Ashley W
I just wanted to thank you all for all the hard work and a special thanks to Melissa. I got a B in organic chemistry!! Coming into this course I did not expect to even get a C and I was very terrified as I had heard only the worst from other people, but with the proper help it was possible! I have never had a tutoring service so phenomenal and that actually helped me understand with baby steps.
Sara A
passed my orgo 1 cause of you. THAT semester was a little tough and I got weeks behind because of life but i reviewed all her videos and passed with C+. looking forward for orgo 2
Mikiaela Greenlees
Chemmunity is the real deal! I discovered Chemmunity by my second exam in Orgo 1; by then, my average in the class was barely a C-! After subscribing to Chemmunity, I not only gained an understanding of all the material that my professor taught but by the 3rd exam, I scored a 95%! This brought my average from a C- to a solid B! I used Chemmunity to study for the final exam and scored a C, but it was enough to pass Orgo 1 with a B! I'm so thankful to Chemmunity and will utilize them for Orgo 2! My one recommendation (purely constructive) would be to have a separate tab for all the downloadable PDFs so it's one central location to pull from and print, rather than various links to the different videos:) Trust me, it's worth it!! Money and time well spent!!
Jen Smith
Chemmunity was amazing!!! I was failing out of my year 2 organic chem class and used Chemmunity when I saw a video of Melissa Marbel on my Instagram discover page for tutoring videos. The study with me playlist and other educational modules helped me so much I passed my final exam and got my needed average to overall boost my GPA! THANK YOU CHEMMINUTY!!!!!
I was scared of going to Orgo1, but then I was looking up a couple of YouTube videos on what to review before going into Orgo1, and then I came across Melissa's videos. I wanted to really do well in Orgo and not retake it, and I am really glad I found Chemmunity. I really enjoyed the playlist and the materials, I was able to understand, and surprisingly, I passed with a good grade. I'll be taking Orgo2 this coming spring semester, and I'll continue watching and studying with the videos. This is one of the best investments I have ever made. Thank you Chemmunity.
For me Chemmunity has been immensely helpful, serving as a valuable preparation tool before lectures and an excellent resource for exam review. The strong sense of community they foster, with experts readily waiting to assist you, reassured me of their reliable support. I admire their commitment to improving platform quality, and actively seeking users' opinions. With their continuous enhancement, and drive for prioritizing user experience, I eagerly anticipate what they'll bring next. Organic chemistry was less difficult this semester, Thanks!
As a first year student, I was so anxious to take organic chemistry on my first semester. I have heard from the students of last year that they all failed the class. Everyone I know kept telling me how difficult this course is and as I never even took chemistry, I was terrified. So I looked for help and found Chemmunity. I was at awe. Everything was explained so clearly and suddenly didn't look so ominous. The test was quite hard, but thanks to the tips and the extraordinary videos of Chemmunity, I got an A+!
Chemmunity has been an incredibly helpful resource for me in my studies. The platform offers a variety of tools and resources that have helped me better understand complex chemical concepts. The community aspect of Chemmunity has also been a great asset, as I have been able to connect with other students. Overall, I would highly recommend Chemmunity to anyone looking to improve their understanding of chemistry and connect with others in the field. It's a fantastic resource that has truly helped me in my studies!
I started the semester with so much anxiety. Everyone had told me that this course is very difficult. I was so frightened that I would fail and that I didn't have the tools to succeed. That was until I found chemmunity. I am so greatful I got to learn from such professional teachers that explain the material in the best way possible. I am more than happy to report that I got a 100 on the final test. I recommend chemmunity to everyone who wishes to not only pass but to also fully comprehend organic chemistry and enjoy the process.
I had struggled with general chemistry and promised myself that I would let Organic chemistry be different, so I looked for ways to help and found Chemmunity. I am forever grateful to Chemmunity and their team for breaking down complex topics in videos that were easy to follow and helped reinforce the material I was learning in class. I am pleased to say with the help of Chemmunity, I finished my semester with my first A in Chemistry. I highly recommend Chemmunity to anyone who wants to understand and pass organic chemistry.
Amanpreet K. Singh
Chemmunity videos and clearly explained the concepts I needed to know for my organic chemistry 2 course and also provided me with practice exercises along the way to ensure that I was understanding the material. I wish I found Chemmunity earlier so I could have been more supported when taking my earlier general chem and Ochem courses too!
Hope Bryant
Chemmunity truly saved my grade! Would not have made it through ochem without it. Worth the money!
Marisol Arellano
As someone who has difficulty when it comes to understanding chemistry, I am so glad I found this resource. I passed my 5 week organic chemistry course! I am so happy that Chemmunity helped.
An. B.
Helped me pass my exams and taught all the chemistry I needed in a very simple and fun way! Overall very satisfied, really felt like I had a private tutor as they always replied to my questions let alone that they offered to have a look on the topics I am doing at uni for the most appropriate videos.
Kelly Nacipucha
Chemmunity has been such a big help to me in organic chemistry because it walked me step by step through some very hard problems that I was unable to solve on my own. As well as they have provided videos of them explaining the problems which is great as I learn seeing the explanations being done. I recommend any student to chemmunity because it's like an online tutor and they help you understand the concept much better. Allowing you too so much better in your courses.
