fit their needs & post-processing style. Not only photographers who miss shooting film.

Nicole Struppert

Would I buy the Film Styles? Yes! There are still a few things missing but the price is fantastic and for Capture One users it's a fantastic opportunity to save some time on the workflow.

Wayne Ruff

In my seven years of using Capture One, I have kept a high bar for finding the best help and insight from those presenting more than a “repackaging” of the user guide. Even today, rarely do I find an experienced user who goes beyond the surface of why and how to accomplish a single task. I have followed Alex’s concise newsletters for years and always finish reading one having learned something new, creative, and practical about Capture One workflow. Reading the preface of Capture One Hidden Features, you know that you are about to find a trove of insight that will advance your use of Capture One and RAW editing in general. Some features of Capture One truly are hidden, and Alex quickly brings them to light. For example, he explains how to completely change any color in an image, how the four separate saturation adjustments work in unique ways, and how to achieve all-around balance in image saturation. His integral presentation and examples of these concepts aren’t to be found elsewhere. The same goes for many other elements of RAW editing and processing in Capture One. His direct approach to why you would want a particular shortcut or workflow and the straightforward way to realize it is a real pleasure to read and quickly adapt into your own workflow.

Irven Penn

I highly recommend Capture One Hidden Features for all photographers from the very experienced to the advanced newbie. I don’t claim to be a Capture One expert. On the contrary, I consider myself to be an advanced newbie. I’ve watched dozens of YouTube videos, read articles and followed Alex for some time. And while I’ve only transitioned from LightRoom to Capture One a few months ago, I was amazed at the amount of the book’s content I was immediately able to use even as a newbie. Within the first 50 pages, I was able to move myself towards a much more efficient workflow utilizing, hidden to me, shortcuts and some of Alex’s recommended customizations and preferences. I’ll admit that the book does have a professional experienced Capture One user in mind and it quickly introduces things I didn’t even know existed. Yet, everything was presented so clearly that even a newbie like me was able to get tremendous benefit.

Vilmos Vincze

Awesome! This book is for the basically informed user who needs as much extra knowledge about Capture One as possible. It is written with just the right amount of explanations and good illustrations, it is straight to the point, logically organized, super useful and super usable. I can recommend it to anyone who knows the basics and would like to step forward to the expert level.

Bradly Duerr

This book is huge and contains an enormous amount of really good stuff. I am very impressed with how the book’s contents are presented. Every concept, or tip, is explained in detail using examples and graphics. I love using capture one, but unlike Photoshop or Lightroom there is not much information on using capture one to its fullest extent. This book will go a long way in solving this information gap.

Monica Lord

I’m writing this review for everyone who thinks they already know everything about Capture One. People who have spent hours learning the fine points. People who don’t think they will learn anything new from this book. That’s what I thought, and yet I came away with lots of new ideas about how to streamline my workflow and exploit features. And Alex‘s enthusiasm comes through on every page. This read was such a pleasure!

Robert Rosenbaum

As an amateur but enthusiast photographer, I’ve used Capture One, On1 Photo, DXO and Pixelmator. IMO Capture One has the best RAW engine and catalog management, but sometimes I’ve found the interface daunting…”there must be a simple way to do X but….” 

Alex’s Hidden Features book comes to the rescue! It’s given me the key to so many actions I previously found frustrating. It’s well organized, easy to find what you are looking for. Also, it not only offers specific tips but also some good strategies (such as applying tools in the right order). The tips for working with layers are worth the price of the book themselves, but there’s so much more!

