Venkata Villuri

This is the most exceptional PM Interview course material I have ever encountered. It is meaningful, effective, and entirely in line with industry standards.

As a seasoned PM, I struggled to articulate my entire experience in a structured and well-defined manner during short-time boxed interviews. However, this course has been a game-changer for me.

I would like to take this opportunity to express my heartfelt gratitude to Diego for generously sharing his invaluable experience. His insights are a treasure for aspiring and experienced PMs, and I sincerely appreciate his contribution to our PM community.

I highly recommend this course to all PMs, not just for interview preparation, as it provides invaluable insights into Product Management.

S Shankar

Just wanted to shoutout for Diego Granados for his support in getting me through every step of the interview and finally landing my PM offer!

His feedback and frameworks made the difference in my interviews.

His feedback and frameworks made the difference in my interviews. Thank you again:pray:

Spencer Belsky

I've tried just about every PM interview course there is. None of them are as good as Diego's.

By using Diego's PM OS, I was able to land offers at Meta, Microsoft and JP Morgan in the most competitive recruiting cycle (maybe ever) for new grads in tech.

I highly reccomend this course. You HAVE to do the work, but this course gives you the tools to be successful.

Thanks Diego for this amazing course!! I did it while preparing for a long PM interview process with a well-known tech startup to work on a product with hundreds of millions of monthly active users throughout the world, and I got the job! Can't be happier that I found this course!! I'd absolutely recommend it and will definitely review these materials again during future interview processes, since these frameworks and tips are super helpful at all seniority levels.

Just got extended an IC6 offer at Meta. Diego, I really appreciate the teachings and videos you create. They helped me create a well rounded framework that worked wonders for me. Thank you!


I just landed a Sr. PM Offer! Many thanks to Diego for this course which gave me the structure I needed to prep for my interviews. 

Even with 8+ years of product experience, I've never been a strong interviewer and my job search took ~5 months ( ~175 applications, interviewed with 17 companies). Everything got much easier with time, practice, and structuring my prep with this course

Ignacio Lopez
Sr. Product Manager @ Kaseya | 2X Failed Founder | ex-JPMorgan
Taking your PM course helped me to land a PM role.
I had applied for over 200 jobs over 6 months and finally got my CV to the level that I could reliably land interviews. I actually have pretty good experience from being a startup founder, but I could never make it past the hiring manager interview. After doing your course, I went from my interviewers clearly not satisfied with my answers to them being just blown away. I started hearing comments like "Wow, you are such a strong candidate. You really want to work for us?" I landed my exact dream job handily and start working there in a couple of months. I think the most crucial part was the insight about the Amazon leadership principles plus the framework for organizing the stories. I sometimes would use 3-4 of my stories in the interview and could see the interviewers getting excited while I was talking. Great feeling. Great validation. Thanks so much.
I purchased Diego's Product Interview OS course four days before my interview, and I learned a lot from the course. It helped me to prepare for the PM interviews in a systematic way for both behavioral and technical questions. The most I benefit from is the frameworks that Diego has shared with us in the course for answering different type of questions of product management for. I have done a lot of PM work but never realized there are frameworks I can follow to answer the questions in the interviews and to apply to my daily PM work. Also the 1:1 sessions with Diego were very helpful too, he coached me and provided great advice. I will definitely recommend him for this course! Thank you Diego! Viv
Manveer Chaihal
I recently landed a role with Meta as a Rotational Product Manager and Diego's courses really helped me with the interviews. My PM experience is very limited (1-2 years) and with Diego's course I was able to learn how to properly answer product sense/design, analytical, and behavioral questions. One thing that I appreciated about the course was how in detail Diego goes, he'll list the framework/best approaches and gives an examples and then dissects the answer given. The courses also had a handful of mock interviews as well. I would recommend this course to anyone who is new to PM, who wants to refresh their interviewing skills, and those interested in learning more.
This course is by far the best I have ever encountered for Product Management on the internet. This course surely is value for money
Fabi Tamez

Got an interview with Instacart following your framework for execution questions! The product manager said to me at the end that "your responses are amazing you did very well" !

Thank you Diego!!!!

Eamonn A

Just got extended an IC6 offer at Meta. Diego I really appreciate the teachings and videos you create. They helped me create a well rounded framework that worked wonders for me. Thank you!

Melanie Varghese

I joined Google as a Technical Product Manager intern this summer. Thanks a ton to Diego for providing me with this wonderful course. I wish all the very best to everyone here.

Mariana Tinoco Rivera

I'm joining Gannett as a Product Manager. This course has been key to guide me in my interviews to become a PM, thanks to Diego! I'm really excited about this next phase of my career.

