Natalie Anise
I completed the MMM in one day and within 3 days I manifested $3,700. Before the manual, I was "struggling" despite learning about, reading about and taking courses on Manifestation since for 10 years LOL I was still stuck. I identified with "poor single mom syndrome" way too much...and that is what I was living, but not anymore. Nero eloquently and simply states the truth in a way that opened my inner and over-standing. I will be re-visiting MMM again and again to help reprogram my subconscious, and there are gems each time I listen to the course. The energy you are feeling that might be holding you back from purchasing the the energy that is holding you back from manifesting your birthright of abundance, love and money magnetism. For me, it is the social contracts that I didn't realize were holding me back so much... and this is something I will continue to release from my experience. Thank you Nero, I know this is exactly what I needed as a catalyst for my paradigm shift...and I am so grateful to the teachings you continue to share with the world. My intention is to help wake up fellow single mamas and create a ripple effect of changed lives for them and their children.
Apr 15, 2024
Elliott Hannaford

It has impacted my life profoundly I have not implemented anything quite as effectively as MMM and seen results equally as fast. I recently left my job working full time to pursue other endeavors, and since leaving have been offered a 20-50% increase in pay to work as well as have been offered a ton of work in my line of business (4-5 pieces of work in the last week). People I used to work for have also paid me more when I have gone back to work for them. I would highly recommend it to anyone who wants to improve their approach and understanding when it comes to money as it will completely change the way you view and think about money.

Aug 13, 2023
G singh

I got the metaphysical money manual a month or so ago, only had a quick listen & didn't make in-depth notes. After this my view on money completely changed, rather than looking at it as something to acquire/chase I view it as simply energy. Fast forward to today where I randomly received a cheque of £743 from a car accident I had in 2017. 12/10 recommend buying this if you are reluctant, the value for money is insane!!

Aug 31, 2023

I had a pretty poor relationship with money. I was grinding seven days a week and was always in survival mode. My entire outlook on life has altered ever since I first encountered The Metaphysical Money Manual. I was able to escape this deep hole thanks to his course, and I received a cheque worth £800 that I had no idea I'd ever get, I've been blessed in so many other ways with chances that I never even imagined existed. The course was a genuine bargain for what it was worth.

Sep 18, 2023
Bradley Njonguo

 I bought the MMM for like 80 euros. I can say wholeheartedly that was the best 80 I’ve ever spent. The real information is in the paid information. In terms of value I’ve received in return I would say I’ve made about 100k+ in just value, relationships, actual money, my intellectual property and my brand. I designed two custom pieces for EarnYourLeisure at this year's investfest. So I’ve made my 10k months very easily and it’s compounding and growing, this is my new normal. I’ve got the financial, location, and time freedom, my brand is excelling and I’m high in demand. My advice to anyone is not to waste time with the MMM. Nero should really bump the price up because for me that’s like a 1000% return from an 80 euro investment. That’s like crypto money… from simply investing in yourself and having faith. The MMM is the greatest accident I discovered. Nero, more power to you🥃

Aug 29, 2023
I really enjoyed Nero's course the information I obtained really got the cogs going in my mind, I have started questioning alot of my thoughts and beliefs towards money and have started challenging alot more things, I will keep this course on REPEAT because this is to the point. I buy and sell online and literally whilst I was on my course I just had a influx of sales it took me aback, but it just felt like an energy shift of my mindset. I do believe people should invest into this course if they want to change their outlook to money
Sep 27, 2023

Completed the course in two days. Lo and behold, a week later, on Monday I closed my FIRST deal and a few days later, on Thursday my second deal - third is on the way. 🤲🏽 I was trying to manifest for so long but this manual really give me that extra push and unblocked the slight resistance I had which I wasn’t sure how to get rid of. A sure investment, always grateful for you ❤️