Martin Widen
As a Capture One user since day one, I must say this book gave me new insights into Capture One. Particularly helpful tips to improve my Capture One work. Well invested time and money.
Herb Fixler
Alex Svet has knocked the cover off the ball with his new E-book, Capture One Hidden Features. As with most photographic software, there are lots of Capture One features that are not easily revealed. Alex has done a great job of ferreting out these features and putting them together in one easily readable book. He has also provided many valuable workflow tips. I especially benefitted from Part II, Get maximum out of your RAW. Kudos, Alex!
Max Lemesh
Alex has created a course that outlines the most useful AI tools for photographers. It covers everything you need to know to begin using AI in photography and provides a practical workflow that you can implement in your work.
Jos Smeets
If you want to keep up with the developments in photography, then it is necessary to get a good impression of the possibilities of AI. Alex succeeded again in producing a very good course on this subject. If you want to know who AI can help you in your photography, whether as enthusiast or professional, this course will give you an excellent overview: AI for your workflow, editing, retouching, production, social media and more. From here you can decide what is useful or interesting for you and find out if AI is something for your photography.
Tim Hughes
TLDR: Highly recommended! This course will unlock the potential of AI tools to transform your photography creativity and your photography business. Priced at a fraction of a single photoshoot it's great value for money. I recently completed AlexOnRaw's course "AI-Powered Workflow for Photographers". The course has 14 lessons in three sections, beginning with workflow, moving on to editing, and then switching to the business side and how to get more clients. Although I was picked to do the review as a Capture One user, Lightroom is also covered and in any case, I don't think it matters which photo editor you use as that is only one small part of the whole topic. It's an entirely online self-directed course offering either videos to follow, or the same content laid out in written form with illustrations, so you can choose which form suits you best. The course includes links to many AI tools and practical examples and guidance on how to use them. The standout aspects of the course for me were: - its emphasis on demonstrating how AI serves as a supportive tool for creativity rather than a replacement. - showcasing how AI can streamline workflows, freeing our time to focus more on the artistic aspects of our work. - recommendations on tools to use and how to use them, saving a lot of trial and error. Overall I was going to say this is a journey into the future of photography. But it's not as the future is already here and developing fast! Full disclosure - I received the course as a free offer. However, having completed it, I would have been happy to pay the price. Additional disclosure - this review was written by a human, not a generative AI tool :)
Govind Vijayakumar

I learned many new editing techniques after going through this course. Alex will show you how to accelerate the culling process with the help of the Aftershoot application. If you are into professional portrait photography, you will be really impressed with the AI-based skin retouching workflow shown in this course with the help of tools like Retouch4Me. If you are a photography professional who wants to leverage the power of AI software programs to accelerate your photo editing workflow and marketing your photography business, this course will be useful.

Bob Mahoney
You have a great course Alex. I am a long time user of Capture One, and your course helped me to dig in to some features I wasn't using. Thank you!
Byron Blomquist
Alex, I'd really like to thank you for putting together this excellent advanced course. I've used C1 for several years but always knew I was only scratching the surface of its capabilities. After your course I now feel like I have a much better understanding of what the tools do, how to use the tools, the best workflow to achieve the result I want, and I learned some really cool shortcuts to speed up my processing. The practice exercises on sample images were the most useful aspect of the course for me and I appreciate your thoughtful feedback. I would definitely recommend this course to anyone using C1. This software is a significant investment for any photographer and your course has really helped me get the most out of it.
Robert Rosenbaum
Before taking this course, I bumbled my way through Capture One. I knew how to do the basics, but often I'd come up against little frustrations...colors would balance quite right, layers wouldn't behave as expected, tools would be hard to find. Now, after Alex's course, Capture One has stopped being a frenemy and become a friend - a tool which not only does what I want it to do, but opens up new possibilities. Alex's class not only helped me learn Capture One: it helped me develop my photographer's eye and honed my judgment. In particular, the color grading tips were fantastic. Alex explains clearly, gives individual feedback, and made the class a joy. I highly recommend this class to all!
Shinobu Mochizuki
I had a partial understanding of Capture One's features, but I didn't know how to connect the features throughout photo editing, so I took the Capture One Expert Course. By taking this course, I was able to understand basic functions deeply and find great value in batch editing. For Capture One photographers, this course will provide great advice as they can greatly improve their workflow by reviewing the basics. Although this course is titled "Expert Course," it is also recommended for beginners as it provides step-by-step instructions. I'm an amateur photographer, and I don't shoot many images, but speed editing and batch editing have made it easier for me to work on raw development.
Michiel Mol
I'd two challenges, the first is the absence in my area of people who use C!, secondly, people who can provide me feedback and enhance my knowhow and knowledge about the capabilities of C1. C1 (David Grover) and Paul Reiffer provide great videos about new features and photo editing, but logically lack the opportunity for assignments and quizzes. I cannot give a definitive answer about the most valuable feature since I'm halfway of the course. Despite that, I learned a lot about the basic edits, color grading and the use of masks. The Capture One Expert Course is a great course, as for the beginner and expert user. The videos are adapted per subject and well explained. Alex challenge you to take the most out of C1 to enhance your photography and photo editing. His comments on my assignments were accomplishing, the way a good teacher should do. Before starting the course, I doubted about if it should be worthy. For sure, it's definitely worth the money.
Alexander Havrilla
Hi, Alex. I am an advanced beginner. So far I'm working with AP Lightroom, but I'm seriously considering to switch to Capture One. I've been doing the course lesson homework on a borrowed comp with C1 installed. Before the course I tried to get some theoretical knowledge from YouTube videos, but it wasn't the right fit because it lacked a system. When I read about the course starting on AlexOnRAW I was excited. It was supposed to have everything in it, from the very beginnings (for me) to file management (for the pros). I have to say that the course was prepared very carefully, with a well thought out structure of the content of each lesson and homework assignments. In each lesson, examples were given for the use of each of the tools covered. Very useful. And Alex - as a lecturer - is "par excellence". His years of experience with C1 are visible and easy to (re)follow in the course. Of the lessons covered, I was most impressed by the ones on Color Grading, Curves and Styles. I would recommend the course to beginner (newbie) and intermediate photographers with some experience who want to improve their technical skills in post-processing. In doing so, I have no doubt that even experienced users can be at least inspired by some of Alex's techniques. Thank you, Alex.
Chaves Hugo
Although I use C1 for 6 years, I Want to understand it a better way, and I hope with better results. The features I prefere the most are Layers, Working with Colors, Curves and Retouching (now with AI). I strongly recommend this course because it is very complete, comprehensive and just the right way to improve.
Peter Slupski
I have been using Capture since version 10 so I am not necessarily a beginner, however as with all major updates there is always something new being added. I like having an advanced workflow covered in a well laid out manner and the Capture One Export course does just that and Alex explains everything clearly with good examples and working files. Highly recommend this course for intermediate and expert users. Even if you consider yourself proficient you might learn something you did not know.
Jos FM Smeets