Shubh Trivedi

I’m joining Atlassian as part of their APM program. This course has been paramount throughout my interview process and has allowed me to demonstrate my abilities in my interviews eloquently and with poise. Thank you so much Diego and I wish everyone the very best in their interview journeys!!

Abigayle Peterson

I got an offer at an AI startup as a Product Manager intern. I was referred by the CPO, but I still needed to go through the rigorous interviews.

Between general anxiety I've been suffering from and exams, I managed to make it through a 5 round interview loop! I want to shoutout Diego's course, this is the first time I've used a course that actually has worked and truly made me feel confident during the interviews. Thank you so much again Diego! 😭 😭 😭 🎉 🎉 🎉

Niriksha Dalal

Hi everyone! I am excited to share with this group that I landed a new role as a Product Owner at Hexagon Manufacturing Intelligence. I got this job after getting laid off and I hope this message spreads positivity and hope around the community! I am happy to talk about interviews, product management, or anything in general. Thank you Diego for your content. The videos were very helpful and helped me land my job in product management.

Amar Kumar

Hi all, Happy to share that I cracked Senior PM role at Array Networks. Thank you Diego for this amazing course and for the amazing learning.

Santiago García Nieto

Thank you Diego for helping me with the CV and also the course content. Recently, I accepted an offer for product operations manager in Brainly. Despite not being the same kind of process, the STAR method and part of the rest content help me to prepare the interviews and cases and gain confidence and experience along the way.

Viram Shah

I have been able to land a job of Associate Product Manager at a company called MediaMath. It is an AdTech start up based in NewYork. Thank you Diego for all your help and the amazing course that you are creating and improving daily 😄

Tugce Kasikci

I am starting at Capital One as a senior manager of product management on Monday!

Diego, I can never ever thank you enough for believing in me even when I don’t believe in myself. All the course materials and all tips and tricks work!!!

Namrata Singh
Product @ Salesforce
I have used this framework for most of my interviews! Definitely is a good way to provide structure to the answer. Thanks Diego Granados for all that you do to help the community 💜
Jayasri Jonnalagadda
Your course is super useful Diego Granados ! Every topic is clear, concise and simple to understand!
Arbaz SurtiView
Product Manager
Your STEP framework has become legendary by now, Diego! It's like a GPS for navigating Product Sense interview answers. It provides a logical, end-to end flow that emulates closely what a PM should strive for even in the real world. I've found tons of value using this.
Juan Gonzalez

Diego's frameworks have been incredibly effective in my most recent interviews. I've now moved on to a few additional rounds after exercising and putting into practice his approach to both Product Sense and Execution. I plan on continuing to apply his lessons in other areas like Product Strategy and Leadership principles as part of my continuing interviews. Thank you again Diego!

Overall the course is amazing. It really helped me prepare. Not sure where I would be without it

Hi everyone! after months of pouring over PM Diego's course. I am happy to say I signed and offer for a product owner role . Thanks a ton to PM Diego for providing me with this wonderful course. Believe me, I paid an “expert” 3 times the cost of the course and they did not get me the result this course did combined with PM Diego's rocking your resume course. I wish all the very best to everyone here.

Melanie Varghese

Hi everyone! I joined Google as a Technical Product Manager intern this summer. Thanks a ton to PM Diego, for providing me with this wonderful course.

Mariana Tinoco

Hey everyone! I'm joining Gannett as a Product Manager. This course has been key to guide me in my interviews to become a PM, thanks to PM Diego! I'm really excited about this next phase of my career.


Hey everyone! I’m joining Atlassian as part of their APM program. This course has been paramount throughout my interview process and has allowed me to demonstrate my abilities in my interviews eloquently and with poise.

