Founder and Chief Leadership Officer at 4MinuteLeader.com
Hello! I'm Paul Georgoff, #Normal40 number 1841, and this is my Normal 40 story. Like many of you, I was on what most would consider a traditional career path and found my way to (what I thought was) my dream job as the chief human resources officer of a financial institution. A lot of soul searching guided my wife and I to make the decision to move to Florida; and in that process I discovered Lon and the #Normal40 community...ultimately making the decision to launch my own business centered on executive coaching and leadership development (www.4MinuteLeader.com). It's been an absolute blessing to know there are others out there who are going through similar experiences; and facing challenges with a lot of dudes in your corner and "at the ready" has been incredible. Thank you to Lon and all of the members of the #Normal40 community!
Apr 11, 2023
General/Trauma Surgeon - USAF (Ret)
Wow! The Trade is for anyone with that gnawing feeling inside that many of us feel. That, 'What am I doing? Is this all there is? Am I settling; because it's easy?' feeling.
The trade is written by someone who has been there. The trade is written in a manner that feels like a deep conversation with an old friend. It made me think about things I didn't want to think about. Answer questions I didn't want to answer. Have the internal conversation I haven't wanted to have.
The stories Lon tells about himself, his family, and his clients are personal, raw and moving. I found something in nearly every story that applied to me. If you are in a place, wondering whether you need more? Are you capable of more? Deserve more? Spend a few hours reading this book. The Trade may change the rest of your life.
May 5, 2023
Founder, On-Call MedLegal Consulting
I met Lon Stroschein about 8 months ago, but I feel like I've known him my entire life. He is just one of those guys.
Lon was writing on LinkedIn. His posts were public and read by thousands of people, but somehow it seemed like he was writing directly to me. Funny thing about that... I've heard hundreds of people say the same thing about his posts. Why? At some point in ALL our lives, we have what Lon calls our "Normal 40 Moment".
It's that moment when you realize the best years of your life are in the future, and you are the only one who can make them happen.
Lon's writing and speaking provide the most down-to-earth, clear-headed, and no-BS approach to harnessing your Normal 40 Moment to not let it go to waste.
Personally, my 'Normal 40 Moment' came about eight months ago, just before I met Lon. Thanks in no small part to Lon's friendship and guidance, I have an excitement for life, work, and health far beyond anything I could have ever imagined.
I can't thank him enough.
Lon has written a book... it's called The Trade. Every single person reading this post should buy this book. It will give you a perspective you didn't even know you needed.
This is NOT your usual self-help midlife crisis nonsense.
This is different.
This is the Normal 40.
Jul 13, 2023
Former Deere Executive Who Made The Trade
Lon’s coaching and this book inspired me to make the trade, and I’m on my journey for my second half story. It's allowed me to articulate and communicate my feelings in a way I wouldn’t otherwise be able to and realize what I’m feeling is normal.
Lon is a Dude who has done it and will talk about it, and that’s what a person like me needs. It’s free of corporate jargon and academic concepts that don’t apply -- and it moved me forward.
This book is not about quitting your job; it’s about getting you back. Figuring out what you like and don’t like, What you’ll tolerate and what you will not.
Inside this book is the progress you’re looking for without the need for perfection holding you back.
You make the decision on the trades you want for your second half. The time is now.
Apr 17, 2023
Middle School Science Faculty -- Providence Day School
I'm Keith Pochick, and this is my Normal 40 story. I spent 20 years on the frontlines of clinical medicine as an Emergency Physician, and slowly, I developed a different, far less optimistic personality and outlook. When the thrill of competence faded and the moments of exhilaration became painfully infrequent, I began to wonder what was sustaining me professionally. I often thought about the times over my career that I was most excited to be physically present at work and was enjoying myself -- each time my mind went back to the instances and phases that I was able to teach. Whether I was guiding terrified interns at the bedside or preparing lectures for large groups of attending physicians, that was the part of the job that brought me the most joy. About 10 years ago, I was searching for more. So, I reached out to a high school science teacher at the school my kids attend. I came to help her students dissect cats, and I had so much fun with them that an awakening occurred. I wanted and needed to morph my career and life into something different. Over the course of the last 10 years, I sought out more opportunities to teach. I helped a friend and fellow ER physician teach suturing workshops to future health professionals; I got myself into the substitute teacher pool at my kids' school. Ultimately, I signed on as an interim 7th grade science teacher when someone needed to go on leave for a few months. The Trade had taken shape. I resigned as Medical Director of a pretty large urgent care system, and picked up only occasional clinical shifts. In the year that followed, I was offered a full-time teaching position in the middle school Science Department. Without hesitation, I accepted. A few months ago, Lon reached out to me via a mutual LinkedIn connection and former residency mate. We recorded a podcast together and it resonated with a few people. Lon is one of the most encouraging and honest people I've ever come across. There are moments and aspects of The Trade that just can't be sugar-coated, and Lon doesn't even try to sugar-coat them. There are days when The Trade is really hard on you and those around you. But for the rest of my life, I never have to languish and wonder if I could have done this -- to wonder if I had the courage, focus, and drive to become someone different. I know that I have it -- I've proven it to myself. Working through a big problem, creating a long-term goal, and feeling empowered to take control of your own life is exhilarating. You're the author of your own story. You just have to pick up the pen, put it to paper, and start writing.
Feb 27, 2024
Partner @ Southern Potato Co.
I'm Marlon, and this is my Normal 40 Story.