Since 5 years I work with Capture One. Love to make portraits of nature and people. I consider myself as an advanced amateur in photography. For several years I am learning Capture One by webinars and this live stream really was an excellent addition and gave me the tools and knowledge to work more creatively on an image. The part about desaturation by color inversion is the best thing I ever learned about CO. The live stream is a great motivation to apply the color grading techniques.

Great webinar that reveals some interesting and unusual ways to color grade in Capture One. Definitely worth a watch!
Steve Scates
The toolkit has allowed me to become much more efficient. I have gone through the kit with C1 open so I can make the changes I find along the way as I read. The recent workspace download has been especially useful with its spaces for travel and keyboard control of the image processing.
Before taking this course I was not effectivelly using all the functionality of Capture One to get the best out of my photographs. I am really glad that I subscribed to the Capture One Expert Course developed by Alex. Alex has produced an amazingly comprehensive course on getting the most of Capture One. I have been a user of Capture One for at least the past eight years, and as such thought I had a good understanding of the application. But, with Alex's Capture One Expert Course I have learnt so much more about how to really get the best out of Capture One. His teaching style is easy to follow, very comprehensive whilst offering tips and tricks to maximise the application. I really do feel he is personally involving me. A highly recommended course for anyone wanting to get the best out of Capture One, while maximising all the features with real-world examples to work with. For me, it has definitely been very valuable and I feel I have received excellent value for my money. This course, in combinination referencing the 'Photographer’s Guide to Capture One' ebook by Nils Wille Christoffersen, will enable anyone to get the absolute most out of the functionality of Capture One.
Your editing is going to be fast, much better and accurate.
Geoffrey Kingston
My initial challenge, as a Photoshop ACR/Lightroom user, was to navigate and achieve professional looking images using Capture One. Whilst there are a myriad of excellent You Tube videos out there I was looking for a course that would take me through the whole platform in a clear and concise manner. This is it! Alex's Capture One Expert Course is outstanding. The course content is well presented with lots of tips and insights, taking you through a fully professional workflow. My only con is that anyone taking the course should have at least a rudimentary grasp of C1. Fortunately, I was able to make full use of the modules and now that I have completed the course I will go back and review the whole course again. I real pro is that you are able to download each lesson. What I also love is all the 'free' materials, add-ons and links to other reading. In sum, I highly recommend this course not only to those new to Capture One but to seasoned users who want to brush up on their skill level. Thank you Alex for all your hard work and to me - money well spent.
I've been a Capture One user for several years now but I think I've only used it basicly until now. I've been following Alex's blog for quite a few years now and when I saw his course "Capture one expert" I didn't hesitate a second! He explains to us in a very clear and simple way how each of the tools works and reacts. In addition to that, he teaches us lots of tips that you won't find in any manual or other web page. I loved the part on the subtleties of exposure and color work. This course made me want to go further in the use of capture one. It's a more than recommendable course. A huge time saver for anyone who wants to learn this software.
Richard Sylvester