Jul 30, 2023
Before this course I felt powerless, but now I feel powerful. No one will offer you help, not even your family. You are the only one that can help yourself out of your hardships. I am so grateful that I choose to help myself by buying this course. I've learned all that I need to start my new life. Do not worry about the money you have to pay for this knowledge. Remember Odin gave his eye for knowledge. Thank you Nero.
May 1, 2024
Jordan Thompson
Changed my perspective on how to control the energy of money I always knew about the energy or secrets of money but the MMM puts it in a better perspective to not only remember it but how to utilize it and do the right steps.
May 19, 2024
Jordan Thompson
The MMM is definitely worth it to shift your perspective on money and how to utilize it in the right way I always knew about what money was from other teachers but the MMM definitely puts it all together beautifully and makes you truly understand what it really means and how to control it.
May 19, 2024
Claudia M
Honestly the MMM is probably one of the best courses out there when it comes to understanding money on a metaphysical level. I'll be honest I thought that maybe I was going to already know majority of the information in the course (as i'm very into metaphysics) however I was proven wrong. Nero goes super in depth through every module explaining various elements, techniques & contributors to building a strong positive mindset around money. For $98 this is extremely cheap, people charge hundreds if not thousands for a 30 minute call for less amount of information equivalent to this. Trust me just do it, especially if your clueless & always vibrate in fear around money!
Apr 30, 2024
This course was life changing! It really changed how I view money. Before I was so fearful about money now I’m more relaxed and trusting about money. You should buy this course if you want to build a healthier relationship to money.
Apr 21, 2024
Quam B
Just completed this and I can say it was worth every penny! The value in this is immense and can change your life, 100% recommend it.
Apr 19, 2024
I can say for sure that i am waaay more confident in earning money rn, the clarity after watching the course once was just baffling, if youre on the fence, dont, choose yourself and get out of that cave
Mar 28, 2024
Michael Dwyer
Nero's course gave me the mental space to open the doors of my mind to reconsider manifesting and spirituality and to actually see how to live more in a flow relating to the physical, mental and spiritual.
Nov 29, 2023
Archie Sheppard
I bought the metaphysical money manual on the Black Friday deal. I am already getting a greater understanding about reprogramming my brain and getting out of the subconscious programs I have been partaking in throughout my life.
Nov 28, 2023
Cynthia sunnie
I am just a day into the course and literally can see a big difference in my energy fields, people and things are beginning to align. If you are on the fence on this, dont worry, the course will open your eyes to why you dont have the money to want and how to fix it.
Feb 10, 2024
Super good program. Fuck the business strategies... this is what you need to learn to actually get everything you are looking for. Nice job Nero
Mar 26, 2024
If you are on the fence, don't be! I bought this course as a plea to understand what was the missing piece and eager for change and I can definitely say Nero delivered! the concepts and the way he breaks everything down if you genuinely take the time to watch read and understand will blow your mind. I am someone who has spent money on courses coaches and so many programmes by far this has to be the most elite course I have invested in.
Mar 13, 2024
This course has earnt its 5 stars. Every time I've revisited the course I picked up things I had not the previous times. I'm using this information to change life, and for that I'm truly grateful.
Mar 27, 2024
I listened to your course twice and somehow I fell into a 4 figure debt within the same week I used the techniques provided in the course and made double what the debt was , I’m going to listen to it again and see what else I can manifest.
Sep 30, 2023
So before the MMM I was very negative and I understand this was because of core beliefs from young from my parents (not their fault) the program has helped me shift my feelings into abundance. Anyone wanting a shift in their reality I would strongly advice to give the program a go. I am yet waiting to have results but I know and feel it as it has already happened. I have a big meeting in feb and it it goes all well we are on to bigger contracts and I just know it’ll go my way
Jan 4, 2024
The mataphysical money manua is the best investment that I made on my mind personally. It had changed my vision on what money is and how to earn it.
Oct 2, 2023
MIM Money is Mark Mark is Money
This was a fantastic course filled with knowledge that has sprouted many seeds in my mind and will be crucial in the next steps in my entrepreneurial journey. Thanks Nero
Dec 3, 2023
Ant (1A)
I've had an interest in metaphysics for the longest while now but I found myself in a bit of a rut as of recent. "stuck" for lack of a better word. I already own the reality control cheat code course and I've seen some crazy results from there already (haven't even finished it because I'm taking the steps very seriously) but I felt compelled to grab this. Nero's really looking out for his people and I appreciate it dearly it is worth supporting this man in anyway possible. After going through this for the first time I noticed a key change in my environmental circumstances. I work in a tech store and was always serving customers that couldn't afford what they needed. Now I pretty much only attract big spenders or people that can afford what they're paying for. This may seem like a subtle minor change but it's only up from here. Thank again Nero for everything you do I deeply appreciate it.
Dec 4, 2023
Sukhdev Benning
After purchasing the program my perspective shifted. Its really worth it to change your view from ego to soul, Highly recommend this course.
Nov 12, 2023
Michael Dwyer
Nero's course gave me the mental space to open the doors of my mind to reconsider manifesting and spirituality and to actually see how to live more in a flow relating to the physical, mental and spiritual.
Nov 29, 2023
10/10 course not only for the value but the knowledge that remains with you forever that billions will die not knowing. Very detailed and thourough, thought I knew everything but Nero just explains it on a deeper level. It’ll definitely help you attract more money and realise the right to go about your finances to reach personal goals.
Oct 13, 2023