Lon's posts started showing up in my LinkedIn feed about a year ago, and they immediately resonated with me. We were in the middle of expanding our business which was really stretching my skills. After reading Lon's posts I quickly realized that it was not only my skills being stretched. I was going through a life transition and realized that the time left with my kids living under the same roof as me was rapidly declining. I did a call with Lon and realized how much we had in common. I knew I needed some help. A guide. I engaged with Lon as a coach. Lon has helped me tremendously in regards to getting my leadership skills, business practices and time management to a place that I could not get to on my own. Lon has helped me realize my strengths and passions. This has helped me focus on leading from my strengths, which in turn allows others to thrive in their careers while allowing me to take back something that had been missing in my life: time. I now value time and choose carefully how I spend it. Our relationships in life are really the most important. Healthy relationships require the investment of time. The value of the coaching I have done with Lon is immeasurable. He has helped me grow my business and design my life around it. Past that, he and I have developed a deep relationship which I certainly hope will continue for the rest of our lives.
If you are considering coaching with Lon, I would highly recommend it. He changed my life.
Jun 5, 2023

Corey Quinn
CEO, 501(ceo)
A friend referred me to Lon's postings. To say it was the right message at the right time is a true understatement.
By the time I had reached out to Lon for coaching, I had already resigned from my Firm and decided to walk away from public accounting after 24 years.
I have had tremendous support from my network of friends and family. I know everything will be ok but there is still underlying uncertainty. I wanted to rush to figure this out, just like another task on my list.
Then I heard Lon say the words ... "It might feel irresponsible to use savings right now because you have believed it was for retirement. But what if you were really saving for this moment to truly make a change in your life to focus on having a greater impact?" That perspective changed everything for me. It gave me my freedom back.
I am now starting day 3, and I am slowly starting to relax and give up my addiction to stress and having to always be frantic with things to do. I'm not there yet, but I feel the change starting. I also realized as I am talking to others with this new energy - and it is fantastic.
I want to help more people start to wake up from this trance so many of us are stuck in.
Thank you, Lon.
I am one of the one thousand dudes!
Sep 3, 2022
Owner/Service Engineer @ Twisted CNC Repair
Im Joe Christensen, Normal40 Group number #1381 and this is my Normal40 story. I came across my first post from Lon 6 months ago. As I read further it was really the first time I realized there were other people out there who felt the same way I did. For a few month I lurked in the background reading Lon's posts, wrestling with the decision of making the trade until I finally mustered up the courage to book a call. I was near the end of my journey, I had the financials figured out, my wife was on board. I tried for 4 months to give my notice and finally make the trade. I can't really put into words the positive impact my conversation with Lon had on me, but to put it into perspective... I had my first FREE 30 minute chat with Lon on November 9th of 2022, I gave notice to my employer I was leaving November 10th of 2022 and the day before Thanksgiving was my final day as a W-2 employee. The conversation with Lon was comfortable, natural, unrehearsed, and overall felt like two dudes just shooting the shit while getting into some pretty deep topics. I had the family, the house, the cars, and the money, but I definitely wasn't any happier. My life since meeting Lon and making the trade has been absolutely amazing. These past 2 months have been unbelievable and the time I am spending with my family doesn't have a price. If you haven't already I highly recommend setting up a time to chat with Lon, it might be the best decision you make all year.
Jan 28, 2023
Paul Gallagher Quixotic Ventures
Hi I’m Paul Gallagher and a member of the Normal40. I found Lon on Linkedin via an acquaintance from long ago who quit the rat race to live on a boat. After I followed Lon for a while, I wanted to connect with others who share the same vision, and not having a group of friends who truly shared this idea, joined Normal40 to find those who did. Finding a group like this is invaluable. Listening to their stories and processes enables me to play the “what if” game with more substance. I can draw off their experiences but use Lon’s purpose driven approach as the backbone to get what I want. He challenges us in a great way, is direct in his talk and has narrowed all the possibilities down into an action plan. I’ve not joined a group before, or got on a zoom call with strangers outside of my job, but this new experience enable me to actually follow through on my ideas rather than wish. My mission is that I will develop my own 3 year plan, which includes publishing a book, preparing myself to quit the rat race and pursue my next career. I will use Lon’s exercises and constant push to hold myself accountable to myself. Everyone needs a push, I’m counting on Lon to do just that.
Feb 25, 2024

Owner - Reimagine Business Advisors
Aaron P.
Powerful perspective and while I am one that doesn't post comments, your messages do resonate.
Aug 14, 2022
VP Operations & Service
The Trade is a passionate, heartfelt plea to take full responsibility for your life’s path.
It is a rallying cry to be intentional about how you approach your life so you can end with fulfillment and little regret.
I recommend everyone read this book as you can take action on your life’s legacy at any point!
May 14, 2023
Jeff Sabin
Enterprise Infrastructure Technology
Feb 16, 2024
Patrick C.
Love the content and your mission. Very relatable. Just turned 40 last month and am pumped about what's ahead, just gotta sort through a couple things and find the right path.
Aug 14, 2022
My name is Douglas Peres, proudly N.40 #3435 and this is my testimony: Lon, thank you very much. I have followed your N.40 journey from the beginning, since your departure from Raven. All your work has already helped me make recent decisions, after all your messages convey values that are almost non-existent in the business world, recently I am choosing to value what is real and not what is easier and of little value, this means that N .40 has been helping people even before the .40, which is my case. Your recent message about "Price — Cost = Margin" spoke very deeply to me and as a Christian, my greatest asset is truly my family. Thank you for listening and opening your heart to the voice of the Holy Spirit. You are accepting to be burned by this message, just as a plant wears itself out to project seeds into the soil and in the future germinate new similar ones, so your life is serving others. God bless you and all of his. Thank you for being N.40 #3435
Jun 25, 2024
Medic I Emergency Doctor/SMUR I MSc Disaster Medicine I Internal/Emergency Medicine Chief Resident
Jan 10, 2025
General Counsel and Corporate Secretary
My name is John Haar and here’s my Normal 40 story.