I have used Lightroom since its first release in 2007 for post processing my Nikon and Fuji images, but I wasn’t always satisfied with the results, especially for my Fuji photos. I thus downloaded and installed Capture One Pro 8 in 2014. For almost 10 years now, I have only been using Capture One, but in fact prior to AlexonRAW’s Expert Course, I had only been scratching its surface, using mainly the Exposure, High Dynamic Range, Levels and Vignetting tools. I never used the Color Editor or Color Balance tools and Layers and Masking remained a mystery to me. I had no idea what a Style was or how to apply it. All of that has now changed by taking AlexonRAW’s Expert Course. The course is fantastic, with 25 high quality video lessons, 8 quizzes to test your comprehension of the instructional videos, and 10 image editing home works with feedback on your edits from Alex. RAW files and bonus materials for image editing practice are also provided, along with links to additional Capture One videos. I have learned so much from the course. I now feel comfortable using many of the tools that I had not previously used, including layers and masks, color correction and grading, batch editing, and applying styles. I have also learned how to access and use my ON1 plugins. This high quality course is so much better than other similar courses that I have followed, especially with the home works and quizzes that test your comprehension of the video lessons. In addition, Alex has been very responsive to the questions that I have asked him during the course. It is clear that he has spent a lot of time and effort to develop this excellent course which I highly recommend to all photographers who are serious about improving their expertise and efficiency in using Capture One. You will certainly speed up your workflow and improve the quality your editing. Thank you very much Alex. Richard Sylvester, LRPS sylvester-photo.com
If you're looking for in-depth training, this course will really be of great help for you.
Capture One Hidden Features is an ebook that probably every Capture One user should get. I just published a review... Nice work by @AlexOnRAW. beyondphototips.com/capture-one-hidden-features-review #CaptureOne #ebook #photoretouching #imageprocessing
ludo croes
The course piqued my interest to make more use of shortcuts, shift-, Alt-option-key, ... which as a pure amateur photographer I did not do and even often did not know. The sistematic and thorough explanation of the different tools significantly increases the understanding of the mechanism of Capture One and therefore improve the workflow and the final result. Especially Part IV.: "Working with Color" taught me a lot of interesting knowledge. The addition of RAW files for practice is an excellent idea. Looking forward to follow-up courses ....
Grover Costello
I purchased these from Alex two days ago and have been having a brief play with them, and so far they seem to work great, plus it's handing to quickly view different white balances for the same image to see what works best creatively. I think these are going to be a very useful tool for my workflow.
Nicole Struppert
I just bought a Leica M240 - which is not the real Whitebalance Master ;) - but with your tool I can just mange to set the WB with one click and edit the Picture so quick and easy.
Evan Thompson

My client has years of jpeg images.  Many of them were taken of stage performances with bad lighting. The client used auto WB. As you can imagine, these images are really bad. My task has been to color correct. I made it through amount six months when I saw your ad for the WB styles. These have saved me hours of work. Thank you!


Day one purchase for me Alex, I'd have bought this for the WB changes alone as it's so fast and works about 90% of the time, which means I just have to match my other images to the ones that worked. Thanks for continuing to come up with creative ways to make capture one even better to use!

Brian Rolfe
I just bought these without even trying the free ones and I'm very impressed! I tried them on my toughest images that I knew had problem WB and they're so good! What a time saver!! Coupled with the rest of the styles you get this is going to make life so much easier!
Chris Sallis

The white balance styles are awesome! I’ve thrown some really challenging images at them and somehow they just work. I’ve spent 2 hours trying to trick them with alsorts of images from weddings, portraits, to neon light lit images and they hit the skin tone every time. One image I wasn’t 100% liking the portrait wb so I hit landscape neutral and that fixed that one instantly.

David Eaton
Is it worth the money? I would defiantly say yes. The styles are strong, diverse, authentic and are a great starting point to bring that extra bit of life to your images. Sometimes the hardest part of an editing workflow is deciding on the look and feel of your images. The new styles are great to skim through, allowing you to view a range of styles instantly. Even if you apply the styles and edit from there on they give you a great starting point sometimes one you would never have considered.