My bro Nero. What a course… I watched the videos and was taken aback. This course filled the gaps in my knowledge of what I thought I knew about metaphysics and money. I’ll tell you my experience. One night I finished a video from the course. Without revealing too much it said the following: “Don’t turn down freebies”. I listened. I too was questioning buying this course for months, until I took the leap and it was the best thing I did once you watch the videos yourself you will literally realize why buying it will only propel your money flow even further, it is not a loss.

Oct 4, 2023
Defo worth buying. A few i already knew but it’s great to learn more and solidify more money secrets and actually making money come to you. Sometimes are minds need a bit of rewiring and then everything comes with ease. There’s been days where I get paid from my job random payments and I’ve been paid for shits I haven’t even worked lool. Nero is truly special and I’m grateful to have known him and learn from him. 💯🫡
Sep 20, 2023
Big shout out to Nero dropping so much knowledge, gained further clarity around the aspects of money and how to take control of it instead of letting it control you, all comes back down to going within and creating the without. If you are reluctant to purchase ask yourself why? You looked at this course for a reason and if you don't purchase it you are feeding the wrong energy keep yourself trapped in the same cycle break the cycle and cop the course.
Sep 18, 2023
Before I Bought the MMM, I knew there was knowledge I was missing there was a piece of the puzzle I had not yet seen…now I have the pieces and through Neros guidance I can put it together! You’ll feel it click in your head once you study it
Sep 20, 2023
Before the MMM I couldn’t break the barrier of earning anything above a grand. Now it’s like a grand is nothing. My perception of money has completely shifted for life and I now know my future is set financially internally and externally.
Sep 20, 2023
10/10 course and solid resource. Great place to start if your new to metaphysical concepts. Sick value for money too. Definitely recommend.
Jul 7, 2023
Very detailed in sections , I thoroughly enjoyed the content. Even though I thought I knew everything, Nero explained it In a deeper meaning which took my outlook to another dimension. It is worth the buy as it will help you not repel money as much and get to your money goals closer 💰
Aug 2, 2023
After getting this manual I will say that I have come to a lot of realisations about what money truly is and I have started to see the fruits of these lessons bit by bit People could be reluctant to buy this as this is new to them and it questions their core and basic beliefs. Don't fall into the trap, invest in your mind.
Sep 20, 2023
The MMM has changed my life. The way I see money now is much more positive. This has lead me to manifest multiple job opportunities within 2 days after the course. Previously I wasn’t getting any job offers for weeks. If your sitting on the fence on whether to buy it, simply find the money and buy it because the ROI is infinite. I broke the barriers in my mind that receiving money is difficult and now it is as easy as breathing .
Aug 10, 2023
The MMM is something that needs to be read, re-read and absorbed into your subconcious. It is so simple yet so profound that taking on the core principles of this, will change the way you view not only money but your view on the way in which you conduct yourself in life. If you have no understanding as to why you are in the financial situation you are in, you can't afford not to buy this manual. Be warned that you must be open and ready to change the way you look at everything regarding money/finances.
Jul 20, 2023

Hey Nero I just want to say thank you very much for this information man. It’s only been a couple days into the program and my life has completely changed. I’m now able to put an idea into my mind and use it to generate $100 in about an hour's worth of work. That would have taken me 18 hours of mopping the floor, cleaning the bar, serving customers and packing take away orders. I woke up saw Neros post of the metaphysical money manual and I thought… “why not invest, if anything, Neros the guy. He must know something.” So I purchased it and within a couple of days… I was able to rewire my brain for success and abundance and only attract the kind of money I want. And not only that… I developed the ability to control my mind by directing any thought into a money making opportunity with ease… It's like my mind looks for ways to add value and profit from it. So it's all thanks to you my brother Nero, it’s been a pleasure my brother👍🏼