I’ve spent most of my professional career as an in-house lawyer. I had come to the “acceptance” that I was comfortable. Money-wise; professionally; personally. An amazing wife; 3 amazing kids. All was right with the world….or was it? Realizing (erroneously) that I was not a leader or was simply a “producer,” I accepted that my ultimate goal was not going to be achieved.
Then, I started following Lon and reading his posts. And something started burning in my gut.
Slowly at first. But after every post I read, the fire grew. Ultimately, I threw all of my inhibitions out the window; I intentionally put myself outside of my comfort zone. And, within about six months, I found my absolute dream position with, what I like to call, my perfect fit company.
Listen, I’m terrified, every day!! Did I make the right decision? Is this what’s best for my family? Is moving halfway across the country a good idea? And, every day, I remain excited about this opportunity; about my company; and, about my future….that I chose to own!!
I don’t have it all figured out, not even close!! But what I will tell you is that I haven’t felt this ALIVE in the past 10 years. It’s scary, it’s exciting, it’s paralyzing, and, it’s unbelievably liberating!!
Lon and Normal 40 made me think about ME again. I’d been so busy worrying about serving others and making sure others were happy, I forgot about me.
After I made the change, my wife and kids commented about how much happier I was; more relaxed; and more present for them.
If you’ve got that fire that can’t be quenched; if you have a feeling of monotony or complacency, but you know there’s more, do yourself a favor: contact Lon; join Normal 40. And start preparing yourself to feel alive again.
Thank you, Lon!!
There is no possible way I can repay this debt of gratitude!!! This is my Normal 40 Story. And you’re damn right, I OWN IT!!
I am one of the one thousand dudes you have inspired to own their second half story.
Jul 19, 2022
CEO & Founder, McChrystal Group
The Trade is entertaining, uplifting wisdom.
This is a captivatingly genuine story about the choices one person made, and the fundamental difference they made for he and those who love him.
Lon Stroschein’s journey is uniquely his own, but every reader will see parts of their own lives in his.
The Trade is a must-read for anyone facing transition.
Stan McChrystal, General, US Army (Retired) CEO & Founder, McChrystal Group Author of Team of Teams, Leaders: Myth and Reality, and Risk
Jun 14, 2023
Neil Soskin Commercial Real Estate Advisor
I am Neil Soskin and I am happy to be on the Normal40 road with Lon. I came across Lon on LinkedIn several months ago. I am a decade past my 40's and started my transition and trade 5 or 6 years ago. I have found Lon's story, observations and wisdom to ring true to what I have experienced. Lon's vulnerability and straightforward manner is refreshing and inspiring. He consistently provokes me to think differently or reinforce questions I continue to grapple with. I appreciate having him in the seat next to me on the journey. I am one of those 1,000 dudes as Lon inspires me to stay in the trade and appreciate it every day.
May 24, 2023
Jeff Willis, MD
Medical Malpractice Physician | Case Merit Review & Expert Witness Search | Nationwide | No Retainer
Feb 21, 2024
Managing Director, Woodside Capital Partners
I'm Ravi Shankar. I was an executive in a public company and I had reached out to Lon for some executive coaching. But my interactions with him led me to something way bigger and transformational - an exploration of what is it I wanted out of my 'short' life beyond material accumulation. The impact he has had on me can be summed by the question I (very) frequently ask myself: what's the trade? This question makes me evaluate if this activity / thought is the best use of my time and mental energy. And does it really matter? The 'trade' question has often given me so much clarity and made my life simple. As a result of my conversations with Lon, I have become a better person and leader. Thank you Lon, and now, you have only 999 more dudes to inspire! With love, Ravi
Jan 28, 2023
I have met with over 5,000 Authors in my publishing career. One of my most telling questions is asking the Author, "How much time do you spend one on one, eyeball to eyeball with their readers and/or customers?"
Their answer tells me all I need to know about the Author, the quality of content they will be able to produce, and how long their career as an effective Author and a coach is likely going to last. It also reveals how much the Author truly cares about, knows, and understands their readers.
Immediately, Lon stood out from the rest. Undoubtedly, he has been the most dedicated Author I have ever worked with when it comes to investing in, sacrificing for, and working with his audience and readers, both from paid engagements and many, many free sessions with readers wanting to and trying to support/coach them. Simply because he truly cares about his readers and has a passionate interest that drives him to connect with people.
Lon has invested hundreds - if not thousands - of hours into the research of this book. His research was not outsourced to a virtual assistant or Google; he did his research eyeball-to-eyeball, hour-by-hour, and one-on-one with people like you.
This will be one of the most relevant, valuable, and life-changing books you will read. Embrace it, and then connect with Lon’s community when you are done. I couldn't recommend a book more strongly. I
It has made a massive difference in my life as well.