Scarlett Swinea
Chemmunity is the only reason I did well in organic chemistry! The explanations make much more sense than in lecture, and the practice problems are very helpful!
Stephanie Perez
Chemmunity helped me pass bio-organic chemistry where I was able to do well in this rigourous class which was condensed organic chemistry. Especially the mechanisms!!! Everything on content and sample questions appeared on my exams and quizzes in my medical program. Thank you!!
Ella Zierdt

Thanks to Chemmunity I got an A in organic chemistry I and II. The videos really helped me understand the material so that I could easily build on concepts. I liked how I could replay something if I didn't understand it because that is not an option during an in person class. I highly recommend this resource to anyone who wants to master organic chemistry.

Chemmunity saved my grade in OChem! All the videos helped reinforce what I was learning and not understanding in my lecture, and I couldn’t recommend this program enough to everyone who has to take this class. Although OChem was definitely a struggle for me, Chemmunity helped me all the way through and allowed me to pass the class with an A!
Maria Camila Micolta
Before I signed up for Chemmunity I was struggling to understand the concepts being taught in class due to how fast paced it was. This lead to my notes being very hard to understand later on. But with the help of Chemmunity I was able to pass my organic chemistry class and move forward with my career in healthcare. In fact, I have recommended Chemmunity to many of my classmates who are going to be taking chemistry/organic chemistry next semester!
Annelisa Weekes
If you are struggling with organic chemistry definitely get chemmunity. I wish I had found them earlier in my semester. The videos are so helpful with great explanations and tricks to help you master each topic. 1000% recommend.
Ashley W
I just wanted to thank you all for all the hard work and a special thanks to Melissa. I got a B in organic chemistry!! Coming into this course I did not expect to even get a C and I was very terrified as I had heard only the worst from other people, but with the proper help it was possible! I have never had a tutoring service so phenomenal and that actually helped me understand with baby steps.
Sara A
passed my orgo 1 cause of you. THAT semester was a little tough and I got weeks behind because of life but i reviewed all her videos and passed with C+. looking forward for orgo 2
Mikiaela Greenlees
Chemmunity is the real deal! I discovered Chemmunity by my second exam in Orgo 1; by then, my average in the class was barely a C-! After subscribing to Chemmunity, I not only gained an understanding of all the material that my professor taught but by the 3rd exam, I scored a 95%! This brought my average from a C- to a solid B! I used Chemmunity to study for the final exam and scored a C, but it was enough to pass Orgo 1 with a B! I'm so thankful to Chemmunity and will utilize them for Orgo 2! My one recommendation (purely constructive) would be to have a separate tab for all the downloadable PDFs so it's one central location to pull from and print, rather than various links to the different videos:) Trust me, it's worth it!! Money and time well spent!!
Jen Smith
Chemmunity was amazing!!! I was failing out of my year 2 organic chem class and used Chemmunity when I saw a video of Melissa Marbel on my Instagram discover page for tutoring videos. The study with me playlist and other educational modules helped me so much I passed my final exam and got my needed average to overall boost my GPA! THANK YOU CHEMMINUTY!!!!!
I was scared of going to Orgo1, but then I was looking up a couple of YouTube videos on what to review before going into Orgo1, and then I came across Melissa's videos. I wanted to really do well in Orgo and not retake it, and I am really glad I found Chemmunity. I really enjoyed the playlist and the materials, I was able to understand, and surprisingly, I passed with a good grade. I'll be taking Orgo2 this coming spring semester, and I'll continue watching and studying with the videos. This is one of the best investments I have ever made. Thank you Chemmunity.
For me Chemmunity has been immensely helpful, serving as a valuable preparation tool before lectures and an excellent resource for exam review. The strong sense of community they foster, with experts readily waiting to assist you, reassured me of their reliable support. I admire their commitment to improving platform quality, and actively seeking users' opinions. With their continuous enhancement, and drive for prioritizing user experience, I eagerly anticipate what they'll bring next. Organic chemistry was less difficult this semester, Thanks!
As a first year student, I was so anxious to take organic chemistry on my first semester. I have heard from the students of last year that they all failed the class. Everyone I know kept telling me how difficult this course is and as I never even took chemistry, I was terrified. So I looked for help and found Chemmunity. I was at awe. Everything was explained so clearly and suddenly didn't look so ominous. The test was quite hard, but thanks to the tips and the extraordinary videos of Chemmunity, I got an A+!
Chemmunity has been an incredibly helpful resource for me in my studies. The platform offers a variety of tools and resources that have helped me better understand complex chemical concepts. The community aspect of Chemmunity has also been a great asset, as I have been able to connect with other students. Overall, I would highly recommend Chemmunity to anyone looking to improve their understanding of chemistry and connect with others in the field. It's a fantastic resource that has truly helped me in my studies!
I started the semester with so much anxiety. Everyone had told me that this course is very difficult. I was so frightened that I would fail and that I didn't have the tools to succeed. That was until I found chemmunity. I am so greatful I got to learn from such professional teachers that explain the material in the best way possible. I am more than happy to report that I got a 100 on the final test. I recommend chemmunity to everyone who wishes to not only pass but to also fully comprehend organic chemistry and enjoy the process.