Jun 19, 2023
This course is worth far more than it’s priced. It will allow you to see the social contracts you’ve been unknowingly locking into. How you and society have been subconsciously programming yourself into a life of complaint and poverty. It will provide you a new perspective for the direction of your life. I believe some call this hope, but it’s greater than hope. It’s knowledge. It’s knowing. This course is simple yet profound, providing actionable steps with a life changing technique of letting go. A teacher arises when the student is ready. You can decide today to invest in yourself and elevate your life or you can roll your eyes skip over and stay stuck in the same place forever in your ignorance. Be ready to drop your ego and pick up your pens and note pads. Thank you, Nero
Jun 17, 2023
I currently trade FX and work part time, before The Metaphysical Money Manual money seemed to slip away all the time and i don’t know why, both in trading and out of trading i seemed to work hard and not get anything out. The best thing about the manual is that it’s practical and straight to the point, change basically happens at an instant if you dedicate enough time to go through the course. If you are having second guesses about getting this course I only have one question for you - is investing under a $100 worth changing your life for ever …
Aug 12, 2023
I always had a thrive for making money but could never see where I was going wrong as I always seemed to end up at the same place even when I saved. But with the metaphysical money manual it highlighted where I had been going wrong the whole time and really opened up my eyes and mind on how to manifest more. Not gonna say I just instantly attracted riches but I can definitely feel that I’m on the right track as opposed to before the manual.
Jul 20, 2023
First and foremost, i would like to thank and appreciate N£RO for his knowledge on metaphysics. The brother literally read over 300 books and is still actively acquiring knowledge. When i first heard about the MMM course i was somewhat skeptical as i have read a lot of books and studied metaphysics in my own time. I asked for nero’s honest opinion and he said “ It’s entirely up to you brother, if you think you already know the metaphysics of money, then you’re good. Sometimes though, we may already know something but we hear it stated in a way we haven’t heard and it triggers a paradigm shift and enters our mind much easier.” After this, i was confident that this course will add something of value. I finished it yesterday, and it’s so effective how nero explain everything you need to know about money metaphysically and i, myself, formed a new perspective revolves around money. The information in this course is absolutely priceless and i would recommend this to anyone interested in changing their mindset, into metaphysic, and learning how money works on the unseen side of things.
Jul 9, 2023
Great Course & Easy to follow. Just by implementing this mindshifts, my reality already started to change. First I thought it got worse, but that was just my old programming trying to get me back. Without effort, the next few days I got a number of opportunities to make good money in the field that I really love to work. Again, great course!
Jun 21, 2023
Ngubai Aka
To begin with, I'm part of the community that never gives reviews and testimonials regardless of whether I attain value or not. That in itself, should tell you something.. but let's get into it. Firstly, I'd say the best thing about the metaphysical money manual is the fact that it is broken down in a way that is easily digestable by having small bitesize series - as we all know this world is failing by our short attention span to anything - I can guarantee you will know majority of the things mentioned in this programme, however Nero explains them from a paradigm that you were never expecting to hear and completely reshapes your outlook on money as a whole and how to tune into the energy of having an abundance mentality I'm a week into the course and haven't stopped taking it in over and over and over again... which I honestly don't intend to stop because I want it engrained into my subconsious If you are in a position where you are hesitant on buying this series, ask yourself why? There is evidently something inherently in you, that knows you deserve more than what you're already achieving and that feeling is the key to unlock the door to abundant riches, don't play yourself and walk past the door of abundance & grab the course today!
Jun 21, 2023
Natalie Anise
I completed the MMM in one day and within 3 days I manifested $3,700. Before the manual, I was "struggling" despite learning about, reading about and taking courses on Manifestation since for 10 years LOL I was still stuck. I identified with "poor single mom syndrome" way too much...and that is what I was living, but not anymore. Nero eloquently and simply states the truth in a way that opened my inner and over-standing. I will be re-visiting MMM again and again to help reprogram my subconscious, and there are gems each time I listen to the course. The energy you are feeling that might be holding you back from purchasing the the energy that is holding you back from manifesting your birthright of abundance, love and money magnetism. For me, it is the social contracts that I didn't realize were holding me back so much... and this is something I will continue to release from my experience. Thank you Nero, I know this is exactly what I needed as a catalyst for my paradigm shift...and I am so grateful to the teachings you continue to share with the world. My intention is to help wake up fellow single mamas and create a ripple effect of changed lives for them and their children.
Apr 15, 2024
Elliott Hannaford

It has impacted my life profoundly I have not implemented anything quite as effectively as MMM and seen results equally as fast. I recently left my job working full time to pursue other endeavors, and since leaving have been offered a 20-50% increase in pay to work as well as have been offered a ton of work in my line of business (4-5 pieces of work in the last week). People I used to work for have also paid me more when I have gone back to work for them. I would highly recommend it to anyone who wants to improve their approach and understanding when it comes to money as it will completely change the way you view and think about money.