Jul 17, 2023

David Traffie
Managing Partner at Veritas Medical Partners, LLC
Fellow #dudes, I recently wrapped a #ramble with Lon Stroschein. For those who've been inspired by his writing, or perhaps are just curious about the notion of #hardtrades, I encourage you to engage his content. The rat race of the #marketplace can fatigue your soul, and none of us want to become old men with nagging #regret. Our side of the species tends to compartmentalize personal stuff, especially as it relates to #posturing amongst our peers in professional settings. On that subject, I recommended a book to Lon, and he returned the favor with one for me. We'll speak again on this and other topics, and I'll be richer for the #experience. Among other things, #Normal40 is a community of men looking at the back 9 of their professional journeys. Fundamentally, we each want a #quality story to tell, on behalf of our #families and those we #serve. Lon is a dude in your corner, and one I hope you'll both #follow and #pursue. It's a privilege to call him my friend. His #work and genuine care for dudes is impactful, and our #wives and #kids become 1st-level #beneficiaries. CTA: https://lnkd.in/gcMHuesp Cheers buddy, Mark
Feb 25, 2023
Dr. Jeff Willis (MD)
Medical Malpractice Case Merit and Strategy | All Specialties | Plaintiff and Defense Medical Malpractice Case Merit and Strategy | All Specialties | Plaintiff and Defense

Jul 13, 2023
Facilitator and Coach
My name is Cory Kehler and I am a Normal 40 group member! One of the challenges that comes with making a big change in your life (The Trade) is all the questions you have to wrestle with. Here were a few of mine: 1. Is this all there is in life, and was I meant to live for something more? 2. Am I crazy to do this at this time in my life? 3. Am I the only one feeling like something is not right? 4. What am I not thinking about that I need to be considering? 5. Who is going to be in my corner when I get stuck or feeling like giving up? These are just some of the thoughts I struggled and even agonized over. Its these very questions that Lon and The Normal 40 Insider community were there to help me answer. They are there when you get off track and need help figuring out your next steps and then to support you all along the way! Thanks Lon for all your hard work and dedication to help people like me chart a path for the future and understand what matters most at the end of the day!
Mar 30, 2024
Eric Reiners
Peak Performance Coach | Advisor | Founder - I help individuals and teams unlock their potential using neuroscience-backed techniques for more joy, meaning, and impact. Peak Performance Coach | Advisor | Founder - I help individuals and teams unlock their potential using neuroscience-backed techniques for more joy, meaning, and impact.
Jul 18, 2023
Former Vice President and General Manager, and President and CEO
Hi Lon I finally walked away on Jan 31, 2024 with the support of my wife. I am now “retired” at 55 - yes we are blessed. I read your book last summer, follow you and like so many others was saying to myself…” that’s me!” Thank you for making your trade and sharing the message. I encourage anyone who is currently struggling with "is this it?", "how much is enough?", plus those who are not there (and may never get there, which is ok) for an additional POV, to read The Trade. It should at least challenge your thinking/POV and may call you to action. Thanks Lon!
Mar 21, 2024
Thank you, THANK YOU, for your fantastic inspiration and coaching.
I recently moved my side gig, a consulting business, to become my entire focus. And I am absolutely loving it!
Gone are the days when I have to drag myself out of bed! I'm writing my own story now, not appearing as a character in someone else's story!!
My favorite line from your posts: "You're going to ask for signs - omens - that affirms your path - Be open to the fact that this note may be the omen you seek."
I'm now seeing signs everywhere that this is the absolute right move for me.
One friend even commented: "I've been waiting for you to do this."
Thank you again for all you have done for me, Lon.
I am one of the one thousand dudes!
Nov 21, 2022
Area Manager
Hello my name is Kim Eikerenkoetter & this is my Normal 40 story. While reading random posts on my LinkedIn home page, I saw a post from Lon - someone I had never met but was drawn in by what he had to say. Here was a complete stranger telling his story which mirrored my own! I left a career that no longer served me and moved across the country without a plan, something I had never done before. After reading Lon's post I felt vindicated & knew I had done the right thing. I read Lon's post at a time when I was having second thoughts about my decision BUT, all doubt left my mind and confidence & determination entered! Lon's words certified that I had done the right thing for my sanity & peace of mind. I was able to schedule a web meeting with Lon to get more direction for my journey. He asked many probing questions and got to the root of what makes me "tick", why I was able to be successful in my prior career & what I have to offer with future employers. After our conversation I felt empowered, determined, and more confident that I have what it takes to successfully apply for, interview & be selected for a new career! Cocky is "I think I can" & Confidence is "I KNOW I CAN"! I've always had confidence but Lon gave me better ways to share that with potential recruiters to increase my chances of being selected!
Apr 18, 2023
COO Colwen Design and Purchasing
Wow. What a wake-up call. Time to stop messing around. I am in control. I am in control. No more excuses. Time to get out of the box I put myself in. Pretending the walls are holding me in. I am in control. I am in control.
Thank you for supporting and encouraging dudes and dudettes like me. * What five words would you use to describe "The Trade." Phrases:
Wake up call.
I am in control.
A hard look in the mirror.
I am not alone.
My feelings are normal.
The walls around you are created, and only you can break them down to experience true joy and freedom The Trade saved me eight years. I define my future not “regular retirement age”
I felt like my true self was speaking to me. Like a friend that has known me forever and spoke the truth in love to my inner core.
This is for anyone feeling restless, trapped, unfulfilled, knowing they have more to give, just not in their present situation.
Quotes that struck me:
"At thirty, all you had to lose was time as you chased money. Now it feels like you have all your money to lose as you chase time."
"Will I regret it if I don’t try?"
"Remember, you don’t have to quit to start, but you have to start if you ever want to quit."
"By accident, the very success you chased has now become the walls of a box that hold you where you are."