Guillermo V
I recently had the opportunity to attend Diego's product interview OS training and it was an amazing experience. I felt the course was well-structured, covering key and critical aspects of product management in a simple (yet complext) comprehensive manner. He knows what hes doing, i believe Diego is highly knowledgeable, seasoned and experienced, and was able to communicate complex concepts in simple terms. Overall, I would highly recommend Diego's training to anyone looking to enhance their skills and knowledge in Product. I sincereley believe that the quality of the training was top-notch, and I came away feeling much more confident and equipped to tackle the "always changing" challenges of the product management world. Muchas gracias desde Costa Rica Guillermo V
Prince Jose
Super course
The course has helped me structure my thoughts and I feel more confident answering any product question. Best thing about the course is Diego has covered the framework in depth with very relevant examples. The mock interviews with Industry PMs is also helping me approach the real interviews better. Would highly recommend this course to all PMs or PM aspirants.
The Product Interview Operating System course is quite comprehensive and invaluable. Diego has done an excellent job putting the content together, and I have learned a lot from this Product Management course. It is also the best I have seen.
I follow Diego content a year ago, his free content helped me a lot to improve my knowledge about product management; his tips are pure gold, so I didn't doubt to get in his PM interview course, I appreciate his humble to share all his experience to us.
I recently completed the The Product Interview OS and I have been extremely satisfied with the results. Diego structured this course in a very systematic and pragmatic approach. It is very clear and understandable. One of the best things about this course is the focus on preparing for product management interviews. The course provides a comprehensive overview of the types of questions that are commonly asked in product management interviews and provides practical tips on how to approach and answer these questions. It is more about the approach and understanding rather than a memorization. Overall, I highly recommend The Product Interview OS for anyone looking to break into the product management field. The course is well-structured, engaging, and provides valuable insights that can be immediately applied in the job search process.
The course is helping me to prepare upfront, structure my thoughts, know what it’s important to highlight so i can be prepared no matter the question. I find the course helpful and practical preparation for any interview would you want to participate in.
The course is well structured and mostly importantly explains the thought process behind each kind of questions that helps to understand the concepts easily. The frameworks have a logical explanation and doesn't seem to be a force fit just for the questions. It is really a helpful resource for someone trying break into product career
Insightful videos and content. It is well-organized and contains helpful summarized PDFs. Fantastic value.
Diego has a lot of free videos on YouTube about the Product Manager role. But for the "complete" experience served to you in an organized and convenient package, this course is the way to go.
I reviewed many courses such as tryexponent, rocket blocks etc. This course stood out because of following reasons - you will learn the framework which allows you to arrive at your own unique responses to interview questions. You will approach problem in structured way. Moreover, it's value for money. Go for it !!
Pawan kumar Gadiya
I highly recommend PM interview operating system. All the frameworks are well defined and one can save hours and hours of effort. I follow Diego on linkedin and I can see all the posts are million dollar. I highly recommend this PM interview operating system course. THanks Diego for such an amazing course.
Hend Azzerayer
I am transitioning to Product and I find this course VERY helpful in preparing for interviews! Diego lays out wonderful frameworks and examples for interview prep. The material is organized, easily understandable, and designed for you to succeed! If you have any questions, you have access to the Slack community where you are supported by not just Diego himself, but also everyone on the same journey. This course is well worth it. Diego is one of the best, most genuine mentors out there and has a record for supporting people in their journey to Product!
Subhrajit Chakraborty
The course proved really helpful in planning and preparation of my product interviews.
Aaditya Sankar
The Product Interview OS is one of the most detailed courses I have seen for cracking PM interviews. It's starts with answering the basic introduction questions and goes in detail on how to crack complicated design and strategy questions. This program is definitely worth your investment.
Matthew Bade
Product Interview Operating System is fanatic course! I have gained confidence in my job interviews and the resources are very thoughtful.
Ernest Ankrah
As someone who was trying to break into Product Management from a business administration background, thus course helped me understand what recruiters are looking out for during interviews and how to give them what they want. The frameworks and concepts are well explained for easy understanding. I aced majority of my interviews and landed a role after 4 months of trying to transition in Product Management. Thank you Diego!
Diego breaks down the approach to answering product design and execution questions extremely well. Even if you don't know what the product is, or how it works, the base framework shared by Diego enables you to tackle virtually any question presented to you. The mock interviews were not super helpful, but Diego's examples where he "interviews" himself were of much higher quality. This course has excellent content and an unbeatable price. You get much more bang for your buck when compared to others out there, such as Product Exponent.
Shikha Sharma
I’ve been doing the course for a while now. It’s making the concepts pretty clear. I’m an entry level product manager applying for senior roles. This course has been quite helpful for me.
Bramhaiah Reddy
I had gone through many materials for preparing PM interviews but was never confident enough until I went through Diego's course. While every one knows types of PM questions and what to answer but this course has mastered the way how to present the answers to really create a differentiation. I see the impact through my several mock interview feedbacks and the credit goes to this interview course. I would definitely recommend Aspiring or current PMs to take the value of this course
Nitish Malpotra
I purchased the course couple of days ago as I am preparing to move to PM roles. Having gone through parts of the course, it's proving to be immensely valuable. I particularly liked the estimation framework and how clearly and quickly Diego explained concepts. Moreover, FAANG sample interviews are a great addition.