Aug 13, 2023
G singh

I got the metaphysical money manual a month or so ago, only had a quick listen & didn't make in-depth notes. After this my view on money completely changed, rather than looking at it as something to acquire/chase I view it as simply energy. Fast forward to today where I randomly received a cheque of £743 from a car accident I had in 2017. 12/10 recommend buying this if you are reluctant, the value for money is insane!!

Aug 31, 2023

I had a pretty poor relationship with money. I was grinding seven days a week and was always in survival mode. My entire outlook on life has altered ever since I first encountered The Metaphysical Money Manual. I was able to escape this deep hole thanks to his course, and I received a cheque worth £800 that I had no idea I'd ever get, I've been blessed in so many other ways with chances that I never even imagined existed. The course was a genuine bargain for what it was worth.

Sep 18, 2023
Bradley Njonguo

 I bought the MMM for like 80 euros. I can say wholeheartedly that was the best 80 I’ve ever spent. The real information is in the paid information. In terms of value I’ve received in return I would say I’ve made about 100k+ in just value, relationships, actual money, my intellectual property and my brand. I designed two custom pieces for EarnYourLeisure at this year's investfest. So I’ve made my 10k months very easily and it’s compounding and growing, this is my new normal. I’ve got the financial, location, and time freedom, my brand is excelling and I’m high in demand. My advice to anyone is not to waste time with the MMM. Nero should really bump the price up because for me that’s like a 1000% return from an 80 euro investment. That’s like crypto money… from simply investing in yourself and having faith. The MMM is the greatest accident I discovered. Nero, more power to you🥃

Aug 29, 2023
I really enjoyed Nero's course the information I obtained really got the cogs going in my mind, I have started questioning alot of my thoughts and beliefs towards money and have started challenging alot more things, I will keep this course on REPEAT because this is to the point. I buy and sell online and literally whilst I was on my course I just had a influx of sales it took me aback, but it just felt like an energy shift of my mindset. I do believe people should invest into this course if they want to change their outlook to money
Sep 27, 2023

Completed the course in two days. Lo and behold, a week later, on Monday I closed my FIRST deal and a few days later, on Thursday my second deal - third is on the way. 🤲🏽 I was trying to manifest for so long but this manual really give me that extra push and unblocked the slight resistance I had which I wasn’t sure how to get rid of. A sure investment, always grateful for you ❤️

Jul 30, 2023
Before this course I felt powerless, but now I feel powerful. No one will offer you help, not even your family. You are the only one that can help yourself out of your hardships. I am so grateful that I choose to help myself by buying this course. I've learned all that I need to start my new life. Do not worry about the money you have to pay for this knowledge. Remember Odin gave his eye for knowledge. Thank you Nero.
May 1, 2024
Jordan Thompson
Changed my perspective on how to control the energy of money I always knew about the energy or secrets of money but the MMM puts it in a better perspective to not only remember it but how to utilize it and do the right steps.
May 19, 2024
Jordan Thompson
The MMM is definitely worth it to shift your perspective on money and how to utilize it in the right way I always knew about what money was from other teachers but the MMM definitely puts it all together beautifully and makes you truly understand what it really means and how to control it.
May 19, 2024
Claudia M
Honestly the MMM is probably one of the best courses out there when it comes to understanding money on a metaphysical level. I'll be honest I thought that maybe I was going to already know majority of the information in the course (as i'm very into metaphysics) however I was proven wrong. Nero goes super in depth through every module explaining various elements, techniques & contributors to building a strong positive mindset around money. For $98 this is extremely cheap, people charge hundreds if not thousands for a 30 minute call for less amount of information equivalent to this. Trust me just do it, especially if your clueless & always vibrate in fear around money!
Apr 30, 2024
This course was life changing! It really changed how I view money. Before I was so fearful about money now I’m more relaxed and trusting about money. You should buy this course if you want to build a healthier relationship to money.
Apr 21, 2024