"In your lifetime, you will come to know that trying won’t be judged as a failure, but not trying will be."
"Don’t get two years older and wish you would have tried."
"At this point, you are in a personal R&D phase with your own personal start-up. Like any start-up, the pace is fast, dotted with speed bumps and obstacles, and full of learning. Two steps forward, one step back."
In the words of Harold Hill from the musical The Music Man, “You pile up enough tomorrows, and you'll find you are left with nothing but a lot of empty yesterdays. I don't know about you, but I'd like to make today worth remembering.”
Time to make the Trade.
May 2, 2023
I not only endorse 'The Trade' - I wrote the foreword!
You may wonder: “Am I too late? Did I miss my chance? Is this only possible for men in their 20s?”
These questions find me every day, often from men like you.
I used to think I was the only one who would wrestle with these questions. I soon came to discover that these thoughts are nearly universal. When you discover that you are not invincible, and there is no permanent security, you remember that freedom was always your pursuit.
This is what drew me to Lon’s message of inspiring people to be intentional about their second-half story. It requires us to make trades that other people are unwilling to make.
I met Lon when he joined one of our mentoring communities at Capitalism.com. I met him by accident, or maybe by fate; I just happened to walk into the room when he was on a video call with a member of my team. He explained his vision for Normal 40 and his desire to help men navigate the difficulty of making The Trade after their first chapter. He told me how difficult it is for established men to trade who they have become for a chance to do what they are called to do next.
I was hooked. I believe that is a mission worth fighting for, and this is why I am not only endorsing The Trade, but have also written the foreword.
You need to own this book, create a plan and then make The Trade.
Rooting for you,
Ryan -
Jun 26, 2023
CEO Success Champions
While seated in my truck, I found myself gazing into the rearview mirror, contemplating my current state of being. At 40, I had spent my entire life working towards someone else's retirement plan. Though I had enjoyed a successful career and an overall pleasant life, I felt miserable. But the thought of starting my own business and leaving behind the corporate world had never crossed my mind.
At the time, my spouse and I had acquired our dream farm; we even constructed a separate house on the land for my in-laws to reside in so we could care for them. Could I really take the risk of pursuing my entrepreneurial dreams and potentially jeopardizing everything we had worked so hard for?
Reading "The Trade" felt like an account of my own journey. I had to decide between continuing to live my current life, which was good but unfulfilling, or abandoning my aspirations altogether.
I could not do both.
I couldn't afford to remain stagnant, as doing so would inevitably result in misery. I couldn't turn off the dream. I wish this book had been available in 2017 when I was uncertain about what direction to take next. It serves as an exceptional guide to navigating the latter half of one's life, resonating deeply with its readers.
I desperately needed these words of wisdom back then, and I still feel their significance now. Choosing to trade in my previous existence for a life that brings me joy has been both exhilarating and terrifying.
I am grateful to call Lon a friend, and I hope to see you on the other side of your own trade.
May 2, 2023
I’m Tom, Normal40 Group number 459, and this is my Normal40 story.
I had read Lon’s posts highlighted by a couple of mutual acquaintances, so I started following. I recently had the privilege to speak with Lon one-on-one, and his enthusiasm for finding clarity, and committing to a course of action jumped out at me immediately.
Through our short conversation, I gained insight into both my short-term objectives, and Lon encouraged me to keep asking myself questions about my purpose.
Whether you are seeking a radical departure from your previous trajectory or seeking clarity on how to proceed, Lon's coaching and Normal40 is for you.
This is my Normal 40 Story. And I own it!
I am one of the one thousand dudes Normal 40 has inspired to own my change.
Aug 12, 2022
I consume a lot of books and quite frankly haven’t really been moved to take the time to pen a review. It’s not necessarily because the books I’ve read don’t warrant reviews it’s just that Lon’s book The Trade deserves to be talked about, celebrated and shared amongst peers, colleagues, friends and family. Even your kids if you have any because the message of be true to who you are is something we should all be teaching our kids.
I first encountered Lon’s posts last summer of 2022, and like many immediately said…holy @%$#, that’s me!
The Trade delivers a compelling narrative of Lon’s unique journey, but not only has he identified and articulated the internal struggle most of us are facing or will face during our professional and personal lives, but he has also put a spotlight on some of the influencing factors that spark the fire to make a seismic shift.
His notion that The Awakening starts with D hits on big events, including a diagnosis and death. Losing both parents in the span of 19 months, both seemingly healthy, is a wake-up call that, while devastating in many ways to me and my family, it’s a harsh reminder that life is short, unexpected, and full of bends in the road.
Thank you, Lon, for your inspiration, rawness, and selflessness, which serve as the backbone of "The Trade." This book will serve as my true north as I look to define my second-half story and continue down the road, ready to walk tall into the bends that I’m sure are coming.
Jul 10, 2023
David Brenner
Healthcare Executive
Sep 21, 2023
Executive Director, Global Citizens Initiative
The Trade is powerful. I cried at a few points. Your book is so amazing and now I need to build action from what I learned. I want to say thank you for writing it!
