Love this website. We need more of this. twitter.com/wenquai/status/1734972982202597537
Dec 14, 2023
@wenquai Prompted me to start learning something new last night. This is when a product really solves a need.
Dec 14, 2023
@wenquai @wenquai great project your wanderer.space 👏👏👏 . Congrats! I highly recommend it to anyone for reviewing their career or who is looking for new paths.
Jan 22, 2024
一款应用软件,它将你在 LinkedIn 上的个人资料和兴趣爱好纳入其中,向你展示未来可能的生活轨迹地图 🗺️ 这个演示由@wenquai发布
Jan 5, 2024
Very cool. Verse-jumping but for careers. Wonder where I'll end up next. twitter.com/wenquai/status/1727368975720546336
Jan 2, 2024
💫 New year, new life goals? Want to explore other life paths ahead of you? Discovered a 😎 tool that proposes alternatives based on interests & priorities. My results range from becoming an art gallery owner to a VC 🤣 🙃 Intriguing! wanderer.space @wenquai
Jan 2, 2024
What a perfect app to explore setting goals for the new year. The AI is super intuitive describing why career paths would be fulfilling for you twitter.com/wenquai/status/1734972982202597537
Dec 30, 2023
@wenquai What can I say but “jeeeeeeeez”
Dec 14, 2023
Such an impressive, fun tool! Shoutout, @wenquai 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 twitter.com/wenquai/status/1734972982202597537
Dec 14, 2023
@wenquai your app is awesome and could help many people
Dec 14, 2023
@wenquai This is amazing.
Dec 13, 2023
@wenquai Anyway great product bro, I've tried and I really love it🤩🤩🤩
Dec 13, 2023
Love this website. We need more of this. twitter.com/wenquai/status/1734972982202597537
Dec 14, 2023
@wenquai Prompted me to start learning something new last night. This is when a product really solves a need.
Dec 14, 2023
@wenquai @wenquai great project your wanderer.space 👏👏👏 . Congrats! I highly recommend it to anyone for reviewing their career or who is looking for new paths.
Jan 22, 2024
一款应用软件,它将你在 LinkedIn 上的个人资料和兴趣爱好纳入其中,向你展示未来可能的生活轨迹地图 🗺️ 这个演示由@wenquai发布
Jan 5, 2024
Very cool. Verse-jumping but for careers. Wonder where I'll end up next. twitter.com/wenquai/status/1727368975720546336
Jan 2, 2024
💫 New year, new life goals? Want to explore other life paths ahead of you? Discovered a 😎 tool that proposes alternatives based on interests & priorities. My results range from becoming an art gallery owner to a VC 🤣 🙃 Intriguing! wanderer.space @wenquai
Jan 2, 2024
What a perfect app to explore setting goals for the new year. The AI is super intuitive describing why career paths would be fulfilling for you twitter.com/wenquai/status/1734972982202597537
Dec 30, 2023
@wenquai What can I say but “jeeeeeeeez”
Dec 14, 2023
Such an impressive, fun tool! Shoutout, @wenquai 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 twitter.com/wenquai/status/1734972982202597537
Dec 14, 2023
@wenquai your app is awesome and could help many people
Dec 14, 2023
@wenquai This is amazing.
Dec 13, 2023
@wenquai Anyway great product bro, I've tried and I really love it🤩🤩🤩
Dec 13, 2023