The course was actually a really good surprise! I was overwhelmed about applying to new jobs after being too long working for the same company, not knowing what to expect and how to answer common questions and this course gave me a simple and structured method to answer those questions. I feel much more confident now.
Kumar Gaurav
The masterpiece crafted by Mr Diego has helped me not only to prepare for interviews but also in my day to day PM practice. The course is by far the most structured course to crack any PM interview. The frameworks given in the course helps me not to sound robot during interviews. Other than course which I really loved the most is the community, you'll get a chance to join the slack channel wherein all the members would help you in many forms. Even Diego will personally reply most of the times. Icing in the cake is that you can ask for mock interview from the community. Definitely 5/5 for the course. You don't need any other courses if you have this.
After looking at many options, I picked Diego’s course as it focused on teaching you the framework instead of just the mock interviews with established PMs. This course is helping me frame my answers in a systematic way.
Diego’s Class is amazing. So much great content that really helped me with my interview prep. The frameworks are simple to remember and really assist in tying real world application and interviewing together.
Saif Khan
The course is a one stop destination for nailing product manager interviews - seeing all these books, blog posts, videos etc online made me a little anxious if I will be able to cover all the concepts and frameworks etc. but Diego's course has all the essentials in small digestible nugget videos. Plus the slack community is always there to help which is an added bonus. I am using the STARL and STEP frameworks extensively to prepare for my interviews.
This course is much more straight forward and to the point compared to another course I also have access to. I use this course before all of my product interviews and it's really helped me think through how to best answer questions!
This is the best product management course I have ever had! It’s helping me a lot in all my interviews as it provides clear frameworks and strategies I can effortlessly utilize every time! The best thing about this course is how Diego made complex topics look so easy! After this course I feel more confident to tackle every interview. Thanks Diego!
Shubham Lagad
I have taken multiple PM courses to learn more about the roles and responsisbilites but I was struggling to express myself and my train of thoughts in clear and concise manner which led to rejections. This course helped me form a framework to answer in best possible way in the limited time I had during interviews. Best part of this course lies in practical explanation using examples which helps to vizualize the framework. Great course! Highly recommened to anyone who has their PM interview soon! Good luck.
Mohil Agrawal
Very helpful course. Caters different mock interviews, how to prepare for behavioral aspect, product sense, and product thinking perfectly
Mayur Jagadeesh
Even though I'm not new to Product Management, I thought that there were few areas which I considered as my relatively weaker points and wanted to improve on that. After going through reviews of thus course, I decided to try this and bought this course. I vouch that this has really helped me address my weak areas as the concepts and how to put it to use has been explained very well. I feel its value for money and will definitely recommend this course to people who are looking to ace the PM interviews
David Masoperh
The course has been very helpful in providing me with insight from an insiders perspective on the best way to win at PM interviews !!. The best thing for me have been the practical examples that are littered across the different lessons . I am extremely happy to have come across this resource !.
I am super excited to write a review for this Product Interview OS Course by Diego. First things first: Diego is an absolute "ROCKSTAR". He simplifies PM concepts into small, consumable, easy to understand chunks of knowledge, there is no boring, 1 hour long content! I like how he has drilled down the concepts and transmits it into an easy to understand way. For a beginner/aspiring PM, this course is heaven-sent because instead of having to spend 2-3 weeks reading various books on PM, Diego gives the know-how in a convenient and easy manner! He just does not take a "Because I told you so, you do it" approach, instead Diego, takes the time to explain the "why" behind everything with personal examples, which is super cool and I deeply appreciate it! Highly recommend this course to anyone who wants to break into the PM field.
Sam here. So I have paid some pretty penny for to be a product manager over all. And some of those course were not comprehensive as Diego course right here. If you want to be a PRODUCT MANAGER, going through the interview phase and sure of it. This training is worth your time and effort.
Ian K. McDonald
Product Manager @ Exchange Online
Diego Granados's content was my #1 resource for helping me land my PM role at MSFT last year. Highly recommend his resources 😄
Esther A.
|Product Manager | Fintech | product Owner| Ham Radio operator| Linux System Administrator| Web 3| Crowdfunding| iMBA
Diego Granados I checked out your product operating system course and I wanted to commend your work. You’re an excellent teacher with vast understanding of how product management works!👏👏👏
This course is really helpful for individual who are planning to switch to Product Management. This course helped me to go through mock interviews and also helped me to become a aprt of the product Community.
Josh Haftel
Product @ LinkedIn, I nerd out about product, leadership, and helping people get into both!
Diego Granados is the the GOAT guide for breaking into PM
Anthony Manga
I have worked with many PM in the past, but Diego really stood out to me because he's very knowledgeable about the industry, easy to talk to, and genuinely cares about your success. Thank you for all your help!
Adria Chiang
The thing I like this course the most is the examples Diego offered after he explained the concept or frameworks, which really helps me to come up with my own unique answers that I can respond to if being asked in an actual interview.
Snigdha Jha
I am thankful to this course for helping me become more prepared for the interviews and helping me feel more confident in my strategic thinking as a product manager. This essentially gave me confidence to negotiate compensation and go for a company who offered me best growth as opposed to the next available opportunity! It is extremely comprehensive and at the same time very digestible. Best thing about this course is the slack community and Diego for being extremely responsive and thoughtful of everybody's time.
Venkata Villuri