Feb 25, 2024
Co-Founder - Outpost Adventures & Outpost 1875
My name is Kelly Bunde and this is my Normal 40 story. I can recall being in middle school and claiming aspirations of running a company. Fast forward and I found myself in my early thirties, having a job that alleviated a lot of the stress my husband had in terms of providing for our family. I can still remember the night he looked at me and pitched starting a business. There were no grand plans of quitting our day jobs. We took a step, then another, and three years later, we've started a second business, have sold an accessory dwelling unit, and are on the verge of our first season with a vacation glampground in Custer, South Dakota. The stakes are higher. We're older. Our day jobs changed. I've known Lon and been exposed to the progression of Normal 40 throughout our Trade. The first couple of years I could hear my husband and all the high-performing professionals I know who maybe wear golden handcuffs or simply have a different dream than the one they started twenty years ago. But if I'm being honest, this past year tested us. It hasn't been easy. It certainly wasn't free. We trade a lot of time, money, and resources to keep building our dreams. Lon's coaching, mentoring and content keep our Trade in perspective, give me confidence to #JFDS no matter how small it feels, and encourages me to show up for future Kelly. Thank you, Lon. You're on mission and it shows!
Feb 27, 2024
Mike Lopes
Results-Driven Technology Staffing Executive Orchestrating Exceptional Client and Candidate Experiences
Jul 31, 2023
Frank Rekas, CPFA
Financial Advisor to Attorneys and Firms

Jan 9, 2025
Frank Rekas
I'm a Financial Advisor who works with Family and Estate Planning Law Firm Owners, Partners, as well as supporting their clients to reduce taxes, build and protect wealth, and live an abundant life. I'm a Financial Advisor who works with Family and Estate Planning Law Firm Owners, Partners, as well as supporting their clients to reduce taxes, build and protect wealth, and live an abundant life.

Aug 5, 2023
Max M.
Hi, I’m Max, Normal 40 Group #2093. A nebulous discontent had been gnawing on me for several years that I couldn’t quite put my finger on. Lon actually reached out and connected to me on LinkedIn and the algorithms did their job. I started seeing his posts pop into my feed, and I ended up scheduling a call with him. Lon is fantastic. He made me think and to question my assumptions about who I really am and what I should be doing. Lon mentioned in our call that I had several “firsts”; I know everyone thinks that their story is unique but I’m pretty sure mine is pretty far out there. I had to ponder his questions for several days and really dig deep and refine my perception of who I really am and where I want to go. Long story short, I was able to find my “why” after some deep reflection. In my case, it didn’t mean quitting my job or anything like that. It meant putting myself out there intentionally, and living into who I know I am, something I have known ever since I was a little kid. Thank you Lon. Thank you for your energy, your compassion, your guts, and your time. If you are on the fence about calling this dude, don’t think about it any more. This dude is in your corner.
Jan 18, 2023
Stuart T.
Thanks, Lon. Your posts and now the #Normal40 thread has really resonated with me. I wan you to know how impactful you starting this has been for me.
Aug 14, 2022
I’ve been listening to Lon’s podcasts and reading his posts for several months but this book really brings his story and mission to life and goes much deeper. I loved learning about Lon’s personal journey and the thoughts he had that so many men approaching the second half of their careers also have. He asks great questions, encouraging guys to take a hard look at what they want and it’s helped me to really look at what I want and how my career fits into that.
Lon’s heart for helping dudes shines through in his writing and any guy that’s been working a few years all the way up to approaching retirement should grab a copy of this book since there’s so many lessons everyone can learn no matter the career stage they’re in.
May 7, 2023
Tony M.
A good friend and mentor informed me about your page and literally everything you've said has resonated with me. Thanks for being the first that says exactly what I'm thinking.
Aug 14, 2022
Lesley Bennett
Director, Strategic Sales @ Drivewyze | Driving Sales Growth, Customer Success
Mar 28, 2024
Executive Coach at HoldFast Ventures

Hi Lon, I’ve been following your posts for years. Your content resonates with me more than any other. I read your book over Christmas this past year and I don’t think there’s a book I’ve read where I’ve highlighted more. Thanks for voice you are in this space. Over the past few years I’ve been searching for the next “it” and your book has led me to a new path and adventure that I start Saturday. This past Tuesday was my last day at a creative marketing job I’ve been at for the past few years and I leave tomorrow morning for Nashville to start a 5-month executive coaching course (there are two in-person intensive weekends). Wanted to extend my deepest thanks to your contribution to my journey. I’m slightly (more than slightly?!) terrified of the new adventure but so excited for what’s in store and wouldn’t be where I am today without you taking your own trade a few years back. Blessings to you and I hope one day in the future we can connect.
Aug 4, 2024
President, Trade-IQ, LLC
My name is Shannon, I do not know my group number, and this is my Normal 40 story. I had already struggled through the complex soup of feelings and inner turmoil that led me to the decision to leave my corporate role by the time I found The Trade. So, when I found Lon, it was a relief to feel understood, and to know that I was not alone. I've been in my independent trade & customs consulting practice for 1.5 years now and it's been good earning a living for myself, using the subject matter expertise that I developed in my corporate career. Being able to put food on my own table has made me braver. I've learned that the consulting thing, wasn't "the thing" but that's okay. I'll be okay. At least now I don't have to wonder if that was the calling. It wasn't, but I can continue to do that to keep the lights on while I explore, and test new things, and figure it out. And when I figure out what "the thing" is that I want to spend the next 2 decades building, I'll have courage to make another trade for that too.
