Ace Walker
""You're going to thank yourself for coming.""

Colton Mewbourne
""If you don't follow the thing you're meant to do, the thing you're meant to do will destroy you. This alone is my breakthrough, and it's something that's been eating at me, not following what I've been meant to do.""
"My future self thanks me!"
"Nothing was ever wrong with me..."

Lauren Gallagher
"We use these concepts at home with the kids!"

Nia Leek
"Seeing how the body can be on one accord and the mind be on another in real time, physiologically, visibly, that was super intense!"
"If you're looking for tools to get you out of your stuck situations, limiting beliefs, etc then the Condor Approach is for you."

Marian Dover RN
"The price of the new is the old.."

Marina Fowler
"It realized, things that I'm not facing emotionally are coming out physically..."
"I come from the fitness industry..."
"This way the program is structured has really flipped the script on how I engage with my work, my family and my life."

Nina Curtis
" I haven't seen anyone do what Kole and Tah are doing."

Nina Curtis
" If you keep digging with no intention or purpose, you're just going to have a big hole..."
"My biggest takeaway is that instead of me focusing on the offer, I want to focus on my intentions behind my message."

Qalani Benjamin
"Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!"

Sam Morton
"I can't, thank Tah and Kole enough because they're such master facilitators"

Ariel Campbell
""I wrote down so many Kole quotes. And one of the biggest ones for me is that...we are not trying to sell people. We are trying to inspire people. I'm not trying to sell people into my program or sell people into my experience with me. It's about how can I inspire another human?""

Comfort Prescott
""I just had a big breakthrough for myself. When Kole said, we just made this shit up one day...""

Daysmel Muniz
""Why am I playing scared? I'm done with that narrative. I'm done with playing small. I'm here for the expansion, the transformation. And this Condor Approach has shifted me in some real big ways.""

Donte Hall
""I'm leaving confident. I'm excited to come back. I'm excited to go out into the world and be a Condor and apply these principles. to spread this message, to be a part of something bigger than myself, to be a part of a movement. Ah, man, this was more than just a training. This was meeting family, meeting soul family, meeting soul tribe.""

""What's been on my heart and in my mind is that this work is so utterly powerful and amazing and also, I want to help share this.""

Alisia Antonette Moore
""Are you ashamed to take an opportunity that God has for you?""

Alyssa Ackerman
""This is really huge for my personal life and my work with clients.""

David Avedon
"This community alongside the concepts has broadened my understanding of humanity more on"

Shaka Judah
"I really wanted to find a way to explain what The Condor Approach means to me because I want other people to be able to experience it"

Lauren Mazukiewicz
Retreat Leader
"I wanted to be seen, and to be loved, and I wasn't..."
"I went from running 2-3 retreats a year to 10..."

"It's nice to feel like I'm not alone.."
"How do you feel being seen?"
"The cost Of the old is the new..."

Kara Yeates
"Im writing a new story!"
" I did the cold plunge at the event..."
"We are often told to look outside of ourselves for anwers..."

Alyssa Ackerman
""I realize there's so much more opportunity for me to help create more safety and support all of us in giving us tools to regulate, know when we're not regulated.""

Anwar El
"" I am Anwar El, a Vietnam era veteran from a military family, deeply rooted in service. I'm not here to preach. I'm here because I walked the same challenging path many of you have.""

Corey James Gray
""People need to get this work...And yeah, Wu Tang is for the children.""

Donte Hall
""On day two, I got what I was looking to leave with""

Dr Amsu El
""Things happen in their own time and as long as I'm conscious and aware and in a safe space, I'm able to navigate more efficiently.""

Ace Walker
""You just gotta do it.""