This is the most exceptional PM Interview course material I have ever encountered. It is meaningful, effective, and entirely in line with industry standards.

As a seasoned PM, I struggled to articulate my entire experience in a structured and well-defined manner during short-time boxed interviews. However, this course has been a game-changer for me.

I would like to take this opportunity to express my heartfelt gratitude to Diego for generously sharing his invaluable experience. His insights are a treasure for aspiring and experienced PMs, and I sincerely appreciate his contribution to our PM community.

I highly recommend this course to all PMs, not just for interview preparation, as it provides invaluable insights into Product Management.

S Shankar

Just wanted to shoutout for Diego Granados for his support in getting me through every step of the interview and finally landing my PM offer!

His feedback and frameworks made the difference in my interviews.

His feedback and frameworks made the difference in my interviews. Thank you again:pray:

Spencer Belsky

I've tried just about every PM interview course there is. None of them are as good as Diego's.

By using Diego's PM OS, I was able to land offers at Meta, Microsoft and JP Morgan in the most competitive recruiting cycle (maybe ever) for new grads in tech.

I highly reccomend this course. You HAVE to do the work, but this course gives you the tools to be successful.

Thanks Diego for this amazing course!! I did it while preparing for a long PM interview process with a well-known tech startup to work on a product with hundreds of millions of monthly active users throughout the world, and I got the job! Can't be happier that I found this course!! I'd absolutely recommend it and will definitely review these materials again during future interview processes, since these frameworks and tips are super helpful at all seniority levels.

Just got extended an IC6 offer at Meta. Diego, I really appreciate the teachings and videos you create. They helped me create a well rounded framework that worked wonders for me. Thank you!


I just landed a Sr. PM Offer! Many thanks to Diego for this course which gave me the structure I needed to prep for my interviews. 

Even with 8+ years of product experience, I've never been a strong interviewer and my job search took ~5 months ( ~175 applications, interviewed with 17 companies). Everything got much easier with time, practice, and structuring my prep with this course

Ignacio Lopez
Sr. Product Manager @ Kaseya | 2X Failed Founder | ex-JPMorgan
Taking your PM course helped me to land a PM role.
I had applied for over 200 jobs over 6 months and finally got my CV to the level that I could reliably land interviews. I actually have pretty good experience from being a startup founder, but I could never make it past the hiring manager interview. After doing your course, I went from my interviewers clearly not satisfied with my answers to them being just blown away. I started hearing comments like "Wow, you are such a strong candidate. You really want to work for us?" I landed my exact dream job handily and start working there in a couple of months. I think the most crucial part was the insight about the Amazon leadership principles plus the framework for organizing the stories. I sometimes would use 3-4 of my stories in the interview and could see the interviewers getting excited while I was talking. Great feeling. Great validation. Thanks so much.
I purchased Diego's Product Interview OS course four days before my interview, and I learned a lot from the course. It helped me to prepare for the PM interviews in a systematic way for both behavioral and technical questions. The most I benefit from is the frameworks that Diego has shared with us in the course for answering different type of questions of product management for. I have done a lot of PM work but never realized there are frameworks I can follow to answer the questions in the interviews and to apply to my daily PM work. Also the 1:1 sessions with Diego were very helpful too, he coached me and provided great advice. I will definitely recommend him for this course! Thank you Diego! Viv
Manveer Chaihal
I recently landed a role with Meta as a Rotational Product Manager and Diego's courses really helped me with the interviews. My PM experience is very limited (1-2 years) and with Diego's course I was able to learn how to properly answer product sense/design, analytical, and behavioral questions. One thing that I appreciated about the course was how in detail Diego goes, he'll list the framework/best approaches and gives an examples and then dissects the answer given. The courses also had a handful of mock interviews as well. I would recommend this course to anyone who is new to PM, who wants to refresh their interviewing skills, and those interested in learning more.
This course is by far the best I have ever encountered for Product Management on the internet. This course surely is value for money