Oct 7, 2024
Timothy Gomolak
Up to Something brewing for many years
Jan 9, 2025
Stephen Andert
Technical Evangelism | Database SME | Solutions Architect/Engineer | Database Specialist | Latin American Market Expansion Specialist, Introverted Public Speaker, Bilingual/Multi-Cultural, Ex-IBM

Feb 12, 2025
Founder of Alicia Schumacher Co & Bold Minds

Sometimes the right mentor shows up at exactly the right moment. That's what happened when I met Lon. During a time when I was navigating the uncertain waters after leaving my corporate job and taking a career pause, our conversation and his book became my compass. What struck me most was his genuine enthusiasm for helping people start before they feel 'ready.' He didn't just talk about it – he lived it. Through one powerful conversation and his insightful book, he reinforced my belief that time is our most precious resource, and showed me how to build a business that honored that truth. His practical wisdom came at exactly the right time, giving me the push I needed to take action. While our interaction was brief, its impact has been lasting. He didn't just share information; he sparked a transformation in how I view my potential and capabilities. For anyone standing at the edge of a big professional leap, Lon provides both the wisdom and the gentle push needed to be up to something and make a bold decision.
Dec 11, 2024

1 Degree Adventures
Hi Lon, I've been following your posts for the past year or so and just wanted to say thank you so much for all that you do to inspire people to choose the road less traveled. I am 43 years old. I am by nature an introvert and enjoy behind-the-scenes, detail-oriented work. It's not surprising that life led me to my current career as an executive assistant at one of the big three global consultant firms. I'm actually well-suited for this role and there are days that I enjoy the work to some extent. I won't get rich at this job but certainly earn more than I need. If I stay, my family and I will be more than taken care of. It is a "safe" job; the perfect role for someone who wants to just coast to retirement. But my heart is not in it. There is still a fire inside my belly. I feel there is still so much more I can offer. I want to look back on my working days and say that it was time well-spent, that I didn't take the easy road, and that I took a big risk to make a real difference in the world. This led me to revisit a dream I started 14 years ago to transition from Corporate America to public service, particularly law enforcement. For various reasons, I never fully pursued it, and if I'm honest, I think the timing wasn't ideal when I first got the interest. But as more of the barriers preventing me from making this career change started to come down (paying off debts, kids getting older, wife returning to work, etc.), all that was left was a choice: will I give up safety, comfort, and financial security to truly try something worthwhile, or will I risk retiring as a safe but unfulfilled and potentially bitter old man full of regrets, always wondering "what if"? Last year I decided to start taking small but concrete steps to pursue law enforcement. A man of faith, I prayed that as long as the next door opened, that I would have the courage to walk through it. I halfway expected a door to close at some point, but to my surprise, they never did. I got the call a couple of weeks ago that I have been accepted as a cadet by my local police department and will begin this new career at the end of January. This all feels so crazy. Some days I'm excited by the idea, and other days I'm questioning what the heck I am doing. I am about to start the academy with folks twice my size and half my age! My body has definitely felt the pain in my training this past year. I feel that I am too old to be yelled out in a boot camp environment. I am slashing my salary in half to pursue this... who does that?! What kind of sense does that make? I am taking a huge risk and there are absolutely no guarantees that this is going to work out in the end. And yet... I have a strange peace. I know that if I fail the academy, or if this line of work doesn't end up being what I thought it would be, I can always go back to Corporate America. One of the partners I support even said they would walk on glass to get me back! But I am excited (and scared) for this next chapter and no matter what happens from here on out - even if I fail miserably - I now have the burden of "what if" lifted off of my shoulders. I think this strength was inside me all along, but I am so very thankful for you and others who helped call it out, encourage me, and give language to the feelings I was experiencing internally. In closing, I used to suffer from a recurring nightmare. It was never the same exact scenario, but always the same plot: I was trying to get somewhere but never reached my destination as the craziest situations would always prevent me from getting me to where I needed to go. Once I decided to "make the trade", the nightmares stopped. Thank you for everything, truly. Daniel
Jul 11, 2024
Owner/Operator - Guiding Light Fishing Charters

This is a note of thanks to Lon, Kelly, and the rest of the Normal 40 Insider group. It's been great meeting all of you and your contributions to my second half story are much appreciated. If you're contemplating a change, I recommend you join the group, if even for a little while, and make these connections. A little over a year ago, I made The Trade. I left a 25 year career in sales and marketing in the healthcare field to become a fishing guide. Now I am helping families make lifelong memories while they are on vacation. Building bonds, spending time together in God's natural creation. It feels great. When I first found Lon on LinkedIn, I was contemplating a change. Like most people in the group, I knew that I was ready for something different but really had no clue what the next step should be. All the usual questions came to mind. Can I really do this? How will I pay the bills? Do I really want to throw away all that I've worked for to this point? Lon's posts hit an already exposed nerve and seemed to speak to me. We rambled. I went through his 14 questions (highly recommend this to get started). I read his book and listened to the podcast. I joined the Insider group. I met with others from the group individually. All great people, willing to help, and share resources. After much angst and contemplation, I realized (as Lon put in his book) "my work here is done". The career I had, the companies I worked for, the people I worked with, and the things we accomplished were all top notch. Selling diagnostic products to assist in the treatment of cancer was important work. And it provided well for my family. It was just time for a new adventure. The last year has been an adventure. The transition allowed me to first take some time to reconnect with friends and distant family. It has given me time with my sons that I never would have had if I was working. Took some trips. Saw new things. Spent quality time with loved ones. All while pursuing the necessary certifications for the next chapter. Guiding Light Fishing Charters is now a reality and is off to a strong start. There will be bumps in the road, but it will be worth it. When I'm done with a charter, and I'm driving home, I am hot, tired, sweaty, dirty, hungry, thirsty, and a little dehydrated. But I'm also very happy. It is an honor to be part of these families' experiences. The bottom line is this. Normal 40 can't tell you who you are, what you'd like to be, or exactly how to make The Trade. But it can give you the tools to start discovering the path and provide guidance along the way. If you're contemplating a significant career change, you owe it to yourself to spend some time with Lon, Kelly, and the Insider Group to figure out what is right for you. Don't wait for perfection. Just do something. Take the next step and see where it leads. It can be done.
Jul 16, 2024
Marla Dziedzic
Hi Lon, I just finished your book and wanted to send you a handwritten thank you but I know you just moved. So email will have to suffice. Thank you so much for your courage, honesty, and vulnerability to share your story and tips in your book. I am getting ready to make a big trade and it truly solidified my decision. I also want to thank you for the 14 questions resource. My husband, Dean, and I have had some great conversations as we reflect on these questions. Thanks also to Grace. She is so brave to share her story. I have struggled with anxiety for a long time but I finally am at peace and have tools that have helped me. It's incredible that she wants to share her experience to help others. Kind regards, Marla Dziedzic
Jul 11, 2024
David Brenner
Healthcare Executive
Sep 21, 2023
Director of Lottery Operations and Security, State of South Dakota
I’m Trevor, Normal40 Group #1797, and this is my Normal 40 story. In April 2022, at age 50, I retired from a 23-year federal law enforcement career. It was something I thought about for some time but I was not sure it was the smart thing to do. But as I got closer to my eligibility date, it just seemed like something I needed to do even though I wasn’t sure what I was going to do next.Almost immediately after retiring, I came across Lon’s messages on LinkedIn and felt he was talking directly to me. I sent him a message letting him know how much I appreciated his vulnerability and messages. I have since kinda hidden in the background a little over the past few months allowing time to soak his messages and understand my feelings. It’s been about eight months now since leaving my career, and during that time, I worked at Sutton Bay Resort, where I farmed and maintained food plots throughout the summer and guided hunters this fall.
Time in the tractor gave me time to reflect on the past and dream about the future. My goal was to focus on the future. It gave me the time and space to decompress and think about where I wanted to be. I like staying busy, being relied on, and being needed; therefore, I went back to searching for more of a long-term position.
I recently started a new position as a Director of a State agency with a role completely different from my prior career. So there are new and exciting challenges to look forward to. I feel energized and excited about where I am at, and I look forward to the months and years to come.
Lon’s coaching helped me change my mindset about work, position responsibilities, pressures from bosses, etc. I plan to be more intentional and focused on what I want and what’s good for me and my family, not the job.
Work is important, but I don’t want it to control me as it did before. Having a positive and healthy mindset about work and what I want will help me be a better husband, dad, and friend. I’m moving forward, dude.
Lon, #normal40, and the others sharing their messages helped me understand I wasn’t the only one looking for a change. I’m glad I stepped outside my comfort zone.
Thank you, Lon!
I am one of the one thousand dudes you have inspired!
Dec 20, 2022
Executive Coach, HoldFast Ventrures
Hi Lon, I’ve been following your posts for years now; your content resonates with me more than any other. I read your “The Trade” over Christmas this past year and I don’t think there’s a book I’ve read where I’ve highlighted more. Thanks for voice you are in this space. Over the past few years I’ve been searching for the next “it” and your book has led me to a new path and adventure that I start Saturday. This past Tuesday was my last day at a creative marketing job I’ve been at for the past few years and I leave tomorrow morning for Nashville to start a 5-month executive coaching course (there are two in-person intensive weekends). Wanted to extend my deepest thanks to your contribution to my journey. I’m slightly (more than slightly?!) terrified of the new adventure but so excited for what’s in store and wouldn’t be where I am today without you taking your own trade a few years back. Blessings to you and I hope one day in the future we can connect.
Aug 4, 2024
Ben Blateyron
Hi Lon, I trust you’re doing well. I wanted to thank you for triggering a thought process about what I want to do moving forward and what is/isn’t acceptable in my job. The best learning from your content was to not compromise on values that I cherish and hold dear. I saw a side of the corporate world that could have led me to compromise on certain values for the sake of a title and else. The decision was easy to do eventually, and I decided to leave for a family-owned business that ultimately encapsulates everything I want to be part of! But to me it’s only the beginning of a new journey to accomplish something bigger and inspire the next generation in our industry! Count me in the 1,000 people that you’ve inspired, I’m forever thankful to have read The Trade that a common friend recommended! Regards from France 🇫🇷 all the best
Sep 26, 2024
JM Search
I found Lon and Normal 40 early, not sure what number but joined the group in March 2022. I'm past my 40s, actually in my late 50's. I was a late start in my current career path so I feel I'm at a similar stage as those in N40. When I first met Lon and started reading his posts, like a lot of us, felt he was speaking direclty to me. He's raising great questions we should be asking ourselves as we all look to make our lives more fulfilling and impactful. I've had the opportunity to have a one-on-one with Lon as well. He asks great questions, definitely has a servants heart and really cares about others. I look forward to being a N40 member for years to come.
Nov 23, 2022
Scott Post, Normal40 Group #587. I have been thinking and planning on making #thetrade for several years. Although I was taking some action, I wasn't moving as fast as my heart wanted me to be. When I first started following Lon, I thought this guy gets what I'm feeling. I was letting fear hold me back and take the front seat, instead of my dreams and aspirations taking the lead role. Rambling with Lon helped me name and organize my feelings, and gave me some tangible things I could work on. I've now made #thetrade, and I am so glad I did. Thank you, Lon, for inspiring me along the way; count me in the 1000 dudes!
Apr 3, 2023

Principal at Collaborative Compass, LLC